Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Cheats - GameCube

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Check out these Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Cheats
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Apr. 15, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
View chapter dialogue
Press [Z] while someone is talking to see all previously viewed dialogue for that chapter.

In-game reset
Hold [X] + [B] + [Start] during game play.

Bonus maps
Successfully complete the game, then load the "Epilogue" file to play any of the following bonus trial maps after they are unlocked. Your characters will be at the level they were at and have the weapons at the end of story mode. The trial maps are unlocked by completing the indicated task:
Map 1 (Hillside Battle): Complete story mode.
Map 2 (Lonely Isle): Complete story mode under the normal or difficult settings.
Map 3 (Strange Turn): Complete story mode under the difficult setting.
Map 4 (Desperation): Use a link cable to connect to a Game Boy Advance with Fire Emblem or Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.
Map 5 (Escape): Use a link cable to connect to a Game Boy Advance with Fire Emblem.
Map 6 (Trapped): Use a link cable to connect to a Game Boy Advance with Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.
Successfully complete the game to unlock the Fire Emblem: Path Of Radiance illustrations.

Use a link cable to connect to a Game Boy Advance with Fire Emblem to unlock the Fire Emblem illustrations.

Use a link cable to connect to a Game Boy Advance with Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones to unlock the Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones illustrations.

Sound Room option
Successfully complete story mode.

Theater option
Successfully complete story mode.

Fixed growth mode
Successfully complete the game, then begin a new game.

Faster unit movement
Successfully complete the game, then hold [A] when moving in subsequent games.
Chapter 1
You must use the weapon triangle. Do not let Boyd and Titania fight swordsmen. Do not let Oscar fight axemen. Ike can fight anything. Visit the nearest house with Ike to get a steel sword. Have Titania kill the leader.

Do not expose Boyd and Ike to too much danger. In any "Finish him" situations, where the enemy has less HP that your might (MT), use Ike or Boyd to kill them. Have Oscar attack Myrmidons and Titania Fighters and Bandits. Use Ike to go to the first house (next to where you began) and Titania to go to the other houses. Allow Titania to fight the Boss.

Chapter 2
Move Rhys to the map's edge. Move the others around him. Stay like this until Titania arrives. When she arrives, move around and take out bandits. If she is too hurt to fight, switch with Ike. Keep this up until they are all dead.

Defend (surround) Rhys until Titania arrives, then go for a full charge with Titania in front and Oscar behind her, and after that Ike and Boyd. Make sure to keep Rhys in the very rear

Chapter 3
Do not visit this time. Take out pirates with Shinon and Gatrie. Then, take Titania and Ike on the ship. When there are a few pirates remaining, talk to Marcia (or someone similarly named) with Ike. It will be useful later. Then, use Ike to take out the captain.

Have Ike go left, Titania go right, and Shinon and Gatrie in the front. When the left and right road are secured, rescue Ike with Titania and move to the ship. A Pegasus Knight, Marcia, arrives. Have Ike talk to her. She then flies off, but you will get her back.Then, charge in at the Boss.

Chapter 4
This is difficult, but keep up. Make a barrier around Rhys and Soren. Put Shinon and Gatrie in the front and Ike and Titania on the sides. Wait until they lessen their numbers, then charge at the rest.

Put your pointer on an enemy and press [A] to see where that unit can go. Do this to all the nearby units and make sure that Soren and Rhys are not in this area. Then, wait and counterattack the approaching units. Then, charge in with Shinon and Gatrie.

Chapter 5
Make a wall to protect Ike ,Soren and Rhys: <PRE> | Ike, defend spot | Soren | Rhys | empty | Empty Empty | Empty | Empty | Shinon Gatrie | Boyd | Oscar | Titania </PRE>

The locations between two "|" positions is a square. If an enemy like an archer is two spaces in front your wall of men, use your cavalry (Oscar and Titania) to kill them. If anyone is directly in front of your men, use Soren and Shinon to attack them. Keep doing this until the map is clear.

Chapter 7: Mia
After a few turns, a charter named Mia will walk on screen from the East Exit. Talk To her with Ike to get her on your team. She has a sword.

Chapter 8: Ilyana
In Chapter 8: Despair & Hope, there is a female mage, nine spaces north and two spaces west, named Ilyana. If you talk to her with Ike, she will join your team. She has Elithunder as her attack.

Chapter 8: Lose Shinon and Gatrie
After Ike's father dies, Shinon and Gatrie will leave thinking that Ike is not a capable leader.

Chapter 9: Marcia
In Chapter 3, make sure Ike talks to the Pegasus Knight at the top left of the screen before she gets killed. Do not worry too much; she dodges a lot. She will mumble something about repaying a debt and flies off. If you did this, later in Chapter 9 she returns about two to four turns into the mission. Make sure Ike talks to her and she joins you. She is not the greatest, but with a bit of work turns into a very reliable unit. Plus, she flies.

Chapter 10: Brom
On the "Prisoner Release" mission, open his cell door and talk to him with Ike. He is in the same room as Kieran. He is average, but not that great towards the end.

Chapter 10: Nephenee
On the "Prisoner Release" mission , open her cell door and talk to her with Ike. Nephenee is a soldier and can become one of your better units.

Chapter 10: Kieran
On the "Prisoner Release" mission, have Oscar talk to him. Kieran is an Axe Knight.

Chapter 10: Lethe
Have Lethe survive Chapter 9.

Chapter 10: Mordecai
Have Mordecai survive Chapter 9.

Chapter 10: Volke
Hire Volke at the start of the chapter.

Chapter 11: Zihawk
Speak to Zihawk with Lethe or Mordecai.

Chapter 12: Jill
Jill joins you automatically on the way to Bengion. She is a Wyvern Rider, your first, or perhaps second, flying unit. She stays with you all the way until you invade Daein. If you want to keep her, make sure you do not use her in any battles in Daein.

Chapter 12: Sothe
Read the conversation before the Chapter 12.

Chapter 13: Astrid
On the mission where you are supposed to protect the Apostle's ship, there is a Bow Knight named Astrid. Make sure Ike talks to her and she joins you. She has the Paragon skill which makes her gain lots of experience points.

Chapter 13: Gatrie
Gatrie leaves you around Chapter 8, but returns later in the mission where you must protect the Apostle's ship. After getting Astrid, have her talk to Gatrie and he will join you. You now have your wall back.

Chapter 14: Makalov
After the Apostle gives your first mission, bring Marcia. In the top left of the screen is a Sword Knight named Makalov. He is Marcia's brother. Have Marcia talk to him and he joins you.

Chapter 15: Muarim
Send Lethe or Mordecai to talk to Muarim. He is the leader/general of the area. He is a green tiger Lauguz.

Chapter 15: Stefan
Move Lethe or Mordecai to the upper right part of the map.

Chapter 16: Devdan
Devdan is a Halberdier who is indebted to Duke Tanas. On the mission where you are sent to investigate Tanas's, make sure to bring Mist, Rolf, Soren, or Ilyana. Devdan will attack anybody except children. Have one of these four characters talk to him and he will join you.

Chapter 18: Get Shinnon back
To get Shinnon back, speak to him with Rolf then kill him with Ike. After the chapter is finished, Shinnon will join you again.

Chapter 18: Reyson
Read the Conversation before Chapter 18, complete Chapter 17, then accept his assistance in Chapter 18.

Chapter 19: Naesala's retreat
First, talk to Naesala with Janaff. Naesala will then fly toward Reyson, talk to him, and leave the battle field. Note: On his way to Reyson, Naesala will not attack your allies.

Chapter 20: Calill
Read the conversation before Chapter 20 to get Calill.

Chapter 21: Tauroneo
Speak to Tauroneo with Ike, Soren, Mist, Sothe or Tormod.

Chapter 22: Ashera Staff
On chapter 22, Solo, there is a group of priests that are taken hostage and used as bodyguards. Instead of killing the priests, including the head priest, shove them out of the way. The ability Smite will be useful in this battle. Mordecia the Tiger Laguz has this ability, and in the last battle if you raided all the rooms of their treasures, then you should also have another Smite ability. Use these to knock the priests out of the way and make sure not to stand next to the ones with light magic; they will damage you or you will kill them. If you make it all the way through the level without killing any of the priests, the head priest will reward you with the Ashera Staff (Staff-S Wt-4 Range-total, restores all HP to all allied units, as well as restoring their condition to normal).

Chapter 23: Haar
Speak to Haar with Jill.

Chapter 25: Geoffrey
If Geoffrey survives in Chapter 24, he will join your party.

Chapter 25: Largo
Read the conversation before Chapter 25 to get Largo.

Chapter 26
Place Elincia in the bottom corner protected by three people at the corner two squares up and left. After that, simply use the other 15 soldiers to take down the rest of the enemies. You can use weak soldiers to guard Elincia. Most of the time no one even goes after Elincia.

Chapter 28: Ena or Nasir
Do not kill the Black Knight in Chapter 27. Everyone will make it out except Nasir. Distraught over her grandfather's death (Nasir) Ena will join you party. To get Nasir you must successfully defeat the Black Knight with Ragnell (a sword Ike gets). Note: You can only get one or the other.

Final battle
In the final battle you have a choice of calling either Giffca: Lion Laguz level 20, Tibarn: Hawk Laguz level 18, or Naesala: Raven Laguz level 17. All of them have Laguz Bands, which are like Demi Bands but do not cut down your stats and can only be equipped by those three people. Also, whomever you select will also remain with you for the trial maps.

Complete the game fifteen times to unlock Ashanard when playing the bonus trial maps.

Complete the game ten times to unlock Bryce when playing the bonus trial maps.

Complete the game twenty times without losing to anyone under the very difficult setting to unlock Griel, Ike's father.

Complete the game three times to unlock Oliver when playing the bonus trial maps.

Complete the game seven times to unlock Petrine when playing the bonus trial maps.

Complete the game five times to unlock Shihiram when playing the bonus trial maps.

Level manipulation
Throughout the game you get bonus experience to use inside the base. After you use it, you can save or reset the game. In battles, get all your characters as close as desired to a new level, without actually reaching it. By doing this, you can save bonus experience when giving those characters a level up. For example, if they have 99 experience points, you will use 1 point to gain a level, as opposed to 100 when they have 0 experience points. If you can get multiple people to need very little experience points, you can effectively manipulate the stat gaining for everyone. You can reset the game if the stats you want improved do not gain anything. In this manner, you can effectively make any character however desired. You can possibly manipulate any character to max out any stat desired, if you can gain every level at the Base. Save after each individual character gains what you want them to.

Triangle attack
This is a special attack that can be done with Boyd, Rolf, and Oscar. All must be able to use a bow, meaning Boyd needs to be a warrior and Oscar must be given the ability to use bows. Form a triangle around the target and choose one of the brothers to do the attack. Note: You must see two conversations between the three at your base. Make sure to check the "Info" option frequently.

Holy Knights Triangle attack
This is the same as the Three Brothers Triangle Attack; you must have Elincia, Tanith and Marcia all together. Place them in a triangle formation around an enemy and command one of the units to attack. Note that the three units must be able to use swords. This attack can only be performed near the end of the game. Check on "Info" at base often.

Deadly Assassin
When you get Volke, do not use him close to enemies and make sure you have him when you pay him after Chapter 19. After hearing the story, he will ask if you wish to hire him in case you go berserk. Agree to him and he will say "Now I can reveal myself", and will change classes to an Assassin.

Stat control
When you are in the base, you can save your progress then reward units enough experience to level up. If you do not agree with the stats they gain, reset the game and level them up again. You can do this as many times as your Bonus Exp will allow. Make sure to save your game when you get stats that you want to keep. The process is somewhat time consuming, and you use a lot of Bonus Exp, but it is very helpful for building up almost invincible units.

Glitch: Mystery option
After completing the game under the normal or hard difficulty setting, go to the Extras menu. Then, go to the bonus maps. Select the first map, and when asked "Is this correct?" select "No". Then, press [B] to leave the bonus maps screen. Go to "Illustrations" and there will be two Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance options. However, you cannot select the second option though. To get rid of the second option, exit the Illustrations screen, go to the Bonus Maps screen, leave the Bonus Maps screen, then go back to the Illustrations screen. The second option should be gone. Note: This must be done before you add Fire Emblem, and Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones to your game.

Glitch: Wrong name
Throughout the game you will notice that Ike refers to Elincia as Princess Crimea, instead of Princess Elincia.

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