Who is the Smartest? Vocabulary Cheats - iPhone

 All cheats for this game by platform: iPhone
Check out these Who is the Smartest? Vocabulary cheats and stay cool!
Blazing Prodigy - Answer a hard Game Show question in less than 3 seconds.
Blazing Scholar - Answer a medium Game Show question in less than 3 seconds.
Blazing Champion - Answer an easy Speed Champ question in less than 3 seconds.
Blazing Genius - Answer a medium Speed Champ question in less than 3 seconds.
Blazing Mastermind - Answer a hard Speed Champ question in less than 3 seconds.
Blazing Whiz - Answer an easy Game Show question in less than 3 seconds.
Flawless Millionaire - Win a million in Speed Champ without missing any questions.
Hang Ten Champion - Answer ten easy questions correctly in one game of Speed Champ.
Hang Ten Genius - Answer ten medium questions correctly in one game of Speed Champ.
Hang Ten Master - Answer ten hard questions correctly in one game of Speed Champ.
Four Score Prodigy - Answer four hard questions correctly in one game of Game Show.
Four Score Scholar - Answer four medium questions correctly in one game of Game Show.
Four Score Whiz - Answer four easy questions correctly in one game of Game Show.
GS Millionaire - Win one million in one game of Game Show.
Lifeline Scholar - Use all four lifelines while correctly answering a medium question.
Lifeline Whiz - Use all four lifelines while correctly answering an easy question.
Lifeline Prodigy - Use all four lifelines while correctly answering a hard question.
Lone Millionaire - Win one million in one game of Game Show without using any lifelines.
Lone Prodigy - Correctly answer a hard question without using a lifeline.
Patient Champion - Spend more than 90 seconds on one easy Speed Champ question.
Patient Genius - Spend more than 90 seconds on one medium Speed Champ question.
Lone Scholar - Correctly answer a medium question without using a lifeline.
Lone Whiz - Correctly answer an easy question without using a lifeline.
Patient Mastermind - Spend more than 90 seconds on one hard Speed Champ question.
SC Millionaire - Win one million or more in a game of Speed Champ.
Speed Champ - Unlock Speed Champ by earning $250,000 cumulative in Game Show.
Strikeout Champion - Miss 3 easy Speed Champ questions in a row.
Strikeout Genius - Miss 3 medium Speed Champ questions in a row (excluding easy).
Strikeout Master - Miss 3 hard Speed Champ questions in a row (excluding medium).
Wicked Smart - Win two million or more in Speed Champ.

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