Driver 2 Cheats - GBA

 All cheats for this game by platform: GameBoy Advance | PlayStation
Check out these Driver 2 cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Change police car color
While you are driving over the sand in Rio with a cop behind you (also on the sand), press [L] + [R] to change his color.

Glitch: Pass through cars
Walk in front of a car. Just as you are walking into the car, press [Up] + [B]. If done correctly, the car will shake and you should pass through it.
Chicago: Safe spot
Select "Driving Games", then "Survival Mode", and "Chicago". The following directions will get you to a safe spot, and you can win the mode by cheating your way to 10:00 minutes. Lose the cops and go straight. Take the second left turn and take that street all the way to the end. Make a right turn. Get onto the right sidewalk and drive straight. Hit the ramp and fly over the river into the docks. If done correctly, the cops following you will die in the river, as they can only jump the ramp if they are right on your tail. Park and wait at the docks until the timer runs out.

Select "Driving Games", then "Survival Mode", and "Chicago". Lose the cops then turn right on the first street. Go to the end of the street and make a left. Keep going across the bridge and turn left onto the docks. Wait ten minutes and you will win.

Rio: Safe spot
Select "Driving Games", then "Survival Mode", and "Rio". Lose the cops and get to Vasquez's mansion. The game will not allow the cops to regenerate there. You can win the game by cheating your way to 10:00 minutes. To get there, lose the cops, go straight to the end, and make a left. Follow the zigzag street until you get to an intersection. Make a left turn then a quick right turn. Take the second road on the right and follow that road to the mansion.

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