50K Streak - Score 50,000 points or more.
100K Run - Score 100,000 points or more.
Baller! - Eat 1 Melon.
Fruit Fiend - Eat a Total of 100 Fruits.
Fruit Parfait - Eat 2 Fruit in One Stage.
Fuji Fan - Eat 1 Apple.
Ghost Glutton - Chomp 100 Ghosts Total.
Be Like Billy! - Complete Stage 256.
Blinky is Broken - Complete Stage 10.
Blinky is Tearable - Complete Stage 6.
Flagship Fruit - Eat 1 Galaxian.
Ghost Gorger - Chomp 272 Ghosts Tota.
Ghost Gourmand - Chomp 50 Ghosts Total.
Ghost Hunter - Chomp 16 Ghosts in One Stage.
Ghost with the Most - Get 1,600 Points From A Ghost.
Key Master - Eat 1 Key.
Marathon - Score 150,000 points or more.
No More Blues - Complete Stage 19.
Ready! - Complete Stage 1.
Sounds Delicious - Eat 1 Bell.
Super Pac-Man - Complete Stage 3.
Tales of Fragaria - Eat 1 Strawberry.
Tutti Frutti - Eat One of Each Fruit in One Game.
Vitamin Seizer - Eat 1 Orange.
Washington Wannabe - Eat 1 Cherry.