WWF Wrestlemania 2000 Cheats - GameBoy Color

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Check out these WWF Wrestlemania 2000 cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable WWF Wrestlemania 2000 Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Billy Gunn
vs. Road DoggPJH!
vs. Val VenisPJHT
vs. Jeff JarrettPJKB
vs. Shawn MichaelsPJM6
vs. Big Boss ManPJN9
vs. Ken ShamrockPJRW
vs. The Big ShowPJSS
vs. Shawn MichaelsPJWZ
vs. Triple HPJXC
vs. X-Pac/Ken ShamrockPJZX
vs. Steve AustinPJ18
vs. UndertakerPJ3P
vs. KanePJ59
vs. The RockPJ7N
vs. MankindPJ!C
vs. KanePKBY
vs. The Big ShowPKDY
Steve Austin
vs. Ken ShamrockCSD7
vs. Jeff JarrettCSGQ
vs. Road DoggCSK8
vs. X-PacCSL3
vs. Billy GunnCSP6
vs. Val VenisCSQS
vs. Big BossmanCSTP
vs. Triple HCSX9
vs. Shawn Michaels/Val VenisCS0T
vs. Big ShowC525
vs. KaneCS4L
vs. MankindCS66
vs. The RockCS8K
vs. The UndertakerCS!9
vs. MankindCTCV
vs. Big BossmanCTFV
The Rock
vs. Ken ShamrockFSDM
vs. Jeff JarrettFSH4
vs. Road DoggFSKN
vs. X-PacFSLH
vs. Mr. AssFSPL
vs. Val VenisFSR6
vs. Big BossmanFSS3
vs. X-PacFSW9
vs. Triple HFSXP
vs. Shawn MichaelsFSZ7
vs. Big ShowFS2K
vs. KaneFS30
vs. MankindFS6L
vs. UndertakerFS7Z
vs. Stone ColdFS!P
vs. MankindFTB8
vs. Big BossmanFTD8
vs. Val Venis2BDM
vs. Road Dogg2BH4
vs. Billy Gunn2BLH
vs. Shamrock2BPL
vs. Big Boss Man2BRN
vs. Shawn Michaels2BS3
vs. Billy Gunn2BW9
vs. Kane2B2K
vs. The Big Show2B30
vs. Mankind2B6L
vs. The Rock2B7Z
vs. Austin2B!P
vs. Mankind2CB8
vs. Shawn Michaels2CD8
vs. Unknown!ODW
vs. Unknown!OGC
vs. Unknown!OKX
vs. Unknown!OLR
vs. Unknown!OPV
vs. Unknown!OOF
vs. Unknown!OTB
I.C. title won!OVJ
vs. Unknown!OXY
vs. Unknown!O0G
vs. Unknown!O2T
vs. Unknown!O38
vs. Unknown!O6V
vs. Unknown!O77
vs. Unknown!O!Y
World Title won!RCH
vs. Unknown!RFH
vs. Ken Shamrock4SD!
vs. Jeff Jarrett4SGT
vs. Road Dogg4SJB
vs. X-Pac4SL6
vs. Mr. Ass (Cage)4SP9
vs. Val Venis4SQW
vs. Big Boss Man (I.C. Title)4STS
vs. X-Pac4SVZ
vs. HBK and Val Venis4SOX
vs. Big Show4S28
vs. Mankind4S4P
vs. The rock4S69
vs. The Undertaker4S89
vs. Stone Cold (WWF Title)4S9C
vs. The Rock4TCY
vs. Big Boss Man4TFY

Final passwords
Each of the following passwords will put the indicated wrestler two matches away from the last opponent of the game, Vince McMahon.
Billy Gun: "PKDY
"Steve Austin: "CTFV
"The Rock: "FTD8
"X-Pac: "RCDD

Special move
Press [Select] when the special meter is full.
To unlock secret characters and other bonuses, successfully complete the challenge under the hard difficulty setting using every character. e.g., start with Austin and use everyone in order to Mankind. The following bonuses will be unlocked.
Create-A-Wrestler Mode
Hardcore Match
Casket Match
Royal Rumble
Career Mode-Its just like the one on Attitude
Ladder Match
Title Matches
Edge: Finisher- Spear
Christian: Finisher- Impaler
Gangrel: Finisher- Implant DDT
Cactus Jack: Finisher- Double Arm DDT
Dude Love: Finisher- Love Claw
Test: Finisher- Pump Handle Slam
Jeff Hardy: Finisher- Senton Bomb
Matt Hardy: Finsher- Twist of Fate
Stephanie McMahon
Iron Man Match
Enter the options menu and switch "Play Mode" from "No.Sets" to "Time". Enter a time limit of 3, 5, or 10 minutes. Choose versus mode and choose your WWF Superstar. Next, choose "Normal Ring", and you can have an Iron Man Match.

Easy knockdown
When your opponent is on the ground, stand in front of his head. Then, run at him. When he gets up you automatically will punch him back down. This will help raise your Bio-Rhythm meter, and will also prevent your opponent from doing their finisher while their Bio-Rhythm meter is raised.

The Peoples' Elbow
Select the Rock as your wrestler and get your opponent's health to about half. Then, knock him down near the rope. Run and bounce off the rope, stop at your opponents legs, and press [A]. The Rock will do an Elbow to the legs but it looks like The Peoples' Elbow.

Vince .McMahon's Low Blow Finisher
Back grapple and press [Select]. To back grapple, get your opponent's energy low, then pick them up. Walk behind them, and press "Strong Grapple".

Easy win
Suplex or drop kick our opponent outside of the ring when they are at near full heath. Get on the outside of the ring when they get up. Clothesline them once and dropkick them twice and you will have time to be back in the ring when the count reaches 7 or 8.

When your opponent is on the ground, stand by his head and wait for him to get up. As he gets up, press [B] and you will have him in a weak grapple. Then, do a move as you would in a normal grapple (for example, [Up], [B] for a suplex). Note: Your opponent will punch you if do not move quickly.

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