Scribblenauts Cheats - Nintendo DS

 All cheats for this game by platform: Nintendo DS
Check out these Scribblenauts cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Scribblenauts Cheats
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Oct. 31, 2009
Unlock Gold Star Rankings
Complete a level, then retry it to activate Advance Mode. Complete Advance Mode.

Unlock Merits
5TH Cell - Spawn a 5TH Cell employee.
All New - Complete a level with objects you've never used before.
Architect - Write 2 buildings.
Arrrrrr - Attach the Jolly Roger to a flagpole.
Audiophile - Write 2 or more instruments or audio objects.
Bioterrorist - Introduce the plague and infect 2 or more people.
Botanist - Write 2 or more plants.
Chauffeur - Drive a vehicle with more than one passenger.
Chef - Write two or more foods.
Closet - Write two or more clothes.
Combo - Combine any two objects together.
Cupid - Shoot a humanoid with Cupid's arrow.
Decorator - Write 2 furniture objects.
Electrolysis - Shock someone with electricity.
Elemental - Write more than one element.
Entertainer - Write 2 or more entertainment objects.
Entomologist - Spawn two or more insects.
Environmentalist - Write 2 or more environmental objects.
Explosive - Spawn two or more objects that explode.
Exterminator - Two or more humanoidsor animals start a level, and are destroyed.
Fantasynovel - Write 2 fantasy objects.
Fashion Designer - Cloth Maxwell's head, body, legs, feet and give him an accessory.
Firefighter - Put out at least 2 fires.
Genius - Complete a level twice in a row.
Glutton - Feed someone or something 3 times in a row.
Gold Digger - Spawn three or more precious stones.
Grab and Go - Write 2 or more grabbing tool objects.
Haxxor - Write 5 or more developers.
Healer - Spawn two or more medical objects.
Herpetologist - Write 2 or more reptiles.
Humanitarian - Write two or more humans.
Infected - Spawn a zombie and make it infect at least two humanoids.
Janitor - Spawn two or more cleaning objects.
Jockey - Use an animal as a vehicle.
Joust - Defeat a knight while Maxwell is mounted.
Knight School - Kill a dragon using a melee weapon.
Leet - Get exactly 1,337 Ollars.
Luddite - Short out 3 or more objects.
Lumberjack - Cut down three or more trees.
Mad Hatter - Place a hat on four or more humanoids or animals.
Magician - Use the magic wand to turn something into a toad.
Marine Biologist - Write 2 or more fish.
Mechanic - Jump start a vehicle.
Messiah - Turn a humanoid into a deity.
Militant - Use 2 weapons and 1 weaponized vehicle.
Miner 49er - Dig a massive hole.
Miser - Obtain a total of 300,000 or more Ollars.
New Object - Write a completely new item.
No Weapons - Don't write a weapon to complete a level.
Novice Angler - Catch a fish with a fishing pole.
Old School - Write 2 or more classic videogame objects.
Organ Donor - Spawn two or more organs.
Ornithologist - Write 2 or more birds.
Paleontologist - Spawn two ore more dinosaurs.
Pariah - Make 3 humanoids or animals flee.
Pi - Earn exactly 314 Ollars in a level.
Picasso - Write 2 or more drawing object tools.
Pilot - Spawn two or more aircraft.
Prodigy - Complete a level 3 times in a row.
Pyromaniac - Set at least 4 objects on fire in a level.
Reanimator - Bring a corpse back to life.
Roped In - Write 2 or more rope objects.
Russian Doll - Place an object inside another object, and then place that object into a third object.
Savior - Two or more humanoids or animals start and finish a level alive.
Sea Two - Write 2 or more sea vehicles.
Series of Tubes - Spawn 'tube' five times.
Shoveler - Spawn two or more digging objects.
Smasher - Write 2 or more melee weapons.
Smuggler - Hide an item in a container.
Split Personality - Write 2 or more cutting or splitting tool objects.
Stealth - Destory a security camera.
Sweet Tooth - Write 2 or more junk foods.
Tooling Around - Write 2 or more tool objects.
Washington - Chop down a Cherry tree.
Water Jockey - Use a sea animal as a vehicle.
Whisperer - Ride a hostile animal.
Zookeeper - Write two or more animals.

Unlock Title Screens
Enter the following words to unlock differend backgrounds:

Background 02 - cat.
Background 03 - car.
Background 04 - bee.
Background 05 - tree.
Background 06 - woman.
Background 07 - coffin.
Background 08 - vibes.
Background 09 - coin.
Background 10 - chair.
Background 11 - zombie.
Background 12 - court.
Background 13 - rain.
Background 14 - it.

Original Scribblenaut Costume
To Get the original scribblenaut costume, (Avatar same as typing in scribblenaut) You must complete all of the challenge levels. (both puzzle and action) This avatar is the original design for the main character before he was changed to Maxwell.

5th Cell Staff Room
If you're playing through one of the Challenge Mode puzzles, try summoning a teleporter. If you use it, you'll be sent to to the Scribblenauts staff room. The room includes the symbol for the 5th Cell development team, as well as several avatars for game designers.

Hidden Space Level
If you spawn a teleporter at the title screen and use it, it takes you to a secret moon level with aliens and a shuttle.

Easy Advanced Mode
The game ignores adjectives you try to put when writing any word, so writing "Small Hat" or "Big Hat" will only be recognized as "Hat", and will spawn the same thing. The exploit is in the fact that during Advanced Mode, the game will NOT accuse "same word" if you type an adjective before the word itself, eventhough the exact same thing is spawned. You can clear a stage three times by typing "Wings" the first time, "Big Wings" the second time and "Small Wings" the third time, you'll simply get the Wings all three times, but the game will register 3 different words and will allow it. If you're feeling lazy, you don't even have to put in a proper adjective, since the game doesn't recognize them, simply typing "aaa Wings" will register as "Wings", the game ignores the "aaa" as an Adjective (even if it really isn't one).

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