All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2
Stage | R2 presses |
Law (new) | 1 |
Yoshimitsu (light snow) | 2 |
Ling | 3 |
Hwoarang | 4 |
Lei | 5 |
Ogre | 6 |
School Stage (evening) | 7 |
Jin (evening) | 8 |
Nina (daytime) | 9 |
Eddy (sunset) | 10 |
King | 11 |
Heihachi | 12 |
Eddy (daytime) | 13 |
Unknown | 14 |
Law (old) | 15 |
School Stage (daytime) | 16 |
Jin (daytime) | 17 |
Nina (nighttime) | 18 |
Yoshimitsu (heavy snow) | 19 |
Paul | 20 |
KunimitsuFight as Alex
Bruce Irvin
Lee Chaolan
Wang Jinrey
Roger & Alex
Kuma & Panda
Kazuya Mishima
True Ogre
Prototype Jack
Mokujin & Tetsujin
Devil and Angel
Anna: Press [Forward], [Down/Forward], [Down] + [Square] + [Triangle], then tag to Nina.Third and fourth winning poses
Armor King: Press [Down], [Down/Back] + [Triangle] + [Circle], then tag to King.
Baek: Press [Forward] + [Triangle] + [X], then tag to Hwoarang.
Bryan: Do the Smashpunch ([Back] + [1] ) then tag to Bruce and do his Leg Cutter to Tornado Upper ([Down/Forward] + [3], [1]).
Heihachi: Press [Forward], [Forward] + [Square] + [Triangle], then tag to Jun.
Hwoarang: Press [Forward] + [Triangle] + [X], then tag to Baek.
Jack-2 : Press [Triangle] + [Circle], then tag to Gun Jack.
Jin: Press [Forward], [Forward] + [Square] + [Triangle], then tag to Jun.
Julia: Press [Back] + [Triangle], then tag to Michelle.
Jun: Press [Back], [Square] + [Triangle], then tag to Kazuya,Jin,Heihachi.
Kazuya: Press [Forward], [Forward] + [Square] + [Triangle], then tag to Jun.
King: Press [Back], [Square] + [Triangle], then tag to Armor King.
Xiaoyu: Press [Forward], [Triangle], [Square], then tag to Panda.
Lee: Press [Circle] for a third winning pose.Different before and after battle poses
Jin, Michelle, Nina, Xiaoyu, Yoshimitsu, Anna, Paul, Kuma & Panda, Heihachi, Julia, Gun Jack, Ogre, True Ogre, Forest Law, Lei Wu-Long, King, Hwoarang, Eddy, P.Jack, and Bryan: Press [X] for a third winning pose or [Circle] for a fourth winning pose.
Jun, Kazuya, Armor King, Wang, Kunimitsu, Ganryu, Devil & Angel, Bruce, Baek, Roger and Alex only have two poses: Press [Square] for the first winning pose or [Triangle] for the second winning pose.
Heihachie and LeeAdditional sequences are unlocked after you lose with:
Brian and Yosumitu
Xiaoyu and Wang
Nina and Anna
Lee and Hwoarang
Kazuya and Hwoarang
Lei and Paul
Bryan and Yoshimitsu
Bryan and Roger
Julia and Michelle
Jin and Heihachi
Kazuya and Heihachi
Kazuya and Devil
Jin and Heihachi
Panda and Xiaoyu
Kuma and Heihachi
Michelle and Ganryu
Heihachi and Xiaoyu
Bruce and Hwoarang
Paul and Law
Eddy and Hwoarang
Jin and Kazuya
Jin and Hwoarang
Baek and Hwoarang
King and Armor King
Hwoarang and Paul
Nina and AnnaAdditional sequences are unlocked after you win with:
Michelle and Ganryu
Julia and Ganryu
Nina and Paul
Kazuya and Lee
Panda/Kuma and Paul
Jin and Xiaoyu
Panda and Xiaoyu
King and Armor King
Paul and Law
Law and Lei
Nina/Anna and Bryan
Nina and AnnaGiggles or laughs with other characters
Baek and Hwoarang
King and Armor King (hold [Triangle])
Michelle and Julia (hold [Circle])
Panda and Xiaoyu
Heihachi and Kuma
Xiaoyu and Yoshimitsu
Michelle and Ganryu
Lei and Bryan
Left Throw: Press [Square] + [X].Reverse a reversal
Right Throw Press [Triangle] + [Circle].
If the CPU reverses a Left Punch ([Square]) quickly press [Forward] + [Square] + [X].Armor King and King: Easy grapples
If the CPU reverses a Right Punch ([Triangle]) quickly press [Forward] + [Triangle] + [Circle].
If the CPU reverses a Left Kick ([X]) quickly press [Forward] + [X] + [Square].
If the CPU reverses a Right Kick ([Circle]) quickly press [Forward] + [Circle] + [Triangle]
Armor King: Choke Sleeper Combo: Press [Forward], delay for a half a second, press [Down], [Down/Forward], [L2].Devil and Kazuya: Cross-transformation
Armor King: Half Nelson: (during Choke Sleeper Combo) Quickly press [R1], [L2]x2.
Armor King: Falling Sleeper Chain Throw: (during Chock Sleeper Combo) Quickly press [R2]x2, [L2].
Armor King: Triple Mount Punches: (during Falling Sleeper Chain Throw) Quickly press [Square]x2, [L2].
Armor King: Stretch Muffler(during Falling Sleeper Chain Throw) Quickly press [X], [Circle], [L2], [R2].
King: Standing Heel Hold Combo: Press [Forward], delay for a half a second, press [Down], [Down/Forward], [X] + [Triangle].
King: Indian Death Lock: (during Standing Heel Hold Combo) Quickly press [L2], [Square], [X], [L2].
King: King's Bridge: (during Indian Death Lock) Quickly press [Square], [X], [Circle], [L2], [R2]. Note: the move "King's Bridge" is called the "Mexican Surfboard Stretch" in Wrestling.
King: S.T.F. (during Indian Death Lock) quickly press [Square], [Triangle], [X], [L2]. Note: "S.T.F." stands for "Spinning Toe Face Lock".
Scorpion Deathlock (during Indian Death Lock) quickly press [L2], [X], [Square], [L1]. Note: The move "Scorpion Deathlock" is also known as "The Sharpshooter".
King: Arm Breaker: Press [Forward], delay for a half a second, press [Down], [Down/Forward], [Square] + [Circle].
King: Triple Arm Breaker (during Arm Breaker) Press [L2]x2.
King: Head Jammer (during Arm Breaker) Quickly press [L2], [Circle], [R1].
King: Struggle Combination (during Head Jammer) Quickly press [Circle], [X], [Circle], [R2], [L2].
King: Chicken Face Wing Lock (during Head Jammer) Quickly press [Triangle], [Square], [L2] + [X].
King: Dragon Sleeper Finish (during CFWL) Press [Triangle], [Square], [X], [L2] + [Circle] twice.
King: Rolling Death Cradle (during CFWL) Press [L1], [R2], [R1], [L2], [L2] + [X].
King: Reverse Arm Slam: Press [Forward], [Down/Forward] (press "Forward/Down" slightly longer), [R1].
King: Backdrop (during Reverse Arm Slam): Quickly press [Triangle], [Square], [L2].
King: German Suplex (Backdrop): Press [R2], [L2].
King: Power Bomb (during German Suplex): Press [Square], [Triangle], [R2].
King: Giant Swing (during Power Bomb): Press [Triangle], [Square], [X], [Circle].
King: Muscle Buster (during Power Bomb): Press [X], [Square], [Triangle], [R2], [R2] + [L2].
King: Reverse Special Stretch Bomb: Press [Forward], "Forward/Down", (press "Forward/Down "slightly longer), [L2].
King: Cannonball Buster (during RSSB or just sidestep and press [R1]): Press [Triangle]x2, [L2].
King: Manhattan Drop (during Cannonball Buster): Press [R2], [L2], [R2], [L2], [R2] (just keep alternating until King starts it).
King: Victory Bomb (during Manhattan Drop): Press [Square], [Triangle], [R2], [L2].
King: Giant Swing (during Victory Bomb): Press [Triangle], [Square], [X], [Circle].
King: Muscle Buster(during Victory Bomb): Press [X], [Square], [Triangle], [R2], [R2] +[L2].
String 1Jin: Omen move
Step 1: Press [Down/Forward], [Triangle] + [Square] (Nelson Suplex)
Step 2: Press [Triangle], [Triangle], [Square] + [Triangle] (CannonBall)
Step 3: Press [Square], [Triangle], [X] + [Circle] (Power Bomb)
Step 4: Press (for following above) [Triangle], [Square], [X], [Circle] (Giant Swing)
String 2
Step 1: Press [Down/Forward], [Triangle] + [Square] (Nelson Suplex)
Step 2: Press [Triangle], [Triangle], [Square] + [Triangle] (Cannon Ball)
Step 3: Press [X] + [Circle], [Square] + [Triangle], [Square] + [Triangle] + [Circle] (Knee Drop)
Step 4: Press [Square], [Triangle], [X] + [Circle], "Square +Triangle" (Super Freak)
Step 5: Press [X], [Square], [Triangle], [X] + [Circle], [Square] + [Triangle] + [X] + [Circle] (Muscle Buster)
String 3
Step 1: Press [Down/Forward], [Triangle] + [Square] (Nelson Suplex)
Step 2: Press [Triangle], [Triangle], [Square] + [Triangle] (Cannon Ball)
Step 3: Press [Square], [Triangle], [X] + [Circle] (Power bomb)
Step 4: Press [X], [Square], [Triangle], [X] + [Circle], [Square] + [Triangle] + [X] + [Circle] (Muscle Buster)
String 4
Step 1: Press [Down/Forward], [Triangle] + [Square] (Nelson Suplex)
Step 2: Press [Triangle], [Triangle], [Square] + [Triangle] (Cannon Ball)
Step 3: Press [X] + [Circle], [Square] + [Triangle], [Square] + [Triangle] + [Circle] (Knee Drop)
Step 4: Press [Square], [Triangle], [X] + [Circle], [Square] + [Triangle] (Super freak)
Step 5: Press (for following above) [Triangle], [Square], [X], [Circle] (Giant Swing)
String 5
Step 1: Press "Forward*Down", [Down/Forward] + [Triangle] + [X] (Standing Heel Hold)
Step 2: Press [Triangle] + [Square], [X], [Square], [Square] + [X] (Sharpshooter)
String 6
Step 1: Press "Forward/Down", [Down/Forward] + [Triangle] + [X] (Standing Heel Hold)
Step 2: Press [Triangle] + [Square], [Square], [X], [Square] + [Triangle] + [Circle] (Indian Deathlock)
Step 3: Press square,X,circle,triangle+square,circle+X (Mexican Surfboard)
String 7
Step 1: Press "Forward*Down", [Down/Forward] + [Triangle] + [X] (Standing Heel Hold)
Step 2: Press [Square], [Triangle], [X], [Square] + [Triangle]