Kidou Senshi Gundam Seed: Battle Destiny Cheats - PS Vita

 All cheats for this game by platform: PS Vita
Check out these Kidou Senshi Gundam Seed: Battle Destiny cheats and stay cool!
Unlock Trophies
Trophy data will appear in Japanese text, for a direct Japanese-to-English translation see the Translation FAQ/Guide.

50 Kills (Bronze) - Shoot down a total of 50 enemy mobile suits.
100 Kills (Bronze) - Shoot down a total of 100 enemy mobile suits.
150 Kills (Bronze) - Shoot down a total of 150 enemy mobile suits.
200 Kills (Bronze) - Shoot down a total of 200 enemy mobile suits.
400 Kills (Bronze) - Shoot down a total of 400 enemy mobile suits.
500 Kills (Silver) - Shoot down a total of 500 enemy mobile suits.
700 Kills (Silver) - Shoot down a total of 700 enemy mobile suits.
1,000 Kills (Silver) - Shoot down a total of 1,000 enemy mobile suits.
1,500 Kills (Silver) - Shoot down a total of 1,500 enemy mobile suits.
2,000 Kills (Silver) - Shoot down a total of 2,000 enemy mobile suits.
3,000 Kills (Silver) - Shoot down a total of 3,000 enemy mobile suits.
Ace Pilot (Bronze) - Clear 20 missions in story mode with an A-Rank.
Battle Mania (Silver) - Win 100 times in VS mode.
Captain (Bronze) - Clear 20 missions in story mode.
Destiny Clear (Bronze) - Clear the final CE 73 story mission.
Elite Earth Alliance Pilot (Silver) - Clear all of the CE 71 and CE 73 story missions as an Earth Alliance pilot.
Elite Pilot (Bronze) - Clear a story mode mision with an S-Rank.
Elite ZAFT Pilot (Silver) - Clear the CE 71 and CE 73 story missions as a ZAFT pilot.
Ensign (Bronze) - Clear 5 missions in story mode.
Excellent Pilot (Silver) - Clear all of the Hyper Boss Battle extra missions.
Great Pilot (Bronze) - Clear 10 missions in story mode with an S-Rank.
Gundam Seed Freak (Gold) - Clear story mode with all three factions.
Killing-King (Silver) - Shoot down 5,000 enemy mobile suits.
Lacus-sama Banzai! (Silver) - Clear all of the CE 71 and CE 73 story missions as an Archangel pilot.
Legendary Pilot (Silver) - Clear 25 missions in story mode with an S-Rank.
Lieutenant (Bronze) - Clear 10 missions in story mode.
MS Collector (Silver) - Obtain 80 mobile suits.
Pilot Collector (Silver) - Collect all 30 pilots.
Recruit (Bronze) - Clear 1 mission in story mode.
Seed Clear (Bronze) - Clear the final CE 71 story mission.
Skill Collector (Silver) - Collect all 40 skills.
Super Ace Pilot (Gold) - Clear the CE 73 story missions, "Another" and, "Battle Destiny."
Trophy Complete (Platinum) - Obtain all other trophies in the game.
Ultimate Pilot (Gold) - Clear all story missions.
Veteran Pilot (Silver) - Clear 30 missions in story mode with an A-Rank.

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