Scene It? Bright Lights! Big Screen! Cheats - PlayStation 3

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360
Check out these Scene It? Bright Lights! Big Screen! cheats and stay cool!
Unlock Trophies
100% Complete (Platinum) - Earn all Scene It? Bright Lights! Big Screen! trophies to unlock the platinum trophy.
Art House Tour (Bronze) - Answer 100 Sketches, Child's Play, Pixel Flix, or Now Playing questions correctly.
Best Picture (Bronze) - Successfully answer 40 questions about Oscar winning movies.
Bit Part (Bronze) - Score 60,000 points in a Short Game.
Blazing Pace (Silver) - Score more than 250,000 points in a Fast-Fire Game.
Award-Winning Performance (Silver) - Score 200,000 points in a Long Game.
Background Artist (Silver) - Score more than 200,000 points in a Short Game.
Best Actor (Bronze) - Successfully answer 35 questions in Pop Quiz about Oscar winning actors and actresses.
Bonus Bandit (Bronze) - Activate and win the Star System twice in one game.
Cameo Appearance (Bronze) - Answer one question correctly from every puzzle type.
Casting Call (Bronze) - Play a full game with each avatar.
Come from Behind (Bronze) - Place 4th place at the end of a round in a Long Play Game, then win the game.
Game Show Tour (Bronze) - Answer 100 Sequentials, Strike a Match, Anagrams, or Pictograms Questions correctly.
Heroic Score (Bronze) - Score more than 150,000 points in a Short Play Game with 2 or more players.
Home Rentals (Bronze) - Complete 10 games in Classic or Fast Fire.
Hot and Cold (Bronze) - Answer one Puzzle block all correct and another one all incorrect in the same Short Play Game.
Lead Role (Gold) - Score more than 400,000 poinrs in a Long Game.
Legendary Score (Bronze) - Score more than 300,000 points in a Long Play Game with 2 or more players.
Life of the Party (Bronze) - Score the most points in 5 consecutive Puzzle Blocks in a Party Play game with 4 players.
Method Acting (Bronze) - Correctly answer every Who Am I or Celebrity Ties question in one Puzzle Block.
Mise-en-Scene (Bronze) - Correctly answer every Now Playing or Pictogram question in one Puzzle Block.
Multiple Exposure (Bronze) - Correctly answer every question in Final Cut.
Couch Potato (Bronze) - Complete 5 games in Classic or Fast Fire.
Dialect Coach (Bronze) - Correctly answer every Soundclip or Songs & Slogans question in one Puzzle Block.
Director (Bronze) - Get 10 questions correct in a row in any game mode.
Drawing Up Storyboards (Bronze) - Correctly answer every Sketches, Pixel Flix or Child's Play question in one Puzzle Block.
Epic Feature (Bronze) - Play a Long Game.
False Start (Bronze) - Score less than 50,000 points in Fast-Fire Game.
Faster Than Light (Gold) - Score more than 500,000 points in a Fast-Fire Game.
Film Vault Tour (Bronze) - Answer 100 Visual Puzzler, Distorted Reality, Props, or Invisibles Questions correctly.
Finding the Macguffin (Bronze) - Correctly answer every invisibles or Props question in one Puzzle Block.
Flash Forward (Bronze) - Correctly answer every Credit Roll or Quotables question in one Puzzle Block.
No Margin For Error (Bronze) - Win a Short Play Game by less than 1,000 points.
Party On! (Bronze) - Play Party Play through 50 questions.
Producer (Silver) - Get 15 questions correct in a row in any game mode.
Quiz Quartet (Bronze) - Play a 4-Player game.
Reviewing the Dallies (Bronze) - Correctly answer every Movie Clip question in one Puzzle Block.
Short Film (Bronze) - Play a Short Game.
Shy Starlet (Bronze) - Finish a game with 2 unused Star points.
Skin of Your Teeth (Bronze) - Win a Long Play Game by less than 1,000 points.
Slippery Slope (Bronze) - Lose the lead 5 times in a single game.
Sneak Preview (Silver) - Answer 30 questions with the maximum amount of points.
Soft Focus (Bronze) - Correctly answer every Strike a Match or Sequentials questions in one Puzzle Block.
Solloquist (Bronze) - Correctly answer every Pop Quiz or Hint Parade question in one Puzzle Block.
Spotless Performance (Gold) - Answer all questions correctly in a Long Play Game.
Star (Bronze) - Score 100,000 points in a Long Game.
Supporting Role (Bronze) - Score 100,000 points in a Short Game.
Upper Echelon (Bronze) - In a game with 2 or more players, earn more points than any other player in 4 different categories.
Video Store Clerk (Bronze) - Complete 15 games in Classic or Fast Fire.
Viewfinder Master (Bronze) - Correctly answer every Distorted Reality or Visual Puzzler question in one Puzzle Block.
Working Title (Bronze) - Correctly answer every Anagram or Pictogram question in one Puzzle Block.

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