Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando Cheats - PlayStation 2

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2
Check out these Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando Cheats
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Jan. 31, 2009
Apr. 09, 2008
Primary Collection of Cheats
Start with more weapons
Insert a memory card with a save file from the original Ratchet And Clank with the game completed.

Ratchet has a big head
Get 5 skill points to unlock this cheat.

Ratchet in a tux
Get 7 skill points to unlock this cheat.

Snow dude Ratchet
Win the Impossible Challenge in the Megacorp Games and get 30 skill points.

Clank has a big head
Get 10 skill points to unlock this cheat.

Mirrored levels
Get 12 skill points to unlock this cheat.

Actors have big heads
Get 15 skill points to unlock this cheat.

Ratchet wears a clown suit
Get 20 skill points to unlock this cheat.

Enemies have big heads
Get 25 skill points to unlock this cheat.

Beach Boy
Get 30 skill points to unlock this cheat.

Clowner paint job
Get 25 skill points to unlock this paint job at Slim's.

Dark Nebula paint job
Get 15 skill points to unlock this paint job at Slim's.

Insomniac Special paint job
Get 29 skill points to unlock this paint job at Slim's.

Lunar Eclipse paint job
Get 25 skill points to unlock this paint job at Slim's.

Neutron Star paint job
Get 19 skill points to unlock this paint job at Slim's.

Paint Jobs paint job
Get 3 skill points to unlock this paint job at Slim's.

Plaidtastic paint job
Get 29 skill points to unlock this paint job at Slim's.

Prepster paint job
Get 29 skill points to unlock this paint job at Slim's.

Scoop Nose paint job
Get 18 skill points to unlock this paint job at Slim's.

Silent Strike paint job
Get 15 skill points to unlock this paint job at Slim's.

Solar Wind paint job
Get 15 skill points to unlock this paint job at Slim's.

Space storm paint job
Get 10 skill points to unlock this paint job at Slim's.

Split Nose paint job
Get 29 skill points to unlock this paint job at Slim's.

Star Traveler paint job
Get 19 skill points to unlock this paint job at Slim's.

Super Paint Jobs paint job
Get 10 skill points to unlock this paint job at Slim's.

Supernova paint job
Get 10 skill points to unlock this paint job at Slim's.

Warp Streak paint job
Get 10 skill points to unlock this paint job at Slim's.

Random Stuff menu
Successfully complete the game to unlock the "Random Stuff" menu.

Space-ish Wars
Successfully complete the game to unlock this option at the "Random Stuff" menu.

Successfully complete the game to unlock this option at the "Random Stuff" menu.

First person mode
Successfully complete the game to unlock this option at the "Random Stuff" menu.

Endorsement Deals
Collect all weapons to unlock this option at the "Random Stuff" menu.

Sheep Invaders
Collect all weapons to unlock this option at the "Random Stuff" menu.

Note: The Sheep Invaders mini-game can be played with two players. Insert a second controller and a friend will play as the green Kilinoid. It is cooperative and you will compete for the better score.

Making of movie
Collect all weapons to unlock this option at the "Random Stuff" menu. Note: This is only available in the NTSC version of the game.

Collect all weapons and all mods to unlock this option at the "Random Stuff" menu.

Rejected commercials
Collect all weapons and all mods to unlock this option at the "Random Stuff" menu.

Clank's Day at Insomniac
Collect all weapons, mods, and skill points to unlock this option at the "Random Stuff" menu.

Insomniac Museum
Collect all weapons, mods, and skill points to unlock this option at the "Shortcuts" menu from the "Special" menu.

Get all Platinum Bolts then go to the "Special" menu. From there go to "Shortcuts" and scroll until you see the "Insomniac Museum" option. The museum has things that did not make it into the game but are very interesting.

Set the PlayStation2 system time to 2:55 a.m., then, start the game. Quickly go to Silver City, Boldan. Go to the part with the metal chunks are sticking up that you can hide behind. There should be a purple room ahead. Go in it. There will be two paths. Go to the one on the left. There will be a park with a dry fountain. The fountain has a teleporter at the top. Go to the top and wait for the PlayStation2 clock to reach 3:00 a.m. Activate the teleporter and you will enter the Insomniac Museum, without the required skill points or Platinum Bolts.

On Planet Barlo, go on the power lines until you get to the construction area. Once there, stay on the left side until you hit the power box. You will start to fall. Use the jetpack to get to the area to the right. Once there, go to the place that looks like a garage. Move to the right until you get to the corner, then fall in and go forward. Jump to find the teleporter to get to the Insomniac Museum.

First-Person Mode
Defeat the final Boss to unlock this option at the "Random Stuff" menu.

Challenge mode
To unlock challenge mode, you must complete the entire game. When you have defeated the final Boss, you will have two options: go back to before you killed Qwark or go to challenge mode. Do challenge mode and save the game to a blank file. Then, go to that game that you saved challenge mode on. The Gladiator games and everything else will be worth more Bolts. For example, the crystals in the desert are worth 10,000 Bolts, the moon stones are worth 30,000 Bolts, and winning the Impossible challenge in the Megacorp Games is worth 2,000,000 Bolts.

Snow skin
Play the Impossible Challenge in the Megacorp Games Arena and win all 60 levels.
in the Megacorp Games
The Impossible Challenge consists of 60 rounds. Every five rounds it switches between normal and cagematch modes, and the very last round is against the Megapede. In order to win, do not attempt it until you are very strong and have learned how to strafe expertly. Try doing it when you have reached the end of the game and have all or most of the weapons (and have upgraded them).. Also have your experience meter at least three quarters full so that you can level up near the end of the match. The instant nanotech fillup will help tremendously. Reserve your ammunition, especially the Megarocket Tube (Minirocket Tube upgrade) as you will need it against Megapede. Use the Shield Charger when you are low on life and the Megaturret Glove (Miniturret Glove upgrade), Heavy Lancer (Lancer upgrade), and MiniNuke (Gravity Bomb upgrade) for dealing with enemies when the wrench just will not do. Your prize for winning is 200,000 Bolts and a skill point.

Use the following tactics to complete the Impossible Challenge in Challenge Mode. Know that every five rounds the mode of fighting switches to on the ground to cage match, with a battle with Megapede on the 60th round (the last one). To get through this challenge, start the match with your Nanotech upgrade bar at at least two thirds or three quarters full. The battles will increase the bar and you will get a helpful health increase somewhere in the match. Most enemies should be taken care of in their own way. Try to keep your Ultra Heavy Bouncer (or any other version of the Bouncer) and your Ultra MegaRocket Cannon (or any other version of the Mini-Rocket Tube) ammunition available. Do not squander it -- you need them for Megapede. If you do not have the Ultra MegaRocket Cannon or Ultra Meteor Gun's Lock-On Mods, get them. They are vital for a smooth battle with Megapede. In the battles before Megapede, you will encounter purple pig-like beasts. When they charge at you, get near the edge and jump when they get close. They will fall off the edge. When they approach you slowly, get near the edge, jump over them, and hit them in the lava with your wrench. Use the Black Sheepinator or the Sheepinator on the small enemies (it is recommended that you upgrade the Sheepinator before the battle). The larger enemies will be drawn to them like the Decoy Glove. If they are black sheep, they will explode and hurt them. Use a version of the Seeker Gun or a version of the Lava Gun to blast the larger robots and the gladiators. When those run out, use a version of the Lancer, a version of the Plasma Coil, or a version of the Tesla Claw, but do not use a version of the Multi-Star -- you cannot move when shooting it. When you get to Megapede, if you have any remaining, lock onto him with the Meteor Gun and blast him. A piece of his body will fall off. Immediately switch to the Heavy Bouncer and shoot the body piece. Not only will this kill the body piece, but it will clear the field of the grenades that Megapede drops. When all his body pieces are off except for three, take out the Ultra MegaRocket Cannon, lock on, and blast him. After his health diminishes, the three pieces will fall off. Equip the Shield Charger and whip their butts with the Heavy Bouncer. In normal mode, the Impossible Challenge is worth 200,000 Bolts, but in Challenge Mode it is worth 2,000,000 bolts.

Kill enemies easier in battle arenas
To kill enemies easier in battle arenas, go to the middle of the arena and put upgraded turrets around you. You should win every time, and sometimes not get hit.

Canal City: Platinum Bolt
After you go up the first elevator and across the bridge, you will see a billboard. Break it, and you will see the bolt.

Feltzin System: Nanotech boost
When you are just about to start a mission in the Feltzin System, go straight. You will see an opening in the giant space ship. Go inside and there should be a Nanotech boost somewhere in it.

Feltzin System: Easy Raritanium
Note: This trick requires the Nuclear Detonation Device (60 Raritanium) for your ship. On the Space Wasp mission in the Feltzin System, fire your nuke so that at least about three Wasp are not seen onscreen. If done correctly, you should see between two and eleven pieces of Raritanium to pick up. If you repeatedly restart after picking up the Raritanium, you can accumulate up to 300 Raritanium within thirty minutes. After that, you should not have to worry about digging up Raritanium on Planets Tabora or Greblin. This can also be done on other space missions, as on Planet Gorn.

Maktar Resort: Platinum Bolts
Take the path where the slot machines are located. When you see a crane at the right, hop up to get a Platinum Bolt.

To get the next Platinum Bolt you must have Clank. At the Thugs 4 Less Jamming Array, there is a platform that is directly behind and to the left of the limo. Use the boost jump and get up to it. Then, use the jump thing to get the Platinum Bolt.

Note: You need Clank for this. There is a very difficult to find Platinum Bolt that is not very hard to get. Go to Maktar Nebula and go down the ramp until you see a large circular platform. You will see a path in the middle, to the right, and to the left. Take the one that is on the left. Walk past all the slot machines then keep going until you take the elevator. Go up and continue until you see a Space Limo. Hop in, and you will be under a hanging ledge. Keep going to the left until you see a sort of ladder. Hop up it. You will now be on a large platform. To your right is a spotlight and an ammunition cube, if needed. Walk to the edge of this platform and jump to the other. Be careful, as there is a laser field in the chasm. Once on the next platform to your right, you will see a wall. It is really another platform. Use Clank to get up there (hold [R1] and double-tap [X] and hold) and stand on top. You will see a sort of support with a crane at the end. Walk to the other side of this support and the Bolt will be there.

Maktar Resort: Winning the 300 shot arena battle
Jump over all of the enemies and make them hit each other. It is possible to win it with 200 shots remaining.

Megacorp Armory: Easy Bolts
This works best with the Box Breaker. Go to the Megacorp Armory, then go up the first elevator immediately after the tour. Smash the ground and get the Bolts, then go a little way up the hallway. Smash those and get the Bolts. Keep doing this until you get to the end, then jump over the side into the water. Do this as many times as desired. You get between 1,000 to 1,500 Bolts each time.

Megacorp Armory: Help desk messages
Kill the tourists coming out of the bus. There will be an unlimited number of tourists. You will get four different messages from the help desk telling you to stop.

Planet Bolden : Nanotech boost
At the same place as Planet Todana is a Nanotech boost that appears every other hour.

Go to the second crane, and in the second room there is a Trespasser Lock. Use the Trespasser to open the door and get the Nanotech boost.

Planet Domosal: Easy Bolts
Buy a special armor or weapon then go to Planet Domosal. Before smashing every box in sight for Bolts, first jump on the nearby railroad track for a continue point. Then after crushing every box, you can jump off a ledge and all the boxes will respawn. Every time you destroy the big stack of boxes on the Protopet street, nearby you will get around 9,000 Bolts from them.

You will find lots of Protopets running around the streets. Go down that street and equip a shield. Then take out the Sheepinator and turn all the Protopets into sheep. While you are doing that, quickly take out the Minirocket Tube and shoot down all the Extermibots (the enemies with the lasers). Then, look at the end of the street. There is a generator throwing out more Protopets. If you want to keep trying to upgrade your Sheepinator, do not destroy the generator; keep Sheepinating the Protopets. Note: The Protopets usually quadruple themselves. Keep using the same weapons for the same enemies as you go through. If you keep using the Sheepinator on the Protopets as you go through, it will either upgrade or it will be very close to being upgraded. If you do upgrade it, it will turn into the Black Sheepinator, which will turn your enemies into black sheep. Once the enemy has been turned into a black sheep, it will hop up to other enemies and explode, which will help you through this level if you get the Sheepinator upgraded before you leave the level (they sometimes hop up to Extermibots and explode). If you have been using the Minirocket Tube against most or some enemies in other levels, you should be at least halfway to upgrading it. If you go through this level and destroy all the Extermibots with the Minirocket Tube, it should upgrade, or be very close to being upgraded. If it is upgraded, it will turn into the Megarocket Cannon, which will shoot four missiles instead of one at an enemy. The Megarocket Cannon can destroy an Extermibot in one shot. Note: Usually your shield will disappear after a while; equip another shield on Ratchet, but only when you really need it as there will be a lot of enemies that will be encountered.

Planet Domosal: Bolt Virus
Go to Planet Domosal and to Allgon City. At the start, hit a light. It shold give you 84 Bolts. If it does not, keep dying and hit it until you get 84 Bolts. When it does, go to where the closest taxi is located then head into the Protopet infested streets. Use the Charge Boots to get to the platform with the ladder quickly. When you climb up, kill the robots and use the Swingshot. On the second Swingshot target do not land on the platform. Instead, get as close as you can to the platform without jumping off. Once the Protopets jump out of the sewers do a 180 degree spin in the air and go back to the platform without the protopets. Kill the Protopets with the Mini Nuke or Minirocket (optional) then Swing Shot to the platform and land this time. Get all the Bolts and immediately fall off the platform. When you restart, the lights should give you 420 instead of 84 Bolts. If you are in challenge mode, your Bolt multiplier will remain the same until you exit the planet.

Planet Endako: Sheep Invaders mini-game
Go to Clank's apartment. On the coffee table is a pyramid. Use the Dynamo on it and you will play Sheep Invaders. Once you get tired of playing, you can smash it and get lots of Bolts.

Planet Endako: Laser bot ally
Use the crane to pick up a laser bot. He will keep shooting his laser. When you move it above an enemy, the laser bot will hit it.

Planet Endako: Platinum Bolt
When you are at the second crane, get the block in the in the first room and bring it to the middle room by the elevated doorway. Next, get the exploding block and sit it on the block. The door will open. Go to the middle room and hop up on it to get the Platinum Bolt.

Planet Endako: Nanotech boost
When you get the Infiltrator, go to Planet Endako then go to the second crane. In the second room, in front of you will be a door with a Infiltrator thing. Solve it and the door will open. There is a Nanotech Boost inside.

Planet Greblin: Y.E.T.I.
When you get to planet Greblin, be careful of the pack hunting beasts called Y.E.T.I. They hunt in packs of over five. No weapon except the RYNO 2 can take them down quickly. They are killers and should be avoided when your health is low.

Planet Joba: Nanotech boost
Immediately at the beginning is a dynamo activator on the right. Activate it and go into the tunnel. Use the dynamo then quickly go to the end and take a right to get a Nanotech boost.!

In the Megacorp games, when you start cross the bridge. After you pass the big tree on your right, there is a dynamo. Activate it, then run in the tunnel ahead of you. Activate the next dynamo cross the bridge. Do not worry about the enemies; avoid them. After you cross the bridge on your right will be a Nanotech boost.

Planet Notak: Nanotech boost
At the top of the promenade, there is a Nanotech boost.

Planet Notak: Easy Bolts
After completing the game, you will have a Bolt Multiplier. To get a lot of Bolts, have your multiplier number to be more than x15. Then, go to Planet Notak (Canal City). Go through the entire level and all enemies will be worth 3,000 Bolts each. You will get from 50,000 to over 100,000 Bolts. Once you have completed the level, go back to your ship. Ride somewhere else, then go back to Planet Notak. Keep repeating this process. Note: The Plasma Storm works extremely well against groups of Chickenbots.

Planet Oozla: Easy Bolts
Have a Bolt Multiplier of 20 and go to Planet Oozla. Every Mutant Swampbeast and Mutant Muckdweller will have 2,500 to 3,000 Bolts.

Planet Oozla: Platinum Bolts
When you get the tractor beam, to the left is A Platinum Bolt. You have to use the tractor beam to move the columns to the left to get it.

There is one more Platinum Bolt on the planet. Go to the path right of your ship, and by the Muckdwellers on the left is a dragon boat that will take you to the Platinum Bolt.

Planet Oozla: Secret Boss
In the department store, there is a hill-type wall near the end that you can walk up with the Gravity Boots. When you get up there, there is a weapon vendor and a huge pipe that you can slide down. Slide down it and you will fall into the planet's sewage system, where the secret Boss awaits you. Note: This Boss is even more powerful than the so called "Final Protopet Boss".

Planet Tabora: Nanotech boost
In the glider segment on top of a pillar, there is a Nanotech boost.

Planet Tabora: Platinum Bolt
Take the route where you must use the tractor beam a lot. In the second room, there will be a big thing and a small thing that you can stand on. Move the things and get the inspector to open the door, but do not go inside. Instead, take the two things and look above you to your right. You should see an extra room. Move the things to get up there. In there should be A Captain Qwark fan who will trade you the Quark action figure and a room with a Platinum Bolt inside. Its best if you have the Mapper.

Planet Todano: Anti-squirrel bus
At the beginning of the level when the tourists are getting off the bus, jump up on top of the bus. Place a mini-turret before the bus leaves. As the bus goes to the finish of the tour, the turret will shoot at squirrels.

Planet Todano: Nanotech boost
In the missile silo, there is a Trespasser Lock. Use it and an elevator will come down. It leads up to a Nanotech boost.

Planet Todano: Robots
When the robots come out of the bus keep hitting them. After you kill about twenty, you will get a warning. If you keep hitting them, after about six to seven minutes, robots will come out and kill you.

Planet Todano: Platinum Bolt
In the building with all the robots, there is a place where you use the tractor beam frequently. Where you use it on the Inspector Bot, there are two moving platforms above you. Use the tractor beam to move the pole over under it. Jump on it, and there is an air vent. Use the Spider Bot/Tank Bot and throw it in the vent. Go up the vent to find a red light. Stand on it and it will let you get the Platinum Bolt.

Planet Todano: Funny warnings
Kill as many tourists as possible. This is easiest to do while they are coming out of the transport. You will be warned about killing too many tourists. There are four warnings.

Planet Yeedil: Platinum Bolt
In the Megacorp Headquarters, there is a part where you must use the Electrolyzer to get to the other side of the place. Above you, there is a grinding rail with a Platinum Bolt on it. When you get to the other side of the room, look around. You will see big poles with marks on them. One has a tractor beam mark. Move the pull and get up the stairs. At the end of the grinding rail is the Platinum Bolt.

When you first land your ship, look on top of the bridge to see a Platinum Bolt. Put on your Grind Boots and jump on the cable. Keep jumping until you reach the top. Note: This requires a lot of practice.

Defeating the Arachnoid
In the the Arachnoid fight on Joba, do the following. Use a long range weapon such as the Plasma Storm or the Megarocket Cannon. The Boss will go to the other side of the cage match and makes unlimited Nidbots (the black "ants") -- do not use the HK 22 gun. This Boss' attack is electricity; get the Tesla Shield before doing this.

Defeating the B2 Brawler
When you get the Zodiac, go to Maktar Nebula and face the B2 Brawler. When he shoots the laser balls, allow him to hit you with them. He will then come down to where you can shoot him. Take out the Zodiac and try to get up close us possible to his head. Launch a shot from the Zodiac. Watch out for his legs. In seconds he will be nothing but ash with one shot.

When Brawler enters the arena, equip the Chopper if available. It will eventually spread its legs. Equip the Gravity Bomb and stay away unless you want to get swept. If you run out, use the Lancer.

Buy the Bouncer and upgrade it to the next level. Then, hit Chainblade or the B2 Brawler with the weapon. A direct hit should kill them.

Defeating the giant Protopet
You can go under the giant Protopet and shoot at him when he is shooting at you or laying tiny Protopets. Note: This only works on the top ring.

This trick requires the Plasma Storm and Heavy Bouncer. Make sure the Heavy Bouncer has the lock-on upgrade. Lock-on with the Heavy Bouncer and strafe while the Protopet rolls. When it releases the protopets, use the Plasma Storm. Prevent him from getting ammunition, but allow him to get the bombs as they can be easily dodged when moving.

Defeating the Oozla swamp monster
When you are on planet Oozla, you will encounter the thorny swamp monster. Its two attacks are its arm swing and the pancaker. Use your Lancer and Gravity Bomb. It is difficult, but you' wil eventually pass and receive the Dynamo at the end.

Defeating the second Oozla swamp monster
When you get the Gravity Boots, use them to walk the weird ramp in the store. Make sure you have been to the upgrade vendors and advanced a lot of them. Go down the chute and prepare for a very difficult fight. The last Boss you defeated was this Boss' little cousin. Shoot frequently and avoid him when swinging and eating. It is a circle and you will not run out of room. Do not stop shooting when it is still and you will receive the Boxbreaker (a Wrench upgrade).

Note: The R.Y.N.O.2 will clear about half of his health.

Defeating the Thief
To have a fairly easier time defeating the Thief (the third time) on Siberius planet, immediately take out your Seeker Gun as the Thief approaches then shoot him as fast as you can. He will scramble away.

Defeating Thug Leader on Snivelak
It is possible to defeat the Thug Leader on Snivelak without using any of the turrets. Use the Tetrabomb Gun, RYNO II, Mini-Nuke, and other strong weapons, all of which are at the Ultra level, and you can defeat him without landing in one turret. Note: Without the turrets you will be continuously fired at. Strafe around to avoid the shots and lasers.

Defeating the final Boss
Take out your RYNO 2 in the final battle. You can kill the Boss in about ten shots.

Defeating enemies
Use the following trock to defeat larger, more difficult enemies very easily. Note: You will need the Sheepinator and the Shield Charger. Enter as many battle arenas as possible after acquiring the Sheepinator. Get 100,000 Bolts then purchase the Shield Charger at a vendor. The Sheepinator is a weapon that can turn most enemies (but probably not Bosses) into harmless white sheep, which you can whack at with your wrench. They will then explode into a little white cloud. The Shield Charger is a temporary shield which will form around you. It will complete protect you from all harm (except falling off cliffs, edges, etc.). When using the Sheepinator, walk up to any enemy and use it on them. A meter will fill and the enemy will turn into a sheep This can take a while, leaving you completely vulnerable to all other attacks. If you equip the Shield Charger (it will also harm any enemy when you touch them) while using the Sheepinator, you can take all the time required with the gun when turning larger more powerful enemies into sheep, and you will not get hurt by enemy fire.

Gadgetron Shop
Have a saved game from the original Ratchet And Clank on your memory card. Do not save money for the Rhino2. If you obtained it the first game, then it will be offered for free. Wait for the Zodiac later in the game for 1,500,000.

Cheaper RYNO 2
Do not save to get the RYNO 2 before you defeat the Protopet. After you defeat it, the Gadetron vendor will have the RYNO 2, and it will be 1,000,000 Bolts instead of the normal 1,500,000 Bolts.

Easy Bolts
Go to level 2 and look for a slot machine. Hit it with your wrench. If get three bars, you will get 300 Bolts and a skill point (Gotta Buy Clank a New Pair of Shoes).

Keep entering the arena battles and get the prize money.

Go to the level were you get the 10 Crystals for the man so that he can fix your ship. Get all the other crystals and sell them all to the same person. You will get 1000 Bolts for each crystal. In the field, you will find a platinum bolt. The other platinum bolt is where you get the glider.

Keep doing levels repeatedly.

Win hover bike races.

Go to Angela's home planet and get the rock out of the way with nine moon rocks. Then, get 16 for the Hypnomatic part. There should be about 80 remaining. When you give one to the mystic, you will get 3,000 for each crystal.

Complete the Electrolyzer battle on Maktar Resort, and the Gravity Boots and Infiltrator battles on Joba. Then, get the Minirocket Tube, Plasma Coil, Pulse Rifle, Or Ryno 2 and constantly fight Chainblade and the Arachnoid. If you defeat them a lot of times, you will get the B2 Brawler and the Megapede. Keep fighting them to get Bolts.

This trick has the best results in challenge mode. You will need the Black Sheepinator (upgraded Sheepinator) and the Zodiac. When you first get out of your ship, all you need is one round of ammunition for the Zodiac, and the Black Sheepinatior does not require any. In the neighborhood where you first encounter the Protopets, use your Charge Boots and make your way to the platform where the two Bots exit from the ship. Jump on top of the platform to protect yourself, then fire the Zodiac facing towards the neighborhood. This should kill both the Bots and a lot of the Protopets. Jump down and strafe from side to side, collecting the Bolts while using your Black Sheepinator on the Protopets. You can get a lot of Bolts by letting your Bolt Multiplier increase by not getting hit. Allow a handful of Protopets to multiply, then keep killing them. If done correctly without getting hit, your Bolt Multiplier should be between 15 to 20. Then, go to the beginning of the level and jump off the cliff to restart the level. Do this about five or times and you should be able to get any remaining weapons or armor desired.

Constantly kill Protopets on Damosel. Each one is worth 50 to 100 Bolts. It is possible to get 100,000 bolts in about an hour. Also, after killing a few, let them regenerate again so you can get more money.

Go to the thug rendezvous in challenge mode and complete the levels up to the point were you fight the ace ships. Make sure you have the nuke installed on your ship. Enter the level and fire your nuke within the first five seconds, or you will miss some ships. This should kill all of them in one shot. Do this repeatedly. You will eventually get 7,000 Bolts per match. It is possible to collect about 1,000,000 bolts in fifteen minutes.

While playing in challenge mode, find any place with a "machine" or creature that makes new enemies all the time (for example, the "boxes" that throw out the robotic chickens). Use Mega Heavy Lancer or Ultra Heavy Lancer to destroy the robotic chickens, but do not destroy the machine spitting out the new ones. After you have killed enough of them, destroy the machine and collect all the Bolts. Note: When doing this, wait until the end to collect the Bolts because your multiplier will be higher.
Skill point tasks
Complete the following "tasks" to qualify for the matching skill point.
2B or not 2B hit: Defeat B2 Brawler without getting hurt.
Be A Moon Child: Collect all Moonstones from the snow desert.
Bye Bye Birdies: Shoot and kill all twelve birds.
Clank Needs A New Pair Of Shoes: Win 300 Bolts from a slot machine.
Destroy All Breakables: Smash up Circular City.
Dukes Up: Defeat Meck with melee only.
Heal Your Chi: Collect all crystals from the desert.
How Fast Was That?: Beat 2:27 in the Hoverbike Race.
Midtown Insanity: Grind without getting hurt.
Moving Violation: Shoot down 14 ships.
Nano To The Max: Get maximum Nanotech.
Nice Ride: Purchase all ship upgrades.
No Shocking Developments: Ride the grind rail without a scratch.
Nothing To See Here: Destroy all Megacorp rockets along the tour.
Operate Heavy Machinery: Crush ten robots with the crane.
Planet Buster: Break the large floating globe.
Prehistoric Rampage: Shoot four pterodactyls.
Robo Rampage: Smash every building on Lunar City.
Safety Deposit: Save all the tourists in the bank.
Smash And Grab: Smash up the Megacorp Store.
Speed Demon: Beat 2:10 in the Hoverbike Race.
That's Impossible!: Win the Impossible Challenge.
Try To Sleep: Turn sixteen squirrels into sheep.
Vandalize: Bust everything in the Maktar Resort.
Weapon Envy: Collect all weapons.
Wrench Ninja 2: Massacre: Make It to the games using only the Wrench.
Wrench Ninja: Blade to Blade: Defeat Chainblade with only your Wrench.
You can break a Snow Dan: This skill point takes place on Planet Siberius. Look behind one of the garages and you will find a snowman. Break it to get a skill point.
You're My Hero: Save all the tourists from the wildlife.
Weapon upgrades
Lancer: Heavy Lancer
Gravity bomb: Mini Nuke
Chopper: Multi Star
Omni Wrench 8000: Omni Wrench10000: Omni Wrench12000
Blitz Gun: Blitz Cannon
Pulse Rifle: Vaporizer
Miniturret Glove: Megaturret Glove
Seeker Gun: HK22
Synthoid: Kilonoid
Lava Gun: Meteor Gun
Bouncer: Heavy Bouncer
Minirocket Tube: Mega Rocket Cannon
Spiderbot Glove: Tankbot Glove
Hoverbomb Gun: Terrabomb Gun
Sheepinator: Black Sheepinator
Plasma Coil: Plasma Storm
Shield Charger: Tesla Shield
Note: When you play in challenge mode, you can buy a Mega upgrade for each weapon, including the ones listed.

Weapon and gadget prices
Bikers Helmet: Win the hoverbike race in Barlow
Blitz Gun: 15,000
Bouncer: 100,000
Carbonox Armor: 1,000,000
Charge Boots: Win the Hoverbike Race in Joba
Chopper: 5,000
Duraplate Armor: 100,000
Dynamo: Free
Electrolyzer: Win the Maktar Resort battle arena challenge 1
Electrosteel Armor: 250,000
Gravity Bomb: Free
Gravity Boots: Win the Joba battle arena Challenge 1
Grind Boots: Find in Clank's Apartment
Heli-Pack: Find Clank
Hypnomatic: Trade for Moonstones on Grelbin and find on Smolg and Damosel
Infiltrator: Win the Joba battle arena challenge 2
Lancer: Free
Levitator: 20,000
Minirocket Tube: 50,000
Miniturret Glove: 15,000
Momentum Glider: Find in the Mining area on Tabora
Pulse Rifle: 25,000
R.Y.N.O. ll: 1,000,000: Note: R.Y.N.O. ll is always 1,000,000 bolts
Seeker Gun: 1,000
Sheepinator: Free
Shield Charger: 100,000
Spiderbot Glove: 10,000
Swingshot: Find in Clank's Apartment
Terifiber Armor: 25,000
Thermenator: 1,000
Thruster Pack: Find Clank
Tractor Beam: 1,000
Zodiac: 1,500,000
Mega weapon prices
Note: You must complete the game before you are able to buy Mega weapons. Also, with often use of Mega weapons, they will upgrade to Ultra weapons; except for the older guns from the original Rachet And Clank.
Mega Mini Nuke: 1,500,000
Mega Tetrabomb Gun: 1,250,000
Mega Plasma Storm: 750,000
Mega Heavy Lancer: 150,000
Mega Multi Star: 200,000
Mega Blitz Cannon: 375,000
Mega Vaporizer: 400,000
Mega Hk22 Gun: 200,000
Mega Bomb Glove: 1,000
Mega Walloper: 8,000
Mega Visibomb: 150,000
Mega Tesla Claw: 80,000
Mega Decoy Glove: 50,000
Mega Killinoid: 450,000
Mega Meteor Gun: 200,000
Mega Heavy Bouncer: 350,000
Mega Mega Rocket: 650,000
Mega Tankbot Glove: 375,000
Mega Tesla Barrier: 250,000
Mega Mega Turret: 550,000
Easy weapon upgrades
Go to Maktar Nebula and go to the Battle Arena. Play the Impossible challenge. Next, buy all the bullets for all your guns. Then, keep killing the people with the non-upgraded guns. Even if you die, you will get them upgraded. If you die, buy more bullets.

In Maktar Resort, Maktar Nebula, you will find a battle arena that has a Boss named Chainblade. You can fight him and B2 Brawler to get a lot of experience. For example, take your Lancer and fight with just that weapon until he dies. Most likely, you will get enough experience to fill one quarter of the bar. Do this four or five times if necessary. This should upgrade the Lancer to a Heavy Lancer like all other weapons.

Go to Joba and win every challenge until you get the "Impossible challenge". Do it and use the weapon that you want to upgrade. Even if you die, the experience bar will increase. You should last for about 27 rounds if you do not have at least three quarters of the weapons. If you are a melee super expert, you should last all 60 rounds with your weapons and upgraded wrench.

Strong attack
Have at least have the OmniWrench 10000. To kill some stronger enemies, use the jump/vertical slash by pressing [X] to jump then [Square].

Quick start in hoverbike races
As soon as the light turns green, hold [R1] + [X] . This may require some practice.

Clank Shocker
The Clank Shocker can be upgraded into the Clank Zapper. The recommended area to do this is is Planet Smolg. The enemies have a lot of Nanomites and are not very difficult. The zapper has a built-in acid type of mod, even though it is red.

Keep moving with Charge Boots
The Charge Boots will propel you for a short time. However, if you hold [R1] you will keep going and can move yourself around.

Armor upgrades
Training: Tetrafiber: Duraploate: Electrosteel: Carbonox
Jak 2 and Sly Cooper references
At the "Press Start" screen, you will see Ratchet playing video games while Clank reads a book. At first Ratchet is playing both Ratchet And Clank then Ratchet And Clank: Going Commando. Allow the game to idle and you will see Ratchet playing Jak 2 and Sly Cooper as well.

Jak And Daxter references
In Clank's apartment on Planet Endako where you get the Swingshot and Grindboots, on the wall is a picture of Jak and Daxter.

When your getting parts for the hypno thing and you get one of the pieces, Ratchet and Clank will do a small dance. The game will play a music sequence. It is the same music and moves as from Jak And Daxter.

Glitch: Stay on second floor
When you are fighting the Protopet Boss at the Megacorp HQ, shoot him until you get to the second level, when he starts smashing the ground to bring you to the third level. Throw a bomb at him with the tractor beam and he will forget about smashing the ground and come after you. He will not smash the ground for the remainder of the battle. Note: Only the bombs work, as they do lots of damage.

Glitch: Stuck in Insomniac Museum
Go to the Insomniac Museum and climb the gravity boots "spiral". When you get to the top and are on the "gravity ball", look for a vent shaft. If you jump at it, you will go in. Note: There is no way to escape or get out.

Glitch: Mining vehicle music
In the mining camp, go to the mining car with the Gravity Boots and get into the vehicle. Go to the other side of the camp and hug against the rock wall near the edge of the cliff. Then, ride as fast as you can and jump over the canyon to the area behind the building before the cave in the back. Next, drive directly over the building on the side, hugging the rock wall. You should be in the camp place. Intentionally die, and the game will play the mining vehicle music all the time. Intentionally die again to return to normal.

Glitch: Light reflection in Maktar Nebula Resort
Go to the place where the purple car is to take you to destroy the Thugs-4-Less Jamming Array. Do not go in the car yet. Instead, smash all the lights at that location. Then, look down on the floor where the light's reflection is found. Although the light is not there, the reflection still is.

Glitch: Brighter results screen
Note: This requires the Hyperspace Warp Upgrade for the ship. Whenever you complete a mission on any planet that requires you to stay in your ship (for example, Feltzin System, Hrugis Cloud, Gorn), press [R2] + [L2] to activate the Hyperspace Upgrade at the correct moment before the results screen apears. The results screen will be brighter for about three to five seconds. Practice the timing to get the screen completely white.

Glitch: Fly a dead ship
On Planet Gorn, complete any challenge and immediately before the results screen appears, fly as high or low as you can. Press [X] to go to the mission select menu and wait. If done correctly, the lightning will zap the ship while you select a mission. When the explosion effect appears, select a mission. If done correctly, the shields and health bar will be depleted. Note: Any contact with an enemy, enemy fire, or obstacles will result in the ship being blown up.

Glitch: Nuke trick
Note: This requires the Nuke Upgrade (60 Raritanium). On the Space Wasp or Ace Pilot mission (Feltzin System) or the Bandit mission on Gorn, select the Nuke and fire it at the very beginning on the mission. If done correctly, all of the enemy ships will be defeated in less than ten seconds. Note: On Gorn, adjust your aim to the right of the floating building thing at the start, or else you will leave about three to seven ships out of the blast.

Glitch: Decoy Glove does not stop
In Maktar Resort (after you have completed the game), purchase the Mega Decoy Glove. Then, go to the platform that is used to enter the battle arena (but do not enter). After that, launch an Upgraded Decoy Glove on the moving blue bridge. It will continuously move and not stop. After that, wait until it gets to the ramp you go down when you arrive. Look behind it, and it will go through the ramp and float through space.

Glitch: Pass through floor
When you are at Angela's home world, you can still complete the level without the Hypnomatic. Underneath the other landing pad, find the highest pile of snow. Stand on it. then set Clank's propulsion unit to helicopter. Do a hyper jump holding the toggle forward, and you will fly up from under the floor. Note: If you do this, go into the mine elevator by Angela's house. When you are inside, step on the smaller transport and you will go under water but still remain in an air environment.

Glitch: Pass through pillar
In Planet Smolg, go to the part with the Levitator Pads and the docked ships. When you reach the first Levitator Pad, there should be a Vendor to your right. Go to the first pillar with another Levitator Pad. Then, fly to the next one and stop. If you have the Mapper, check the map. You should see a green dot near your position. This identifies the presence of a secret item. Fly up to it using the nearest Levitator Pad. If you make it to the top, get the Platinum Bolt and jump off. If you did not, use Clank's propulsion pack to slowly descend back to the pillar, but do not land. Instead, head downward and fly into the stem of the pillar. If done correctly, Ratchet should go through the stem and appear inside of it, instead of hitting it and falling.

Glitch: Pass through gates
Put on the Charge Boots and aim for the center of the gate. When you are at top speed and your head is down, you can squeeze through the gate.

Glitch: Swim through ice
Go to Planet Barlow. Go up the "ramp" at the beginning of the level, and go across the swingshot targets. When you get to the first water pool, take out your Thermanator and swim through it. On the other side of the water, freeze it. Next, go all the way around the level to the place where you buy the Thermanator then around to the swingshot targets again. Go across them and to your first water pool. It will not be frozen, but will still be liquid. Swim through it, and while you are still under water on the other side, you will notice that the top of the water is still frozen. Swim up and you will go through it.

Glitch: Missing shadow
On Planet Endako, enable the "Levels are mirrored" cheat. Shadows from all objects will be missing.

Glitch: Swing arm not wrench
When riding a taxi, swing your wrench then press [X] immediately afterwards. Ratchet should swing his arm continually as long as you press [X], but his wrench nether extends nor makes a sound. If you swing your wrench twice he will imitate that second move of his three hit combo by pressing [X]. The same goes with his third move, etc.

Glitch: Scale walls
Use the following trick to scale walls 90 degrees and above. Go into first person mode, then do a double jump, but not a wall jump, near the wall that you want to climb. Repeatedly start throwing your wrench at the wall after you finish the double jump and are in the air, then move towards the wall while tapping [Square]. You should start moving up the wall, as long as you keep tapping [Square].

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