Stick it to the Man Cheats - Xbox One

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Check out these Stick it to the Man cheats and stay cool!
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste (100) - Read the minds of everyone ever.
Careful What You Wish For (60) - Read the mind of a lonely cat.
Conga Line! (60) - Get chased by 5 enemies at the same time.
Crew of the Dead (60) - Read the minds of the ambulance personel.
Dangerous Work (60) - Mind-read the recently departed.
Decoyception (60) - Have enemies chasing other enemies chasing you.
Drowned Skeletons (60) - Read the minds of the drowned skeletons.
Eureka! (60) - Give poor Ron the perfect idea for a date.
Food for Thought (60) - Read the mind of an eaten fish.
Lady in the Sky with Ducky (60) - Return a totally sweet alien to the stars.
Love is Blind (60) - Read the minds of an unexpected couple.
Out of His Mind (60) - Read Ray's mind.
Subconscious Experience (60) - Read Harry's mind while he's passed out.
The Bird in the Sky (60) - Never get noticed by the helicopter.
Tower Offense (60) - Climb the asylum tower without alerting any nurses.
Unnatural Talent (60) - Read Luigi's mind while he's singing.

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