Whispering Willows Cheats - PlayStation 4
Unlock Trophies
Family Reunion (secret) (Bronze) - Find Your Dad.
Fantastic Amphibian (Bronze) - Find the amazing frog.
First Contact (secret) (Bronze) - Meet Flying Hawk.
Flower Power (secret) (Bronze) - Escape the Garden Maze.
Free Bird (secret) (Silver) - Set Flying Hawk Free.
Give Them A Hand (secret) (Bronze) - Escape the Basement.
I Ain't Afraid Of No Ghost (secret) (Bronze) - Escape the Catacombs.
Irish He Was Alive (secret) (Bronze) - Set Darby Free.
It's a Me, Boo (Bronze) - Find the Secret Room.
Itsy Bitsy (secret) (Bronze) - Escape the Trophy Room.
Knight Light (Bronze) - Solve the Knight Puzzle.
Light Light (Bronze) - Find the Night Light logo.
Ready Corset Ghost! (secret) (Bronze) - Set Fleur free.
Rest Your Soul (Bronze) - Rest at a bonfire.
Sixth Sense (Silver) - Beat the Game.
This S*** is Bananas (Bronze) - Find the Animax logo.
What does the Fox Say? (Bronze) - Find the fox.
What Ghost Up Must Come Down (secret) (Bronze) - Create a path for Elena.
Wine Not (secret) (Bronze) - Open the Wine Cellar Passage.