King of Fighters '98 Cheats - PlayStation

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Check out these King of Fighters '98 cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Bonus characters
Highlight the normal version of one of the following fighters at the character selection screen, then hold [L1] and press any button:
Evil Rugal Berstein
'95 Kyo
Real Bout 2 Terry Bogard
Real Bout 2 Andy Bogard
'94 Joe Higashi
'94 Ryo Sakazaki
'94 Robert Garcia
'94 Yuri Sakazaki
Evil Yashiro Nanakase
Evil Shermie
Evil Chris
Real Bout 2 Mai Shiranui
Real Bout Bout 2 Billy Kane
Unlimited survival mode time
Highlight the survival mode option, then hold [Start] + [Triangle] and press [Circle].

Fight against Shingo Yabuki
Collect over 100,000 points before knocking out the CPU fighter in rounds three or four. Note: The round four knockout must be a perfect victory. Alternatively, defeat all CPU opponents without losing any team members from rounds one through five.

Fight as Omega Rugal
Successfully complete the game in one player mode as Rugal under any difficulty setting. Save the game, then load that file. Then, hold [Start] while choosing Rugal at the character selection screen.

Stage select
Press [Select] at the order selection screen.

Select victory pose
Press any of the attack buttons before the victory pose is displayed. Press the attack buttons on controller two to select the pose for the CPU's fighter.

In-game reset
Press [Select] + [Start] during game play to return to the menu.

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