Half-Life Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: Dreamcast | PC | PlayStation 2
Check out these Half-Life cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Half-Life Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005

NOTE: There are 3 more download(s) available for our registered users. Log in or register now to access them!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Start Half-Life using "hl.exe -console". You may do this by modifying the windows shortcut properties for Half-Life and adding "-console" to the end of the "Target" (or file to run).

The /GIVE command works if you start the game with the -dev -console parameter, and that the God mode cheat and map change cheat only work with the -console parameter. This will let you access the console using "~" key.

You may have to type "sv_cheats 1" in console first. The following commands are available in console:
IMPULSE 101 - Give all weapons and ammo.
/GOD - god mode.
/NOCLIP - walk through walls/fly.
/MAP xxxx - go to map xxxx.
Here's the maplist:

Single Player: c0a0 ; c0a0a ; c0a0b ; c0a0c ; c0a0d c0a0e ; c1a0 ; c1a0a ; c1a0b ; c1a0c c1a0d ; c1a0e ; c1a1 ; c1a1a ; c1a1b c1a1c ; c1a1d ; c1a1f ; c1a2 ; c1a2a c1a2b ; c1a2c ; c1a2d ; c1a3 ; c1a3a c1a3b ; c1a3c ; c1a3d ; c1a4 ; c1a4b c1a4d ; c1a4e ; c1a4f ; c1a4g ; c1a4i c1a4j ; c1a4k ; c2a1 ; c2a1a ; c2a1b c2a2 ; c2a2a ; c2a2b1 ; c2a2b2 ; c2a2c c2a2d ; c2a2e ; c2a2f ; c2a2g ; c2a2h c2a3 ; c2a3a ; c2a3b ; c2a3c ; c2a3d c2a3e ; c2a4 ; c2a4a ; c2a4b ; c2a4c c2a4d ; c2a4e ; c2a4f ; c2a4g ; c2a5 c2a5a ; c2a5b ; c2a5c ; c2a5d ; c2a5e c2a5f ; c2a5g ; c2a5w ; c2a5x ; c3a1 c3a1a ; c3a1b ; c3a2 ; c3a2a ; c3a2b c3a2c ; c3a2d ; c3a2e ; c3a2f ; c4a1 c4a1a ; c4a1b ; c4a1c ; c4a1d ; c4a1e c4a1f ; c4a2 ; c4a2a ; c4a2b ; c4a3 c5a1

Multiplayer/Deathmatch: boot_camp ; bounce ; datacore lambda_bunker ; snark_pit stalkyard ; subtransit ; undertow

Hazard Course: t0a0 ; t0a0a ; t0a0b ; t0a0b1 t0a0b2 ; t0a0c ; t0a0d

/GIVE xxxx - give item xxxx.
The following items are available:
item_airtank ; item_antidote ; item_battery item_healthkit ; item_longjump ; item_security item_sodacan ; item_suit ammo_357 ;
ammo_9mmAR ; ammo_9mmbox ammo_9mmclip ; ammo_ARgrenades ; ammo_buckshot ammo_crossbow ; ammo_gaussclip ; ammo_rpgclip ammo_glockclip ; ammo_mp5clip ; ammo_mp5grenades
weapon_357 ; weapon_9mmAR ; weapon_9mmhandgun weapon_crossbow ; weapon_crowbar ; weapon_egon weapon_gauss ; weapon_glock ; weapon_handgrenade weapon_hornetgun ; weapon_mp5 ; weapon_python weapon_rpg ; weapon_satchel ; weapon_shotgun weapon_snark ; weapon_tripmine ;
Another Set of Cheats for This Game
Some Useful Cheats
Put no clip on when you go through the first level on the train, get killed by one of the security guards by shooting him once, you get transported to the last levels!

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