Zeit 2 Cheats - PC

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Achievements (Steam)
Accuracy - Get a hit ratio of over a given percentage in a randomly chosen SCORE ATTACK MODE level.
Advanced Survivor - Survive in SURVIVAL MODE medium for at least 8 min.
Aimed Beam-Shot - Destroy 15 enemies with a single BEAM-SHOT.
All Enemies Destroyed - Destroy every enemy type at least once.
All-Rounder - Get at least one silver medal in each GAME MODE.
Arcade Master - Play through the whole ARCADE MODE without dying.
Arcade Pacifist - Complete a whole ARCADE level without shooting a bullet.
Armorer - Aquire the BEAM-SHOT by defeating the first intermediate boss in ARCADE MODE.
Avoid Time Paradox - Perform a PERFECT TIME TRAVEL.
Avoider - Clear any level of SCORE ATTACK MODE without colliding with any enemy.
Boss Destroyer - Beat the stage 1 - level 4 end boss.
Boss Rusher - Beat any BOSS in under 30 sec.
Boss Rusher Advanced - Defeat the stage 4 - level 2 intermediate Boss in under 100 sec.
Bonus Keeper Pro - Shoot down 400 enemies without letting one escape or crash into you in ARCADE MODE.
Bonus Keeper - Shoot down 50 enemies without letting one escape or crash into you in ARCADE MODE.
Bonus Keeper Advanced - Shoot down 250 enemies without letting one escape or crash into you in ARCADE MODE.
Challenge Master - Get 750 challenge points.
Challenger - Get 250 challenge points.
Fast Forward - Use FAST FORWARD TIME for at least a given percentage of a randomly chosen level.
Fast Forward Scorer - Use FAST FORWARD TIME scoring more than 30,000 at once.
Fast Forward Scorer Advanced - Use FAST FORWARD TIME scoring more than 75,000 at once.
Fast Forward Scorer Pro - Use FAST FORWARD TIME scoring more than 150,000 at once.
Fast Forward Freak - Play 2 min in fast forward time.
Fast Forward Level - Play through a whole Level of SCORE ATTACK MODE in FAST FORWARD TIME.
Fast Forward Level Advanced - Play through a whole level of SCORE ATTACK MODE stage 2 in FAST FORWARD TIME.
Fast Forward Level Pro - Play through a whole level of SCORE ATTACK MODE stage 3 in FAST FORWARD TIME.
Fast Run - Play through a randomly chosen SCORE ATTACK MODE level faster than an other player.
Forced Weaponry - Complete a randomly chosen level with a specific weapon level.
Gold Rush - Get a gold medal in a randomly chosen level with this one try.
Golden Wave Level - Get a gold medal in WAVE MODE.
Great Chain-Shot - Destroy 15 enemies with a single CHAIN-SHOT.
High Score Hunt - Score more points in a randomly chosen level than an other player.
High Score Improvement - Beat your own high score in a randomly chosen level by a given percentage.
I'm a Survivor - Survive at least 5 min in survival mode.
In the Flow - Play for at least 2 min and 40 sec in TIME LIMIT MODE.
Low Resser - Play the game with minimal user-interface setting.
Mass Shocker - Perform a SHOCKWAVE that blows up at least 20 enemies.
Massive Time Traveller - Travel back in time a total of 25 min.
Master Beam-Shot - Shoot at your time shadow with the BEAM-SHOT and destroy at least 4 enemies that way.
Master Beam-Shot Advanced - Shoot at your time shadow with the BEAM-SHOT and destroy at least 8 enemies that way.
Master Beam-Shot Pro - Shoot at your time shadow with the BEAM-SHOT and destroy at least 14 enemies that way.
Master of Time - Travel through time for a total of 30 minutes.
Medal Hunt - Get a medal better than an other player in a randomly chosen level.
Mode Explorer - Play each mode at least once.
Perfect Shockwave - Combine a SHOCKWAVE with a PERFECT TIME TRAVEL.
Platinum Player - Get a platinum medal in all GAME MODES.
Power-Up Scorer - Collect score power-ups worth 1,000,000 points in total.
PTT Scorer Pro - Perform a PERFECT TIME TRAVEL with at least 120,000 points.
PTT Scorer - Perform a PERFECT TIME TRAVEL with at least 30,000 points.
PTT Scorer Advanced - Perform a PERFECT TIME TRAVEL with at least 60,000 points.
Quick Shockwave - Perform a SHOCKWAVE in under 1 sec.
Shocking - Perform a SHOCKWAVE.
Shockwave Freak - Perform 50 SHOCKWAVES.
Shockwave Maximizer - Score more points with a single SHOCKWAVE than you ever did before in ARCADE MODE.
Tactician - Get 3 platinum medals in tactics mode.
The Fittest Survives - Play longer in SURVIVAL MODE than an other player.
Time Explorer - Defeat an enemy that hides in spacetime.
Time Limit Maximizer - Get a multiplier of at least 200 in TIME LIMIT MODE.
Shockwave Scorer - Score more than 30,000 points with a single SHOCKWAVE.
Silver Wave - Get at least a silver medal in all WAVE MODE levels.
Skilled High Scorer - Beat your own high score in a randomly chosen SCORE ATTACK MODE level using a lower WEAPON LEVEL than for your original high score.
Sniper - Finish a level in SCORE ATTACK MODE with over 95% destroyed enemies.
Time Limit Survivor - Play TIME LIMIT MODE without dying once.
Time Travel Abstinent - Beat stage 3 level 2 in ARCADE MODE without using TIME TRAVEL PAST.
Time Travel Experiment - Travel back in time the maximum of 4.2 seconds.
Time Traveler - Use TIME TRAVEL PAST scoring more than 15,000 at once.
Victory - Play through ARCADE MODEPlay through ARCADE MODE.
Wave Cleared - Play through a whole WAVE level without dying.
Weapon Experiments - Play a single level of SCORE ATTACK MODE with each of the five weapon levels.
Weapon Fanatic - Unlock all WEAPON LEVELS.

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