Medal of Honor Cheats - PlayStation

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Check out these Medal of Honor cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Medal of Honor Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat passwords
Use the following steps when entering the cheat passwords. After inputting the desired passwords into the Enigma Machine, return to the options menu and highlight the little piece of white paper on the front of the teletype machine. This is the "Secrets" menu. In here, you can enable or disable the cheats that have been activated. Note: Cheats only work on previously completed levels, and not during first attempts. To re-enter a level with activated cheats, go into the "War Records" menu and click on the clipboard. From here, you can view all the levels played thus far, plus what rank and health you have achieved. To enter a given level, click on the title in question.

Master code
Enter "SMPSMDMILK" as a password. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry. Then, enter "URLINGAMBE" as a password. The Enigma Machine will flash green again to confirm correct code entry. This will unlock all multi-player characters that can not be unlocked with other codes. It also unlocks two the "Gamewerks" and "Site Seeing" multi-player bonus levels, all secret codes, the gallery, the "Making of" features, "History of" features, and all briefings.

Enter "MOSTMEDALS" as a password to unlock Audie Murphy mode. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Unlimited ammunition
Enter "BADCOPSHOW" as a password. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Activate this code in a previously played level in the same mission to get 999 or 99 shotgun and grenades.

Rapid fire
Enter "ICOSIDODEC" as a password. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Reflecting shots
Enter "GOBLUE" as a password. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Wire frame graphics
Enter "TRACERON" as a password. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

American movie mode
Enter "SPRECHEN" as a password to have all characters speak in English. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Captain Dye mode
Enter "CAPTAINDYE" as a password. This keeps your health persistent from level to level within a mission instead of restarting at 100% each time. Playing the game in this mode results in a different path to acquiring the various secret commendations and unlocking the multi-player characters (such as the Raptor). The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry. Note: Captain Dye is an actual person, and was the game's technical consultant.

Bismark The Dog
Enter "WOOFWOOF" as a password to unlock Bismark The Dog in multi-player mode. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Evil Colonel Muller
Enter "BIGFATMAN" as a password to unlock Colonel Muller in multi-player mode. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Enter "HOODDOWN" as a password to unlock Felix in multi-player mode. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Enter "EVILKURT" as a password to unlock Kurt in multi-player mode. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Enter "MANLYMAN" as a password to unlock Manfred in multi-player mode. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Enter "BEACHBALL" as a password to unlock Noah in multi-player mode. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Enter "HERRZOMBIE" as a password to unlock Noah in multi-player mode. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Enter "JIMMY" as a password to replace Jimmy with Rosie in multi-player mode. When you play as Rosie and throw a grenade, her voice will be Jimmy's.

Enter "SSPIELBERG" as a password to unlock the velociraptor dinosaur in multi-player mode. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Werner von Braun
Enter "ROCKETMAN" as a password to unlock Werner von Braun in multi-player mode. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

William Shakespeare
Enter "PAYBACK" as a password to unlock William Shakespeare in multi-player mode. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Winston Churchill
Enter "FINESTHOUR" as a password to unlock Winston Churchill in multi-player mode. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Enter "HOODUP" as a password to unlock Wolfgang in multi-player mode. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Alternate alarm sounds
Enter "BRADALARM" as a password. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry. Alarms will sound differently during recon missions.

Special multi-player power-ups
Enter "DENNISMODE" as a password to unlock special power-ups in multi-player mode. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Bonus multi-player levels
Enter "MACOOCOO" as a password to unlock two more multi-player levels.

Making of level 1 history
Enter "INVASION" as a password to unlock this option on the "Gallery" screen. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Making of level 2 history
Enter "BIGGRETA" as a password to unlock this option on the "Gallery" screen. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Making of level 3 history
Enter "DASBOOT" as a password to unlock this option on the "Gallery" screen. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Making of level 4 history
Enter "STUKA" as a password to unlock this option on the "Gallery" screen. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Making of level 5 history
Enter "KOMET" as a password to unlock this option on the "Gallery" screen. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Making of level 6
Enter "TWOSIXTWO" as a password to unlock this option on the "Gallery" screen. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Making of level 7
Enter "MISSLEAGUE" as a password to unlock this option on the "Gallery" screen. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Making of level 8 history
Enter "VICTORYDAY" as a password to unlock this option on the "Gallery" screen. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Lynn Henson picture
Enter "COOLCHICK" as a password to view a picture of the game's lead designer as a child. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Adrian Jones picture
Enter "AJRULES" as a password to view a picture of the game's technical designer as a child. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Development team pictures
Enter "DWIMOHTEAM" as a password to unlock the Secret Team Gallery The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Secret staff photo gallery
Enter "DWIGALLERY" as a password to unlock the staff pictures. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Gamewerks multi-player level
Enter "MACOOCOO" as a password. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry.

Extra multi-player level
Enter "SPYSCHOOL" as a password. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry. The map will show a rocket and platform.

Individual multi-player invincibility
Enter "JIMMY", "GUNTHER", "MANON, ROBBIE", "ULF", "HELMUT", or "HEINRICH" as a password. The Enigma Machine will flash green to confirm correct code entry. Play as the corresponding character in multi-player mode and you will be invincible.

Multi-player bonuses
Successfully complete the first three levels with a 3-star rating. This will result in the first medal and a cheat option.

Opponent name
Press [Up], [Down], [Left], or [Right] + [Square], or [Square] after you kill an opponent in multi-player mode. The name of your opponent will be spoken in a strange voice.
Mission passwords
Select "War Records" at the main screen. Select "Mission Log" to be able to go to the first level of every mission.

1Rescue The G3 OfficerRETTUNG
2Destroy The Mighty Railgun GretaZERSTOREN
3Scuttle Das Boot U-4901BOOTSINKT
4Attack Impenetrable Fort SchmerzenSENFGAS
5Sabotage the Rjukan Hydro PlantSCHWERES
6Capture the Secret German TreasureSICHERUNG
7Escape The V2 Rocket PlantGESAMTHEIT
DreamWorks Interactive Medal Of Valor
Get an "Excellent" ranking on every level to get the Medal Of Valor.

Screen saver
Wait at the main menu to eventually see a FMV sequence with funny German to English translations and commercial-like clips from the game.

Avoid being shot
You can keep a German soldier from firing at you by running up and keeping a very close distance to him. He can not fire on you, but only move his gun back and forth. This can also be done with two or three soldiers. This trick works best when on a silent mission and when you run into a soldier by accident.

One hit kills in undercover mode
Show the German guard your identification papers, then sneak behind him where he can not see you. If you are alone with him, draw your silenced pistol and aim at the back of his head. He cannot hear you drawing it, so you can shoot him without losing any life.

Scary laugh in multi-player mode
After killing your opponent and picking up his ammunition, press [Square]x2 to hear a scary laugh.

Full ammunition when starting any level
The following trick allows you to get full ammunition on all the guns the first time that you play a level. Start the game, successfully complete the first mission, then save. Return to war room, go to the options screen and select "Password". Enter the "BADCOPSHOW" code for unlimited ammunition and any other desired codes. Select "Secret codes" and toggle on the codes that were enabled. Return to the war room, go to mission log and enter the mission you were just on. Then, enter the level you just completed to get unlimited ammunition. Select "Continue" after completing the level. You will have full ammunition for all the guns in next levels of the mission. Note: You will not have unlimited ammunition, but full ammunition. Additionally, you will start every level with the ammunition you have left from the previous level. You will get new ammunition at the starting of every new mission. This will have to be repeated to get full ammunition again.

Heroic enemies
Usually if you toss a grenade (or a potato masher) at three enemies, one of them will jump on the grenade.

Find two dogs and one soldier in the same room. Toss a grenade into the room. If done correctly, the soldier will jump on top of it to save his dogs. A good place to try this at is in the last level of the Rescue The G3 mission.

where you encounter two dogs at the bottom of a ladder.

Play fetch
In levels with dogs, get out a grenade and toss one. The dog will bring the grenade back to its owner and it will explode.

Try running directly up to an enemy and throw either a grenade or potato masher over their shoulder. Watch as they exclaim "grenade" and turn and run after the explosive to throw it back, only to have it blow up in their face.

Avoiding bazookas
In the last two levels where some soldiers have bazookas, you can dodge them. When you see one make, sure you are away from walls. When he fires press [L1] and [R1] to side step out of the way. While he reloads, get out your sub-machine gun and line up with him. Continue moving when he shoots, and when he reloads press [X] and fire on him.

Destroy The Mighty Railgun Greta: Blasting Nazis
When in the town, the walls are narrow in places. Throw a grenade at a Nazi and they will kick it at the wall. It will bounce back and destroy them.

Rescue The G3 Officer: Ammunition and health
In level 1, there is a secret entrance in the hedgerow that leads to ammunition and health. The opening can be found down the path, past the crashed plane, and on the left side of the trail. When you get back there, blow open the box for the ammunition.

Rescue the G3 Officer: Blasting Nazis
Throw a grenade at an enemy. He will either try to kick or throw the grenade. Shoot him with your M1 Garand when he has it in his hand or is about to kick it, and he will explode.

Schmerzen Hedgerows: Ammunition and health
In the first level of the Fort Schmerzen mission are several tank traps in the main road. Some have Medicinal canteens in small caves and others have tunnels leading to new areas of the level. One of the traps leads to a German Kuplewagon with a machine gun mounted on top. Shoot the sniper in the tree, turn left and kill the men coming down the road. On that side you will see a stone wall with a stone block in front. Go back down the tunnel -- be careful of the solder waiting in there. Then, head down the road until you reach that wall. Get on the side of the block facing the truck and jump on top of it. Then, jump over the wall. You will find ammunition and a first aid kit.

The Siegfried Forest: Locate crowbar
After completing the first objective, destroying the Stuka dive bomber. Head to the medal gate and open it by pressing "Action". Kill the sniper in the tree, then crouch down. Stay to the left and proceed down the path slowly. Just ahead are two gun encampments that will rip you to shreds if you are not careful. When you can just begin to see the soldier on the left, take him out with three rifle shots. After that, stay crouched down and move up so you are just behind the crates. Toss three grenades to the soldier in the right encampment to take him out. After that, move ahead and pick up the crowbar and Field Surgeon pack. Proceed down the path just in front of the right gun encampment and shoot the single soldier patrolling the path. Just ahead is a turret station. Crouch down before the soldier inside sees you, then take him out with rifle shots. Move out onto the path, turn to the right, and pick up the ammo and health inside the trench. Start down the path and pick off the two snipers in the treetops. Crouch down and crawl up to the dragon's teeth. Stay to the left and move ahead until you can see the soldier manning a big gun. Take him out with a machine gun blast and stand in front of the window where he was. Look through the window next to the big gun to see another soldier manning a big gun. Take him out with a machine gun blast. Crawl into the building where the second gunner was, pick up the items, open the hatch, and jump in to activate the next objective. Move down the path and climb the ladder. You will see a turret station ahead of you. Dispose of the soldier inside and a soldier that will approach you from the right of the turret. Move around to the right side of the turret and move down the path. A soldier will be waiting. Take him out by shooting him through the small window. Step inside, and take out the soldier to your left. Move down the hall and to your right you will see the ladder to the entrance to sub level one. Pass it by for now, and climb the ladder at the end of the hall to enter the turret. After gathering all the items, take control of the big guns to begin eliminating all the soldiers that will come after you. The best way to retain your health while in the turret is to remained crouched down when moving between the guns. When finished, move out of the turret and back to the ladder to enter sub level one.

Escape The V2 Rocket Plant
This stage is fairly easy. Start by killing the soldiers at the end of the tunnel. Then, take the mounted machine gun and kill the guards in front of you, then those to your left. Press [Square] to release the machine gun and turn to your right. A soldier will run towards you with a bazooka or hand grenades. Shoot him with a gun -- if you throw grenades he will pick them up and throw them back. Once you kill him, press [L2] to duck down so other soldiers cannot see you. Wait about ten seconds, then take the machine gun and unload on them. Continue this process until they are all dead. Walk around the area to collect items. Continue onto the path where all the soldiers were coming from. Destroy the boxes and continue. There will be a soldier with a bazooka at the bottom. Throw a grenade or use another weapon to kill him. Move up the walkway and kill the scientist in the control room, then press "Action" to activate the rocket.

At the end of the tunnel, shoot the two guards with the bazooka. Then run directly to the left and go down the path. Switch to the SMG and kill the three guards that will be running at you. Collect their ammunition and shoot through all the crates with the rocket launcher. Next, go down the hill after you throw a few grenades to clear your path. Kill anyone remaining -- this should not be more then one person. Then, hop in the room to set off the rocket.

Walk down the tunnel and kill the two guards with your bazooka. Turn to your right and walk down the hallway. Keep going, ignoring the machine gun, and walk to the end of the wall. Kill the man with the bazooka. Go to the edge of the wall and walk on the other side. Once in this position, you can pick off the Nazis as they appear.

Glitch: Moving corpse
Go to the Nazi campsite (with the fire) on the third level in the second mission. Kill all of the Nazis on the ground. Then, go to the tent, destroy all the boxes, and get the items. Turn back around to face the way that you entered. There will be another Nazi up on a cliff to the right of where you came down. Use sniper rifle and shoot him in the head twice. Go up the hill that you used to come down. While on top of the hill, use your sniper to look at where you killed the Nazi on the cliff. You will now see his legs moving all around in the air.

Glitch: Enemy soldier survives a direct bazooka shot
When first starting the Treasure Caverns level, enter the corridor to the right, which leads to the Curator Inventory list. In the first hallway you will be greeted by two guards. Kill them, then move to the right edge of the wall, and fire into the darkness with the rocket launcher. After you see an explosion, run forward. If done correctly, the guard at the end of the hall will have survived the rocket explosion. Walk around as if he was pressed up against a wall. If you run away and let him return to his spot, this can be repeated indefinitely.

Glitch: Relentless enemy
At the end of the level 2 (subset 3), you will go down a ladder that leads you to a .50 cal machine gun behind sandbags. At that location, the enemy keeps respawning until you leave the area and end the level.

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