V-Tennis Cheats - PlayStation

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation
Check out these V-Tennis cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Play as Mr. Tonkin
In normal mode, move the cursor to any player in the player select screen and press [L2]x2, [R1]x3, [Down], [Triangle]x4, [Circle]. A shout will confirm correct code entry.

Play as Mrs. Tonkin
Hold [L1] + [R2] + [Up] + [Square] and press [Circle] at the player select screen. The sound of a bouncing ball will confirm correct code entry.

Play as Adversa
Hold [L1] + [R2] + [Up] + [Square] and press [X] at the player select screen. A shout will confirm correct code entry.

Play as Mattox
Hold [L2]x2, [R1]x3, [Down], [Triangle]x4 and press [X] at the player select screen. The sound of a bouncing ball will confirm correct code entry.
Super serve
When serving in a doubles match, walk all the way over to the opposite side and do a O,O serve. Most of the time you will ace the set.

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