AFL Live 2004 Cheats - PlayStation 2

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC | PlayStation 2
Check out these AFL Live 2004 cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Thin players
Select two player mode, then have player one press [L1] + [R1] + [Left] [Analog-stick Forward] and player two repeatedly press [Select] simultaneously during game play.

Fat players
Select two player mode, then have player one press [L1] + [R1] + [Square] + [Left] "Analog-stick Forward" and player two repeatedly press [Select] simultaneously during game play.

Big and small players
Select two player mode, then have player one press [L1] + [R1] + [X] + [Left] "Analog-stick Forward" and player two repeatedly press [Select] simultaneously during game play.

Gorilla players
Select two player mode, then have player one press [L1] + [R1] + [Circle] + [Left] "Analog-stick Forward" and player two repeatedly press [Select] simultaneously during game play.

State Of Origin mode
Press [Square]x3, [Triangle]x3, [Circle]x3, [Up]x3, [Down], [Left]x2 at the main menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

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