Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga Cheats - PlayStation 3

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Check out these Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga Cheats
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Jan. 16, 2008
Dec. 12, 2007
Dec. 08, 2007
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Enter these codes in the cantina at the "codes" menu at the bar:

HHY697 - Unlock Boss Nass
QRN714 - Unlock Captain Tarpals
AAB123 - Unlock Droid Tri-Fighter
CLZ738 - Unlock Jedi grapple move
EVILR2 - Unlock Recolored R2D2
INT729 - Unlock Tie Interceptor
BRJ437 - Unlock Disguise
GIJ989 - Unlock IG-88
ACK646 - Unlock Admiral Ackbar
KPF958 - Unlock Battle Droid Commander
GGF539 - Unlock Boba Fett Boy
DDD748 - Unlock Count Dooku
EUK421 - Unlock Darth Maul
EMP666 - Unlock Emperor
EWK785 - Unlock Ewok
PMN576 - Unlock General Grevious
ZZR636 - Unlock Greedo
GUA850 - Unlock Imperial Guard
HUT845 - Unlock Imperial Shuttle
KLJ897 - Unlock Jango Fett
MUN486 - Unlock Ki Adi Mundi
LUM521 - Unlock Luminara
BEN917 - Unlock Obi-Wan Kenobi ghost
VBJ322 - Unlock Padme
CBR954 - Unlock Sandtrooper
NBN431 - Unlock Stormtrooper
PRX482 - Unlock Taun We
DBH897 - Unlock TIE Fighter
BDC866 - Unlock Vulture Droid
PLL967 - Unlock Watto
584HJF - Unlock Zam Wesell
UUU875 - Unlock Zam's Speeder
Unlock Indiana Jones
Go into the "Bonus" doorway in the Cantina, then go through the door marked "Trailers" and watch the trailer for "Lego Indiana Jones". Then you can then buy him for $50,000.

Unlimited Money
Play Chapter IV, Episode 1. At the start, build the first two control panels, move to the left of the room and pull the lever. Keep pulling the lever to get more and more coins.

Unlock Slave 1
You need to complete all 36 mini-kit collection missions to unlock Slave 1. This is the only thing unlocked in this way.

Unlock Ghost characters
Successfully complete Story mode to unlock the Ghost characters for purchase. Ghosts characters are invincible and are ignored by enemies except when in vehicles.

Unlock New Town
Get 50 Gold Blocks (from finishing minikits, True Jedi, etc.). In the "Bonus" room in the Cantina, build door number 6.

Unlock Bowling
Use The Force to pick up the blue glasses on the floor of the Cantina and stack them up. A bowling ball will appear. You can use Force Throw to send them into the stack of blue glasses to get studs.

Unlock Cutscenes
Collect all the Gold Bricks to unlock an option to watch all the cutscenes at the Cantina.

Easy Studs
There are several ways to get studs by destroying chairs, trash cans, etc. There are two fan covers on the ground outside the cantina that give lots of studs. Inside the cantina there is a location that gives a lot of studs. In "Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi" there is a table in the middle of the room with blue chairs. Use The Force on these chairs several times. Some studs should appear each time this is done.

Use the following trick to get over 50,000 studs easily. Go to the Podrace and use one of the speeders from the beginning of Episode II. These are great for hitting the pink crystals because they have better mobility. Use Subulba's Podracer when hitting the little poles. It is easier to hit them with a wide Podracer. You can easily get over 50,000 studs each time and it is one of the quickest levels.

Go to Chapter I of Episode III. Use a Clone Arcfighter and shoot everything to get at least 100,000 studs each time the level is completed.

Go to "A New Hope", Episode IV Chapter 5. Get to the part where you must build the giant door and break it. Make sure you have the "Character Studs" and "Stud Magnet" extras enabled. Keep killing the Stormtroopers until you think you have enough studs then complete the level. You should also enable "Invincibility" so you cannot lose studs or die.

Go to Mos Eisley Spaceport. Get in the Landspeeder. Go through the door with the Landspeeder. Use Ben Kenobi to jump over the nearby building. Build the bomb next to the wall of LEGO pieces. Hit it three times to make it explode or use a Thermal Detonater. Get into the Landspeeder and park it on the grey object. Pull the handles. After getting a car wash, give the Landspeeder to the Jawa behind the wall. He will give you the money.

Easy "Arcade Master" Achievement
Use two controllers. Go to Arcade mode. Have one person play as any of the droids that do not have guns. To do this you must have the extra where the droid explodes. The other play can use any character. Go to duel then set the target as off. Start the game. Make sure that you are as far away as possible without getting blown up. Have the player using the droid blow himself up. Do this until you get 100 points.

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