Dead to Rights Cheats - PC

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To unlock the mini-games, successfully complete the game under any difficulty setting.

Defeating Diggs
Diggs is the ex boxer you will have to face in the later part of the game. When he reaches three quarters of his health, gas which will hurt you will be turned on. You can knock off his gas mask and put it on. Keep pressing Triangle to dive and he cannot touch you. His power will slowly go down, and he will soon be defeated.

Defeating Hennessey
You have to fight Hennessey three times before you can win. The first time he will have an electric riot shield, making it impossible to attack him head-on. In order to defeat him, you have to first get rid of the shield. To do this, lure Hennessey into the fountain in the middle of the battle area. He will electrocute the water and shock himself. Make sure that you are not too near the fountain or you will get shocked as well. Another way is to repeatedly circle the fountain, keeping good distance between Hennessey and yourself. While circling, there should be a gun lying on the ground, relatively close to the water. You can pick this gun up and shoot Hennessey with it, slowly taking out his shield. Do not worry about ammunition, as the gun regenerates. This may take awhile, but it is possible to kill Hennessey without taking damage. After the shield is broken, Hennessey runs off to hide, all the while mocking you. You will have to take out a couple of his GAC goons, but they provide no more of a fight than they did in previously. Note: You are now weaponless. Do not get too excited when you find the gun sitting in front of the doors -- it gets knocked out of your hands and out of reach before the fight starts. In order to defeat Hennessey you now have to fight him hand to hand, except he has an advantage, fire fists. Do not let him get too close to you, but at the same time, try to throw him as much as possible. Eventually when he gets to about half health, he will comment about how it is getting chilly and open a huge furnace door. This is where it gets a little easier. Throw Hennessey into the new area and watch his health deplete as he burns. Repeat this to take him out for the second time. The third time, he walks out completely engulfed in flames, at full health. Even though he is encompassed by flames, continue throwing him into the furnace so that he can take more damage and you will finally avenge your father's death.

Defeating Pinnacle
While fighting Pinnacle, repeatedly press Jump to easily dodge his attacks. Jack will automatically turn to face Pinnacle before he jumps -- you do not have to worry about getting too far away from him. While Jack is jumping, he is impervious to all of Pinnacle's attacks. Do this repeatedly to tire Pinnacle out, then jump on his back and finish him off. You can also attack Pinnacle in front by punching and using low kicks, but this is not recommended as it does not take much damage from Pinnacle.

Defeating the helicopter for the last time
Immediately when the level begins, run up to the pillar in front of you for cover. Enter wall mode and equip Shadow as your weapon. Spin out to the left and kill the first man. Exit wall mode and wait until the second man comes at you, then kill him. There will be more men. Stand back and kill them from near the pillar. If one gets close enough, it helps to use him as a shield. After men stop appearing from the helicopter, equip your M4 and target the man across the room on the raised section of the level. Do not target anyone on the highest balcony. Run at him while firing. Be careful -- he has a rocket launcher. Run side to side. Also be careful not to run past the fountain. If you do, the helicopter will be able to shoot you. After killing that man, make sure no one else is appearing from the helicopter. Get the rocket launcher that is in front of the fountain. After that, equip your rocket launcher and run back to the point on the ramp where it starts to decline. This ramp is near the beginning and between the two pillars you started near. Manually aim at the helicopter from here. If you cannot hit it, move forward until you can. Do not miss with the rocket launcher, as it will take even longer to defeat the helicopter. Use every gun you have and all your ammunition on this. It does not do much, but it does work. After all your ammunition is used, go left and act as if you are going up the balcony stairs. Go up them to the first platform and get the pistol. The last man you have to kill will also be there. After you have killed him, run back to the ramp and shoot the helicopter with all your ammunition again. The pistol will appear again in the exact location. Get the pistol again. There will not be any more men. Go back to the ramp again. Shoot the helicopter with all your ammunition. Keep repeating this until the helicopter is defeated.

Defeating people without guns
To defeat people that do not have guns easier, keep blocking and dodging. If you do not dodge, you will still get hurt. When you are in the prison, you will learn how to reverse a grab. This allows you to avoid getting hurt when they grab you. When you reverse the grab, you will throw their arms in the air. This will leave them open to attack (punch, kick, grab, etc.). However, they can still block.

Chapter 3: Spine break
When you are locked up "Iron Point" and are walking around in the hall only two or three people will be around. One of them will run up to you and say something. When you run away, they start to walk away. As they walk away you can go in back of them and do the grab. However, they move too much and you will end up breaking their back.

Chapter 3: Ledge in mine
If you are having trouble getting across the ledge in the mine after the prison break, go to the wall with the ledge and enter "wall mode". You will scoot across and will not perish in a darkened abyss.

Chapter 13: Voice access
Kill one of the men that has green on. You will see a man in yellow walk out in the open and run back. After a moment, the man in the yellow will run over to you. When he does this, and grab him. If another man runs with him, kill him and leave the man in yellow alive. Take him to give the voice authorization and you will be able to open gate. When you go over to the gate, a lot of men will be there. An easy way to kill all of them is to run up to them and grab one as a shield. The man you grab will get killed quickly. Keep doing this until only one person remains.

Chapter 14: Fahook uses bottle
After defeating Fahook once he goes into the back of the plane, when you get him very low on life he will drink from his bottle. At this time you should shoot the bottle out of his hands before he gains too much life. Doing this three or four times will destroy his bottle. Finish off his remaining life points and watch the intermission sequence.

Use the manual aiming to shoot things. When you are on manual, you can aim at the bottle. You will need to do this three or four times. When the bottle is shot off Fahook, you need to make Fahook go near the open back part of the airplane. Once there, shoot him and Fahook will fall off and die.

Destroying the clown van in the cemetery
Use the canisters that explode and drop one on either side of the gate, in the corner between the wall and the gate. Do not throw it. Walk away and shoot the canister. Repeat the process until the van is destroyed. This may take a while, but it works.

Throw a few canisters at the van without shooting them. This works best when at mid field. When you have them in front of the van, throw one at the van and wait until the can gets directly in front of the gunner then shoot it. This will take a lot of life out of him. A few more and it is done.

Flaming Fisted Man warning
After defeating Flaming Fisted Man, the game restarts itself. This does not allow you to save your game, meaning that you either start a new game or continue fighting Flaming Fist Man repeatedly.

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