Oregon Trail Cheats - 3DS

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Check out these Oregon Trail cheats and stay cool!
Unlock Trophies
24 Karat - Finish the Gold Rush storyline.
Alpha Male - Fight off a wolf attack.
Bridger to Nowhere - Arrive at Jim Bridger's Trading Post.
Left Behind - Hunt for more than 150 pounds of food in one day.
Lickety Split - Arrive in Oregon with at least 45 days remaining.
Love Conquers All - Finish the Family Affair storyline.
Master Fisherman - Catch 60 pounds of fish in one day.
Careful Driver - Complete a segment of the trail without hitting any obstacles.
Classic Complaint - Have one of your passengers catch dysentery and don't administer medicine for it.
First Time Through - Get to Oregon for the first time.
Full House - Get to the end of the trail without losing any family members.
Have Gun, Will Shoot - Kill your first animal.
Hypochondriac - Use medicine on one of your sick passengers.
Journeyman - Score more than 120,000 points in a chapter.
Trail Master - Score more than 150,000 points in a chapter.
Triple Threat - Finish the Three Brave Brothers storyline.
Uncivil War - Finish the Stuck in the Middle storyline.
Piano Man - Bring the piano as your heirloom and complete the journey to Oregon.
Reel Talent - Catch your first fish.
Third Wheel - Break and replace two wagon wheels in one segment of the trail.
Victimized - Get robbed 10 total times in one trip down the trail.
Walla Walla - Arrive at Walla Walla, Washington.

Unlock Fine Whip
Complete a segment of the trail without hitting any obstacles.

Unlock Red Wagon
Kill your first animal.

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