Big Bad Sudoku Book Cheats - iPhone
All cheats for this game by platform:
Big Winner - Play a puzzle challenge that a friend shared with you and beat their score.
Easy Peasy - Score a total of 10,000 combined points on Easy puzzles.
Expert Witness - Score a total of 70,000 combined points on Expert puzzles.
Campaign Champ - Complete all 50 campaign puzzles to win this achievement.
Campinator - Score a total of 125,000 combined points on Campaign puzzles.
Devoted - Score a total of 250,000 points across all puzzles.
Fanatic - Score a total of 500,000 points across all puzzles.
Medium Well - Score a total of 30,000 combined points on Medium puzzles.
Hard Ways - Score a total of 50,000 combined points on Hard puzzles.
Insane Brain - Score a total of 100,000 combined points on Insane puzzles.
True Friend - Share a puzzle with a friend for competitive play.