Lords of the Fallen Cheats - PlayStation 4

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Check out these Lords of the Fallen cheats and stay cool!
Unlock Trophies
Against all odds (Silver) - Defeat any Boss without taking damage.
All in (Bronze) - Defeat a boss with at least 20,000 unspent experience.
Anger is a gift (Bronze) - Defeat the Beast.
Are you not entertained? (Bronze) - Complete all Proving Grounds.
Bookworm (Bronze) - Find a note that someone left behind.
By the book (Gold) - Find 60 audio notes.
Couldn't have done it myself (Bronze) - Let a boss destroy the statue during fight.
Extra strong (Silver) - Upgrade the Health Potions.
Give him power (Bronze) - Buy your first Attribute or Spell Point.
Good with weapons (Bronze) - Collect all weapon types.
Hard shell, soft core (Bronze) - Defeat the Commander.
Harkyn collection (Gold) - Collected 20 armor sets.
He speaks in riddles (Bronze) - Meet the Blacksmith.
It's bound to take your life (Bronze) - Die for the first time.
Killing monsters (Bronze) - Kill all types of enemies at least once.
Lords and Judges (Platinum) - Unlock all Trophies.
My private stash (Gold) - Get 12 special weapons.
Myself again (Bronze) - Retrieve lost experience by collecting your ghost.
No one can hear you scream (Bronze) - Complete all Infinite Voids.
No time for losers (Bronze) - Defeat the Champion.
Not a question of can or can't (Bronze) - Defeat the Annihilator.
Only after Disaster (Bronze) - Defeat the Worshiper.
Seal the gate (Bronze) - Defeat the Infiltrator.
So that's a Lord! (Bronze) - Defeat First Warden.
Strong with this one (Bronze) - Unlock all spells for one class.
This! Is! Keystone! (Bronze) - Kick an enemy into his death.
Thousands of candles (Bronze) - Defeat the Guardian.
Treasure left alone (Bronze) - Loot all Treasure Chambers.
Two against one (Bronze) - Defeat Lost Brothers.
Way of the cleric (Silver) - Complete the game as Cleric.
Way of the rogue (Silver) - Complete the game as Rogue.
Way of the warrior (Silver) - Complete the game as Warrior.

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