Eternal Darkness Cheats - GameCube

 All cheats for this game by platform: GameCube
Check out these Eternal Darkness cheats and stay cool!
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Level select
Successfully complete the game twice on the same save file to unlock the "Jump To Game" option.

View credits
Successfully complete the game to unlock the "Credits" option.

Successfully complete the game three times on the same save file to unlock the "Eternal Mode" option in the "Jump To Game" menu.

Alternate ending
Successfully complete the game three times on the same save file, choosing a new story path each time.

Skeleton screen
At the main menu screen "New Game", "Load Game", and "Options", select "Options" and the picture of Alex will turn into a skeleton.
When you learn the recover spell, use Chattur'gha (Red) to recover your health, Xel'lotath (Green) to recover your sanity, or Ulyaoth (Blue) To recover your magic.

Defeat the Black Guardian
Stay as far back as you can, and you may want to assign Magikal Attack Level 1 and Level 3 as quick spells. Start by dodging its long ranged attacks, then you will notice a pause. Run about halfway up to it, then start the Level 1 Magik Attack. The hit will only connect if the Black Guardian is glowing. Do this three times and it will draw you closer by moving the barrier. It is however still far enough to stay out of range of its short attacks. It will summon three Zombies and then recharge. As soon as your sanity drops for the first time, begin the Level 3 Magik Attack. It should connect just in time. Do this three times and it will draw you still closer. This one is difficult because you have to keep running. Dodge his attacks six times, and he will become winded and have to recharge. Use this time to let loose a Level 1 Magik Attack. Do this three times and he should be down for the count. Retrieve the essence, and you are done.

Defeating the Guardians
To defeat the Guardians, first make sure that all of the enemies in the room are gone (not including the ones it will summon). Then, enchant a projectile weapon with the Strong Alignment, and blast away. It will not attack you directly; it can only use magic. Watch out -- each time it takes a hit, it will teleport to another location. After a couple shots (depending on how strong the enchantment spell was) it should go down.

When fighting the Guardians that open their wings and stab you, run behind them. You can hit them without waiting for them to open their wings if you hit their backs. Note: Use Reveal Invisible with Mantorok to become invisible, then run behind them. They will still follow you, but will not open their wings to stab you.

Defeating Pious
To defeat Pious at the end of the game, have Alex equipped with the Enchanted Gladius. If you failed to get it as Michel, enchant your Gladius with the enchantment spell that works best against what Pious is. For example, if he is trying to summon Ulyaoth (blue) then enchant using Xel'lotath (green); if he uses Xel'lotath, then enchant using Chattur'gha (red); and if he is summoning Chattur'gha, then use the Ulyaoth enchantment spell. At the start, you will see him summon the Ancient and it will cast a shield spell around him. Your summon spell will begin and you will see the two creatures begin fighting. It will cut to Alex, and the real fight will begin. Using your Gladius, slash at Pious and you will see a type of lighting bolt fly in a certain direction from him. Follow to where it went to see his artifact. Slash it, and it will disappear. Do this about three or four times. While you are doing this, make sure not to wear Alex out to where she runs slowly or Pious will catch her and hit her with magical attack spells and his staff. At any time if your health drops below 50%, get as far away as possible and use a three or five point health recover spell. After three or four hits on his artifact, you will start an intermission sequence as Ellia. You are her ghost and are in the place where the tome is kept. Get it and you will appear as her fighting Pious. Do the same thing as done with Alex one time and you will change back to Alex. Again, do the same thing with Alex once and you will assume the ghost form of one of the other characters. Some of the characters that you will assume are quite slow -- the best thing to do is wait till Pious starts to do a magical attack spell, then slash him from behind and quickly run to where the artifact is located. After you play through the people, the artifact will shatter. Pious' shield spell will now be gone. Slash away at him and after awhile he will go down. The game will switch back to the two Ancients again, and you will see yours prevail. Note: Soon after this you will be asked to choose a rune on one of the machines, like earlier. Choose Bankrock (Protect).

Enchant the shotgun that you will receive at some point in the game. Keep blowing his head of with it. He will be defeated within seconds. Combine this with the "Instant reload" hint. Make him chase you to the other end of the platform, and when he reaches you, sprint back to the other side and you will have plenty of time to blast him while he tries to waddle back up to you.

Defeating Horrors
In levels with a shotgun or rifle, Horrors can be killed rather easily. Equip your rifle or shotgun (you may want to enchant it), run behind it, and shoot it in the back. This is even easier if you use the Reveal Invisible Mantorok spell. Note: The Horrors' electricity may still shock you, even if you are invisible.

Defeating Skeletons
When you are surrounded by a lot of Skeletons, just attack them one by one. Do not worry about the ones attacking you -- dodge them and run away. If you attack wildly, your character will get tired. Only attack the closest enemy, but aim for the head so they cannot see you. Then, run past it, repeat and go for the kills.

Defeating Zombies
If you have a torch and you are face a large group of Zombies, swing the torch at them. They will die in one hit. You will have to do a final blow quickly because they will disappear if you are too slow. Note: This will only work on the normal (Mantorok) and green (Xel-ototh) Zombies.

Absorb Bonethieves
When in any chapter in Eternal Mode with Bonethieves, let them bore into you. Since you will not die, this can be done repeatedly for a strange effect.

Use the Reveal Invisible spell with the Mantorok Rune to make your character invisible.

To get permanent invisibility, you must first unlock Eternal mode. Then, go to the main menu and choose "Jump to Game". Choose any character. When asked if you want "Eternal Mode", select "Yes", and begin game play. When you finally find the Tome Of Eternal Darkness, use the Reveal Invisible Spell with the Mantorok Rune to enable permanent invisibility.

Anthony's Chapter: Avoiding the first Trapper
After you kill the unholy bishop, return to the hallway were Anthony first sees a Trapper. Run towards the Trapper, then run all the way back to the door. The Trapper will cast his three trapping rings, then it will die allowing Anthony to pass. Note: If you get caught by a Trapper in Karim's chapter, the introductory scene for the Trapper Dimension will occur.

Dr. Edward Roivas' Chapter: Defeating the vampire creature
Stop its attack on the servant in the upstairs bedroom (the one on the right). Attack it until it retreats and you see an intermission sequence of it "refueling". Talk to the servant and he will give you the Gun Cabinet Key. Take it to the other bedroom and unlock the gun cabinet, liberating the Elephant Gun. Track down the vampire creature two more times and it will drop the top half of the Basement Key. Mix the two halves and enchant the broken key to fix it. Then, enchant the Elephant Gun with the Strong Alignment and go to the basement. The first thing you should do is shoot the relic in the corner with the Elephant Gun (double barreled). Go back upstairs to reload so it cannot get you. Once the relic breaks you can attack the creature.

Dr. Edward Roivas' Chapter: See vampire creature always
You can see the vampire creature all the time if you cast Reveal Invisible. You can now fight him without worrying about when or where he is going to hit you.

Dr. Lindsay's chapter: Mantorok Rune
When playing as Dr. Lindsay, find the two Runes for Summon and Creature. One is found in a zombie on the staircase down on the last floor and another is on the last floor in some cobwebs. Use your archeological brush to uncover it. Combine these two runes together to make the Summon Trapper spell. Go back up to the floor with the gold statue and find your way to the machinery that was uncovered when you dispelled all the magick fields. When you examine it, you will learn that there is a hole small enough for a small dog to walk through. Summon a Trapper to walk through the hole. Inside will be a bridge with two Horrors on each side. Walk past them and onto a switch with a purple Rune on it. Press [A] to kill the Trapper and take control of Lindsey again. The switch will have opened a door behind you, where the Mantorok Rune is located.

Dr. Lindsay's chapter: Defeating Winged Guardians
The Winged Guardians that first appear in Dr. Lindsay's chapter only spawn new creatures when they hit you. Attack them when they open their wings, then run back before they strike. You can also run behind them and hit their backs without them opening their wings. This works very well when you make yourself invisible, since they will not open their wings when you are in that state.

Dr. Lindsay's chapter: More ammunition
Get to the point a fter the vampire creature attacks the first servant and you receive the Gun Cabinet Key for the Elephant Gun. Every servant that you protect from the vampire creature after this point will give you shotgun ammunition after you save them. However, this will only work once with every servant. You will have more shotgun ammunition to use down in the city against the guardians, making things easier.

Dr. Lindsay's chapter: Loose your sanity
Wait until you finally get the spell to summon Trappers. When you do so, you can control them for unlimited amount of time, but your sanity meter will continually drop, causing your player to go insane after you kill the Trapper by pressing [A].

Ellia's chapter: Shortcut
At the beginning of Ellia's chapter, instead of going straight and examining the statue, immediately go into the right door. Going through that section of the temple first eliminates half of the trouble. Afterwards, continue as normal.

Mike's chapter: The Enchanted Gladius
Find the room with the three pictures and make sure that you have all three effigies. Put the effigies on the ledges in this order:
Warrior: Blue Effigy
Sorcerer: Green Effigy
Scholar: Red Effigy
This will open a hidden staircase in the circle room before the hallway that leads to the room you are in. Go down the stairs and you will enter a room with an Enchanted Gladius. Pick up the Gladius and complete the level as usual. When it comes time for Alex to receive the essence of whatever guardian that Mike received in his level, the Enchanted Gladius will also be in the box. This Gladius' enchantment will not run out. Use it on Pious and the battle will go much smoother than fighting him and having to re-enchant the weapon multiple times.

Michael Edwards' chapter: Zombie mutilation
Play the Fireman chapter in Eternal Mode. Pick up the rifle, select it as your weapon, and select "Mode" until there is a picture of an ammo-clip next to it. The order is one bullet, three bullets, clip, grenade rounds. Since you never lose any bullets, you can now shred enemies without prejudice by simply holding [Attack]. When locked-on to zombies, you can blow off all of their parts by wiggling the Analog-stick during your relentless spray of bullets. You can even keep hitting them after they fall to the ground by staying targeted on them.

Peter Jacob's chapter: Kill the rats
In the A War to End All Wars chapter (World War I, in the church), select either the revolver or the rifle as your weapon. Go into any room that has rats running around. Face towards the rats and press the [R] (aim). If one of the rats will glows white, you can shoot and kill it with your gun while targeting it. This trick works best when you have complete the game three times and can select "Eternal Mode" so that you have unlimited bullets.

Opening the safe
The easiest way to open the safe is to use the D-Pad. The combination is 59 Right, 81 Left and 46 Right.

Conserving health
When you encounter multiple enemies, do not go for the kill if there are enemies near you. They will attack freely -- avoid them.

Reload instantly
When you run out of ammunition for any weapon, press [Start], then select your gun. Select "Mix", and choose the ammunition that goes with your gun. It will be loaded without any time being wasted. This is especially useful when facing multiple enemies, as reloading is often difficult against various murderers.

Lose your sanity
To intentionally lose your sanity, kill the servants or other people who have not been taken over by Bonethieves.

Controller rumble clues
Be aware that the game continues even if you forget some objects, as long as you did not need them to open doors or secret passages on the previous level. You will pass to another character and probably need the forgotten object later in the game. If you end up at a dead end because of this, you will have to start the game again. To help avoid this, make sure the rumble feature in the controller is enabled and pay attention to it. It hints at things that you might not see. Keep your eyes open and read everything where you find yellow words. They are probably a hint as to what needs to be done.

Glitch: Spell floor
In the death chapter (Dr. Lindsay), go into the room with all the zombies. Kill them all and look at the floor. The floor will be the same as your Reveal Invisible spell scroll.

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