SSX Tricky Cheats - GameCube

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Check out these SSX Tricky cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Master code
Hold [L] + [R] and press [A], [B], [Z], [X], [Y], [Z], [B], [Y], [Z], [X], [A], [Z] at the title screen. Release [L] + [R] and a sound will confirm correct code entry.

Mallora board
Hold [L] + [R] and press [A]x2, [Z], [X]x2, [Z], [B]x2, [Z], [Y]x2, [Z] at the title screen. Release [L] + [R] and a sound will confirm correct code entry. Choose Elise and start a track. Elise will have the Mallora Board and a blue outfit. Note: This code only works for Elise.

Mix Master Mike
Alternately, hold [L] + [R] and press [A]x2, [Z], [A]x2, [Z], [A]x2, [Z], [A]x2, [Z] at the title screen. Release [L] + [R] and a sound will confirm correct code entry. Choose any rider at the character selection screen and he will be replaced by Mix Master Mike on the course, with his or her ubers. He has decks on his back and a vinyl board. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Full stat points
Hold [L] + [R] and press [B]x2, [Z], [B]x2, [Z], [A]x2, [Z], [A]x2, [Z] at the title screen. Release [L] + [R] and a sound will confirm correct code entry. All the boarders will have full stat points.

Cheat menu
Unlock all characters. Then successfully complete the world circuit using the following characters in order: JP, Mac, Psymon, Zoe, Eddie, Mike, Brodi, Kaori, Luther, and Marisol. Go to the main menu, select "Single Event", and go to "Cheats". In this menu, you can turn on two different secret characters with full stats, extra boards and outfits for all of the characters, and extra trick chapters for each character. There is also an infinite tricky meter option.

Pipedream course
Win a medal on all Showoff courses.

Untracked course
Win a medal on all Race courses.

Unlock all of the tricks for a character to get their uberboard, which is their best board.

Alternate costumes
To earn more costumes, complete all chapters in your trick book.

To unlock the final chrome costume, complete world circuit mode with a "Master" rank.

Play as Brodi
Win a gold medal in world circuit mode.

Play as Zoe
Win two gold medals in world circuit mode.

Play as JP
Win three gold medals in world circuit mode.

Play as Kaori
Win four gold medals in world circuit mode.

Play as Marisol
Win five gold medals in world circuit mode.

Play as Psymon
Win six gold medals in world circuit mode.

Play as Seeiah
Win seven gold medals in world circuit mode.

Play as Luther
Win eight gold medals in world circuit mode.
Super boost
Do Uber Tricks until the letters on top of your adrenaline bar (T-R-I-C-K-Y) are filled in red. Your meter will stay full, give you unlimited boost, and enable you to do Uber Tricks without a time limit.

Faster flips
Start your flips with the D-Pad, finish them off with the Analog-stick.

Board turn on rail
If your rider is on a rail with your board the long way (which is easier to fall off), you can switch your board sideways by pressing [Left] or [Right]. Your rider does not have to jump off, spin 90 degrees, and miss the rest of the rail.

Rail boost
If you are having trouble making it up a curved rail and need some speed, press [B] to activate your adrenaline. This can get you up almost any rail, no matter what your speed, and as long as you have some adrenaline.

Balance on rails
Move the [C-stick] to the [Left] and [Right] to balance on rails.

More points off rails
To get more points after you get off a rail, do a Misty, Rodeo, or something along those lines. Most of the rails are high enough to do this from, but for the ones that are not, do a 180 or more.

Easy Tricky book completion
There is a huge cliff on the first jump of Garibaldi. Do all your tricks here.

To complete your Tricky book easier, unlock the Pipedream stage (by medaling in all Showoff venues) and stay to the left. You will find a halfpipe. Use your boost to get air, then complete the Tricky book.

Uber Tricks in Tricky book
Some Characters can only complete the Uber tricks with the long board. They are Marisol and Brodi. However, you can still complete up to Chapter 5 with the short boards.

Better flips and spins
Hold the direction you are going to spin or flip before you get off the jump to spin or flip faster. It is possible to get four flips in the Pipedream course in the very big halfpipe.

Easy flip landing
To land flips easier, start a flip as usual then press the Analog-stick the same way that you are flipping to make your boarder rush the flip. This helps when you are about to crash a flip. Also, if you are spinning and want to do a Misty 720, do a regular Misty then hold the Analog-stick in the same direction that you are spinning. You will gain an extra 180 without the game calling it a "Late 180".

More tricks
When in the air and doing things such as 360s, hold either the [L], [R], [Z], or combos (with only using any of those three buttons) to get different tricks. Note: If you do any of those new tricks, it will add to your Tricky meter.

Easy "???" trick
Go to any of the tracks that have either a big jump or a "trick boost." Hit one of these and do either a Misty, Rodeo, Front Flip, or Back Flip. If you do four or more of the same trick, you will land it as a "???" trick. The point value depends on the kind of grab or flip that was done.

If you go over 1800 by spinning, you will also get a "???". Note: This is best done with a freestyle boarder with full stats.

More air in halfpipes
To get more air in the halfpipes, hold the boost until you go of the edge. To get more air hold [Jump] at the same time and release it before you go off. This is especially useful in the Pipedream level, where you need to get those high bonuses in Showoff mode. You can also pull off better tricks in other courses that have pipes.

Uber Tricks
Press [L] + [B], [L] + [R] + [B], [R] + [Z] + [B], [R] + [B], and [Z] + [B] (only one combo for each jump). For the Uber Tricks that include [Z], you must hold [Z] for one second then press [B].

More points for Uber Tricks
When you have "TRICKY" and are about to go off a jump, do a Misty, Rodeo, Back or Front Flip, or a Spin. While in the air, do an Uber Trick as soon as possible. Keep rotating and the score will go higher. Note: Do not do this if you are going off a small jump.

To get more points with an Uber trick without falling, find the fastest Uber trick for your character. With this, you can get a double Uber trick in places where you can only pull one with longer Uber tricks.

Extra points
Doing tricks in a switch stance are worth more points.

Restore Tricky meter
If you are running out of Tricky boost (for Uber Tricks), do a 180 while riding to get it full.

Faster TRICKY with Eddie
Get "Tricky" with Eddie on a freestyle board and keep doing the [L] + [B] Uber trick. This will make him perform a superman, a fast and valuable trick. You can do this on almost any ramp or hill and it will add up to a super Uber boost. This is very helpful if you are in a race and need the boost.

Master ranking
Go to world circuit with any character and win all gold medals.

Unlocking all characters easily
Get the gold medal on Garabaldi with all the characters you have. Then, get gold with the next character you earn. Keep doing this until you unlock all the characters.

Psymon recommendation
Psymon is the most advanced character in the game in terms of his trick ability. Get his "TRICKY" meter full, and he can perform tricks at the same rate or better as any other character with the trick boost active. He does not even need all "TRICKY" letters filled for infinite Uberboost to perform better than most.

You will occasionally see red and blue SSX Tricky signs that lead to secrets and shortcuts. The blue signs are for showoff, and the red signs are for racing. Sometimes the blue signs are also faster.

Alaska: Shortcut
At the end, where the big fan makes you go faster, if you are not in first place do a half-flip and fall. The fan will blow you on the ground. Then, at the end of the ramp, you will go downwards, which a faster way.

Alaska: Easy Uber tricks
You will see a large U-turn. Use some boost and try to shoot off. If done correctly, you can do at least two Uber tricks.

In Alaska Showoff, at the big fan, jump slightly before you reach the end. By doing this, you will be able to get three Uber tricks, and if done correctly you will hit the x2, x3, and x5 bonuses. To maximize the number of points you get, do a Misty or a Rodeo with you Ubers. If done perfectly, you can go from Silver (300,000 points) to gold (500,000 points).

Alaska: Easy points
There are not many places to get points in the beginning if you miss the rails. Use your boost to get air off the hips. You can almost trick off every hip there. Also, you will get to a place that is like an icy halfpipe with a hump in tha middle. If you reach it fast enough, you will have enough time to fill your boost meter and fill "TRICKY". This is very useful, as you will make the points easier to come by. After leaving that place, you will reach to a U-turn on a wall. Boost all the way up with a Misty Uber trick, and you will hit either the x5 or x3 bonus and get some needed points.

Garibaldi: Shortcut
At blue and red arrow signs, go the path with the red sign. Near the first turn, you will see a blue SSX Tricky sign. Crash into it. It will lead you to a huge shortcut with lots of cliffs. Note: In the shortcut there is another SSX Tricky sign. Do not crash into it or the shortcut will end.

Garibaldi: Secret rail
In the beginning of the course, hit the caution blocks on the right and aim for the rail. If done correctly, you should be grinding a secret rail.

Garibaldi: Easy Tricky
On the fifth or sixth turn there is a sharp turn. Keep going straight and jump off the edge. Get a lot of air and this may bring you up so much on the turbo you will be "Tricky".

When you come out of the starting gates at Garibaldi, turn left and jump up onto the fence. Do a few flip/spin/grab combos, landing back on the fence every time. After two or three, you should have you "Tricky" before getting to the first jump. Note: Do not fall off to the left or it will be very difficult to get back over without losing your boost/"Tricky".

At the start of a race knock down someone and you should get "Tricky". When you jump off the ramp, you should be able to do two Uber Tricks. After that, go to the left at the fork before the ice. There should be two cliffs that you can do an Uber Trick on, but on your second one, go to the right so you do not hit the fence. You should now be at the two ice jumps. Jump off either one and do a tricky. Then, go to the ramp. Get some air and pull off a tricky. You now have unlimited Uber Trick time and boost. Note: If you miss the turn on the fork of ice, you can use your "Tricky boost" and get to the ramp past the ice; then pull off a tricky and go to the rest of the way for easy tricky.

Garibaldi: Easy win
Go into race mode. When the race, starts keep going until after where there are three jumps and a blue sign in the middle. After that, turn and you will see a U-turn. Do not take it. Instead, just boost over the ledge. All the other riders will now be stuck behind you.

Garibaldi: Untracked preview
At Garibaldi, you can go to part of the Untracked level before it has been unlocked. When you reach a fork on part of the track, turn right. You will find a blue shortcut sign. Go in it. You will be on the Untracked level. Do not turn into the next shortcut sign. It will put you back on the regular track.

Merqury City Meltdown: Shortcut
Make sure that you come out of every intersection on the left side. At one of the intersections there is ice starting just before a wall at the edge of an intersection. You will see it if you come out on the left side. Go up it and follow it along the fans. You will then reach a part where there will be snow with a lot of things that look somewhat resemble moguls. Take this all the way down and you will come out on the river that has the bridge with two jumps on it. Go straight into the water and you will be on the bridge, hopefully in first place.

After you go through the park, you will reach the suspended bridge. You must fall below the bridge. Travel this path until the last glass ramp to the top. Do not go up the ramp. Instead, get under it. There is a pipe entrance that is covered located there. Run directly through it to reach the subway, and the finish line. This can be done in showoff and race modes.

When you start, slow down or stop then start off slowly again and break through the red glass. If you go directly through the middle, you will hit a rail. You can pull a massive trick off the jump.

When you are at the section where you go off a few jumps and then through the tunnel before the halfpipe area, get a lot of air off of the second or third jump. You will land in a building and be in an office. Go through the building and at the end where there is more glass, go directly through the middle. You will hit another rail that will take you into another building. After the second building, you will go off a drop, get a lot of air, and can pull a good trick.

Merqury City Meltdown: UFO
Ride normally through all the intersections and wait until you see a red SSX Tricky sign in front of a multi-level parking lot. Go through the signs and you should see several cars around. Look for the exit downward ramp to the parking lot that should not be too far away. Go down the ramp and jump onto the building directly in front of you. Next, jump onto the building located to your left. You should have seen the UFO by now. The UFO is green-black and shoots a ray down by a nearby building. For a closer look, grind on the rail at the edge of the building you are on that should be facing the UFO.

Note: You can also jump onto the grind rail (use boosts) and jump into the beam off the UFO. Doing this will warp you to the near end of the level. The warp will place you under another spacecraft.

Merqury City Meltdown: Helicopter
Ride normally through the course until close to the end. You will see an opening in the gates with two orange dumpsters behind it. Keep jumping around on the buildings until you see a helicopter. It will be white with a search light, searching the building tops.

Merqury City Meltdown: Subway station
Ride normally through until you see three glass ramps (on the track). Go to the right or left and follow that track. Once you see a large glass ramp, turn to the right or left and you will see a cement ramp. Go around and go through the brick wall. You will be in a tunnel that has a lot of tight turns. At the end will be two subway trains rushing by. If you get hit, you will restart back on the normal course. After the subways, you will see a short tunnel, like the one before, with automatic gates at the end.

Merqury City Meltdown: Uber tricks
When you get to the suspension bridge, use your boost to get on one of the two rails on the side of the bridge that go up. When you get to the top, your character will fly into the air. You will have enough time to do at least one Uber trick. You will then fall back onto the rail. If you keep boosting, you will fly up into the air again and have enough time to do at least one Uber trick before you hit the ground.

Mesablanca: Secret jump
When you first start Mesablanca, there is a little ice patch. Do a 360 on the ice patch. When you come up to the first two jumps, get to second one. Speed up with the boost that you got from the 360 and jump off the second ramp. If it was good, you can land on the upper platform of the area slightly ahead of you. Quickly look to your right to see a ramp. Try to go up it. If you cannot, restart and try to aim to the right just before you are about to jump. Once you get up the ramp, go through the blue screen to get ahead of the pack. This requires a lot of practice.

Pipe Dream: Easy points
Starting off, you do not really need to bother with most of the jumps. You can pass those and jump on a few if desired, but you will need the boost later. However, what you really need to do is get to the pipe at the end. To do so, you pick up one of the rails that has an SSX Tricky character over it. Try to go as slowly as possible, but make sure you can still keep your balance by tapping "Boost" whenever you are about to fall off and you cannot move to keep your balance. The slower you are, the longer you will be on the rail. The longer you are on the rail, the more points you will get. At the end of the rail should be an "X5" snowflake. Get it and you should have at least 75,000 points. Then, just lose it in the pipe and go into as many score multipliers as possible, doing as many Ubers as possible. Try not to repeat yourself too many times or you will lose out on a lot of points.

Snowdream: Shortcut
When you reach the place where the track splits into two sections with curves, you will see an SSX Tricky sign. Go towards the sign. You will reach a straight path without curves. This will make it easier to pass.

Tokyo Megaplx: Hidden speed boost
Off to the left side at the start of the level (just before the blue and yellow striped barrier) is a small boost spot.

Tokyo Megaplex: Shortcut
Just before you go into the air tube that blasts you up, hit the button that raises the jump in front of the air tube. Go off it and make sure you end up going into the air tube. You will probably be blasted higher than normal. Land on top of the platform with the flashing arrow signs. Grind down the grinding rail there. If you grind all the way, and make it every time, you have to switch to another rail. You will eventually run out of rails to ride and drop off onto one of the pipes that are suspended above the course. By now you should be in first place and very far into the course. If you do this every lap on the course, you will win. Be careful however, as you need lots of speed to follow the rails all the way.

Press [Y] immediately when you leave the air tube. It will sometimes drop you on the finish line, allowing you to get times of about 20 to 30 seconds.

Tokyo Megaplex: Easy points
To get the most points in Tokyo Megaplex in Showoff mode, fill up your "TRICKY" meter on the moguls early in the level. Go into the air tube. You should have enough time to do two of your shortest Uber tricks (some characters can do three, such as Kaori's Body Board). Up the air tube is a huge network of criss-crossing grind rails, only in showoff mode. Grind them until you fall off. Note: There are many gaps in the grind rails. Make sure you know where they are, and do 180s when you jump to the next rail.

In Tokyo, there are rails above the arena. Do not take them in Showoff, as you will not get as many points as you think you should. Instead, take the lower part. You can fill Tricky up faster and get more points. However, when in Tokyo and Racing, it is faster to take the rails; if taken all the way you will remain in first place during the entire race.

Tokyo Megaplex: Easier way to rails
There are rails that hang over the entire place. If you can stay on them long enough, you can cut your time in half. To get to them easily, after being blown out of the air tube, ride back over the edge of the steel halfpipe. You will land on a cement surface if you do not go too fast. Once on, press [Y] and you will reappear at the top near the rails. Grind them the entire way down to get far ahead in a race.

Glitch: Alaska: Fall to quick finish
In showoff mode, grind on the rail to the right at the very start and jump on the rail's first peak. If done correctly, you will sail over the sign and begin to fall all the way down to the bottom without it freezing your rider. You will fall for about twenty seconds.

Glitch: Alaska: Floating rider
Get to the part where the big fan blows you through the tunnel. When you start to see the wind, jump. Do this a few times and you will see that you are riding in mid-air. To confirm this, you will see a shadow under your board.

Glitch: Aloha Ice Jam: Shortcut
Near the very beginning of the level is an Eddie billboard. It is next to a red arrow on the billboard's right side. Between the two is a small gap that has more than enough room to fit through. Ride towards the gap. Just before you fly off, do a flip (preferably front). This should allow you to pass through the usual barrier and fall into a "bottomless abyss". After this, you have two options. When you begin to see the course "reforming" below you, restart to jump ahead, landing either in the switchbacks or in the cave. Or, you can ride the abyss until there is not any more remaining and the game forces you to restart. This is slightly more dangerous. After this, problems with sound and loading will most likely occur. However, things will usually return to normal about two off/on button uses. After either method, finish the course as usual to get a time of at least 1:20.

Glitch: Hawaii: Big jump to the finish
Enter showoff mode and start the level. Up ahead at the beginning are two rails. Thrust forward and grind the left rail. Quickly crouch and jump off the little bend. This bend in the rail acts like a ramp. You now should be able to jump off the rail, over a "Caution" sign and do tricks. This jump will only last for about a minute, then you will automatically restart to a close location to the finish.

Glitch: Merqury City Meltdown: Crash into deep snow
At the end of the race, snowboard directly to the rail on your right for the slope up to the podium and jump just before you cross the finish line. During that jump, turn your boarder perpendicular to the rail. If you hit the rail and go fast enough, you will keep bouncing off the metal. Then, just when you think you are going to make it to the platform, something interesting will happen. You will fall through and crash into deep snow if you are very far in.

Glitch: Tokyo Megaplex: Disappearing boarder
In the big air tube at the start, about half-way through repeatedly press [Y]. You should disappear then reappear directly in front of the finish line. Move forward slightly to cross the finish line.

Glitch: Tokyo Megaplex: Hidden area
On the final lap while you are going through the purple tube at the end, turn left into the wall. You will go through the wall and appear in a secret area with walls all around. You can also go through the opposite wall. You will fall out of the course and fall forever. You can do unlimited tricks, but have no way to return to the finish line.

Glitch: Tokyo Megaplex: Fall forever
On the last lap. go to a fan nearest to the right. Enter it on the left side and you will go over the wall and fall forever. Note: Doing this will make you win, but if you do not restart you will never stop and fall down a "bottomless abyss".

Glitch: Trick name
Sometimes when you perform the Superman Uber trick, Razel will call it the Cliffhanger. The same applies when you actually do a Cliffhanger.

Glitch: The ??? trick
Go to any level and find a ramp with high air. Hold [Left] or [Right] and hold [A] to crouch. Jump off the edge of the ramp to perform a fast spin. Keep spinning until you hit the ground. The name of your spin trick will be shown as "???". Note: This may not work during tricky, grabs, grinds, or flip tricks.

Glitch: Upside-down grind
If you land on a rail upside down , you can grind it like that. Unfortunately, you do not get a bonus for this.

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