Hyper Void Cheats - PlayStation 3

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 3 | Xbox One
Check out these Hyper Void cheats and stay cool!
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#include "*.*" (Silver) - Discover and collect all Secret Orbs in Hyper Void... and enjoy the level shortcuts!
...And The Worst (Bronze) - Defeat IPA_DRecurse: the third incarnation of the virus in Level29. This is the final battle. Only one will survive!
Double delete (Bronze) - The boss Shift_2LR in Level11 comes disguised behind two Mutex_3S shells. Popping one shell is easy, but are you fast enough to pop the other one too?
Fragmentation (Bronze) - Crush 10 boulders in Level04. Feels good, doesn't it... Your lasers are your friend here...
Garbage Collector (Bronze) - The final boss encounter in Level29 is a crowded one. Wipe out 30 of the small bacterial minions puffed out by IPA_DRecurse spores.
Inbox (1) (Bronze) - Retrieve a dropped message from a fellow ship in the RM fleet. There is one awaiting you just at the end of Level01!
Keep Calm and Don't Shoot (Bronze) - Pass through the low-energy galaxy in Level10 without shooting a single bolt. It... is... so... tempting... yet...
Mr. Anderson! (Bronze) - Get infected by the IPA virus in your first encounter with it in Level05. Oh wait, have you updated your anti-virus database? Good for you.
Overclocked (Bronze) - Collect your first power-up. You did? Now go and wipe them all out!
Red Pill or Blue Pill? Neither (Bronze) - In Level20,you may go through one of two gates:Red or Blue. Rumors say there is a third green gate... it lies [beyond, beyond, beyond] the two gates.
The Bad... (Bronze) - Defeat IPA_IRecon: the first incarnation of the virus in Level09. Now you really know the true enemy!
The Ugly... (Bronze) - Defeat IPA_VInterface:the 2nd incarnation of the virus in Level19. It comes back to you for vengeance. This time it won't leave you w/o paying a price.
To The Last Kilo-byte (Gold) - Win all 29 levels in Hyper Mode. Be proud, you have seen each and every kilo-byte this game has to offer.
Trip The Light Fantastic (Bronze) - Sustain 10 seconds unharmed and without shooting against the boss IPA_IRecon in Level09. On the bright side, you get to enjoy all the lightworks!
Try Catch Finally (Bronze) - Make it unharmed through all the fleeing enemies in Level19... and prepare for what's coming next...

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