Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Cheats - PSP
All cheats for this game by platform:
Downloadable Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Cheats
Primary Collection of Cheats
Unlock Characters
Enter the following codes at the password menu:
JUNKER - Cunningham
THE-L --Elisa
ERBE - Gene
Hunter-n - Null
R.R.R. - Ocelot
PM-EMS - Paramedic
LQ.N2 - Python
IVN =RV - Raikov
DARPA-1 - Sigint
SATURNV - Sokolov
T.F-ACID - Teliko
PK +ESP - Ursula
MGA2VE - Venus
1+2-3 - Zero
Unlock Characters (EU version)
Enter the following codes at the password menu:
CUN=BOA - Cunningham
E.WASP - Elisa
016K/HYH - Eva
GAK.O - Gako Soldier
9-VIPER - Gene
ALL=0 - Null
THE-SON - Ocelot
E.M.S. - Paramedic
GUFO - Python
SKAZKA - Raikov
D+ARPA - Sigint
Vostok - Sokolov
SHINE! - Teliko
ESP:ASP - Ursula
@VESPER - Venus
GALAXY-0 - Zero
Stealth Camouflage
Beat the game with your Technician status level at 99 (the stealth camouflage will let you become invisible for a limited time.)
Unlock Extreme Difficulty
Stealth Camouflage Beat the game with your Technician status level at 99.
Unlockable characters
Cunningham - Beat Cunningham on ANY difficulty by stamina kill and beat the game before January 1st 1971 in game. You get him after you make a new game.
Elisa - Get a Medic level of 80.
Major Zero - Have a MGS:DGN game save on your psp's memory stick. (Second Playthrough only)
Null - Kill Null by stamina kill or HP kill when you face him twice and beat the game. You get him after you make a new game.
Para Medic - Contact her on the radio on the Comm Tower stage. She will later need to be resceud in the hospital stage. Place spies in the hospital.
Python - Kill Python by stamina kill.
Raikov - Place spies in Western Wilderness before clearing the Guard House mission. Afterwards you should get a report of a handsome prisoner being held there.
Sigint - After Snake is captured and rescued you can contact Sigint on the radio at the Comm stage. He will need to be rescued in the town.
Teliko - Have a MGA game save on your psp's memory stick. (Second Playthrough only)
Venus - Have a MGA 2 game save on your psp's mamory stick. (Second Playthrough only)