Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga Cheats - Nintendo DS

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Check out these Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Codes
Enter the following button press codes at the main menu. You'll hear a sound confirming that the code has been entered properly.

[Up], [Up], [Down], [L], [L], [R], [R] - Unlock bonus touch game 1
[Start], [Right], [Up], [L], [Down], Select, [L], [R] - 1,000,000 extra studs
[Start], [Start], [Down], [Down], [Left], [Left], [Up], [Up], [Select] - 3,000,000 extra studs
[Up], [Left], [Down], [Right], [Up], [Left], [Down], [Right], [Up], [Left], [Down], [Right], [R], [L], [Start], [Select] - Enable debug and debug multiplayer menus
Mini-kit Bonuses
Collect the ten hidden mini-kit parts in the following levels to unlock the corresponding ship for viewing. The ship can be seen in the room marked with the Mini-kit icon. When all 300 mini-kit parts are collected, a bonus mini-kit of the Rebel Blockade Runner is unlocked.

Episode 1

Level 1: Republic Cruiser
Level 2: Naboo Royal Starship
Level 3: Sebulba's Podracer
Level 4: Naboo N-1 Starfighter
Level 5: Sith Infitrator
All Episode 1 mini-kits: Gungan Bongo

Episode 2

Level 1: Jedi Starfighter
Level 2: Droideka
Level 3: Republic Attack Gunship
Level 4: AT-TE Walker
Level 5: Geonosian Solar Sailer
All Episode 2 mini-kits: Zam Wesell's Airspeeder

Episode 3

Level 1: Republic AT-TE Drop Ship
Level 2: Jedi Starfighter
Level 3: Wookie Flying Catamaran
Level 4: ARC-170 Starfighter
Level 5: V-Wing Starfighter
All Episode 3 mini-kits: Public Transport Ship

Episode 4

Level 1: Star Destroyer
Level 2: Sandcrawler
Level 3: Luke's Sandspeeder
Level 4: Millennium Falcon
Level 5: Y-Wing Starfighter
All Episode 4 mini-kits: Darth Vader's TIE Advanced

Episode 5

Level 1: AT-AT Walker
Level 2: Rebel Snowspeeder
Level 3: Imperial TIE Fighter
Level 4: X-Wing
Level 5: Cloud Car
All Episode 5 mini-kits: Slave I

Episode 6

Level 1: Skiff
Level 2: Imperial TIE Interceptor
Level 3: AT-ST
Level 4: Imperial Shuttle
Level 5: Imperial TIE Bomber
All Episode 6 mini-kits: Jabba's Sail Barge

Red Power Brick Bonuses
Collect the hidden Red Power Brick in the following levels to unlock the corresponding bonus for purchase at the shop. The mini-games are played in the room marked with the DS icon.

Episode 1

Level 1: Deflection Challenge mini-game
Level 2: Protocol Activation Panel
Level 3: Pitstop mini-game
Level 4: Big Blasters Extra
Level 5: x2 Multiplier Extra

Episode 2

Level 1: Kamino Challenge mini-game
Level 2: Evasion Challenge mini-game
Level 3: Astromech Activation Panel
Level 4: Infinite Torpedoes Extra
Level 5: x4 Multiplier Extra

Episode 3

Level 1: Self Destruct Extra
Level 2: Grievous mini-game
Level 3: Super Lightsabers
Level 4: Focus Survival mini-game
Level 5: x6 Multiplier Extra

Episode 4

Level 1: Levitation Challenge mini-game
Level 2: Fast Build Extra
Level 3: Deflection Survival mini-game
Level 4: Imperial Activation Panel
Level 5: x8 Multiplier Extra

Episode 5

Level 1: Evasion Survival mini-game
Level 2: Regenerate Hearts Extra
Level 3: Kamino Survival mini-game
Level 4: Super Blasters Extra
Level 5: x10 Multiplier Extra

Episode 6

Level 1: Bounty Hunter Activation Panel
Level 2: Activation mini-game
Level 3: Super Ewok Catapult Extra
Level 4: Levitation Survival mini-game
Level 5: Invincibility

Gold Bricks
Reach the indicated score on the listed mini-game to unlock a gold brick.

Activation: 10,000 points.
Grievous: 20,000 points.
Lightsaber Deflection: 40,000 points or complete the mini-game.
Pod Race Pit Stop: 40,000 points.

Movie Clips
Unlock all the extras to unlock the "Movie Clips" option.

Skip Opening
To get to the title screen quickly, after the words appear hold Start + Select then hold L. With all three of those buttons still held, press R.

Glitch: Cloud City: Invisible C-3PO
On Episode V, go to the Cloud City level. Defeat Darth Vader for the first time. After that, you will be playing as Leia, Lando, Chewy, and R2 again. Find and rebuild C-3PO and make sure your partner is C-3PO. Run around, fight off some troopers, and if they do not do enough damage, then you can. As soon as you see C-3PO without arms and one leg, shoot him one more time. This will not work if the troopers do it. He will come back, but all you will see is his shadow on the ground. After a few seconds, he will be visible again. You can repeat this as many times as desired.

Kamino: Walk Through Wall
After you find Jango Fett, there are some blasters at the end of the hall. Press random buttons and eventually you will got through the portal.

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