Warriors of the Lost Empire Cheats - PSP

 All cheats for this game by platform: PSP
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Dec. 20, 2008
Jan. 25, 2008
Glitch: Duplicate Items
This cheat works in Multiplayer Adhoc mode and youo must have 2 PSPs with the same game in it in AdHoc Multiplayer mode. Then, both Players should save their games, then Go to the Box and let Player #1 put an item (any and how many that Player #1 likes) in GiftBox, then let Player #2 acquire all the Items from the Giftbox, then let Player #2 SAVE its game again! BUT NOT Player #1. after that, RESET both games and load both games still in multiplayer and as you notice the items that Player #1 put in the GiftBox is still in his ItemBox, and at the same time, Player #2 has the acquired items from the GiftBox (Player #2 has it because he saved any changes, and Player #1 still has it because he didn't save any changes). Then Player #2 gives back all the "acquired" items to Player #1 and his items are now duplicated (obviously). You can repeat the process until you reach the number of items that Player #1 desires.

Unlock Movies
Amazon: Intro movie - Choose this character in create character to get her intro movie.
Amazon: Ending movie - Finish this character's story mode.
Dark Seeker: Intro movie - Choose this character in create character to get her intro movie.
Dark Seeker: Ending movie - Finish this character's story mode.
Gladiator: Intro Movie - Choose Gladiator in create character to get his intro movie.
Gladiator: Ending movie - Finish this character's story mode.
Highlander: Intro Movie - Choose Highlander in create character to get this movie.
Highlander: Ending movie - Finish this character's story mode.

Unlock Bonuses
Extra Game - Finish the game and save your file. You get a new game with all the things you've earned in the previous gameplay.
Aldora the Captain - Finish the Dark Seeker's story mode. Go to item box and go to color selection.
Bonzo the Thief - Finish the Gladiator's story mode. Go to item box and goto color selection.
Dungeon Mode - Finish the game and let the credits roll. The game then asks you to save the game. Save it.
Hardcore movie - Finish any character's story mode. This movie shows the unlockables.
Rieta the Blacksmith - Finish the Amazon's Story mode. Go to item box and go to color selection.
Vlado the Merchant - FInish the Highlander's Story mode. Go to item box and go to color selection.

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