Mischief Makers Cheats - Nintendo 64

 All cheats for this game by platform: Nintendo 64
Check out these Mischief Makers cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Mischief Makers Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Sound test
Press [Left] + [A] + [C-Left] + [C-Right] + [Start] at the title screen.

Bonus ending
Achieve an "A" on every level and collect the fifty-two gold gems. Hit the target on Teren that appears during the ending sequence for a slightly different version.

Bonus levels
Collect all fifty-two gold gems and view the entire ending sequence. Press [R] after the last screen with the stages to access twelve bonus levels.

Skip introduction sequences
Press [Z].

Faster speed
Repeatedly tap [Right] during any of the running sequences to move faster and win the race.

Faster dialogue
Hold [R] or [L] while talking.
Creating a clanbomb
Place four Bombs into a clanpot and shake it to create a Clanbomb.

Creating a ninja start
Place two Flowers into a clanpot and shake it to create a Ninja Star.

Creating a Boomerang
Place three Ninja Stars into a clanpot and shake it to create a Boomerang.

Creating a Green Gem
Place six Blue Gems into a clanpot and shake it to create a Green Gem.

Creating a Gold Gem
Place two Green Gems into a clanpot and shake it to create a Gold Gem.

Getting Red Gems
Shack the first Clancer in level 3-8 to get thirty gems. Exit the level and start it again for another thirty gems.

Getting Mole's Gold Gem
Throw the mole into the air, then hit his stomach to get his gold gem.

Get to the end of the Rescue Act 1 level. Jump up, and the word "Marina" will be there.

Quicker Lunar level
Shake the missiles on the Lunar level to make them bigger. It will take less time to complete the stage if this is done.

Defeating Tarus
When you pick up the robot's foot, shake him to the ground. Then shake him up and quickly shake down.

Western World
When fighting the four Clancers, shake one of the three that do not have guns. Many green gems will appear.

Glitch: Dumb Clancers
If you throw or place a Clancer right next to a wall with a roof and they need to be in another place, they will either run into the wall without getting hurt and keep on running, or they will go into a jumping stance. If you pick up and drop a running Clancer, they will also go into a jumping stance.

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