Atari Flashback Classics: Volume 2 Cheats - Xbox One

 All cheats for this game by platform: Xbox One
Check out these Atari Flashback Classics: Volume 2 cheats and stay cool!
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On game two or three, go to the maze in the Black Castle. One screen left of the first maze screen will flicker if you carry an object in there meaning one thing, there's ANOTHER object in there. At the bottom center of this room is a closed off cubicle, use the bridge to get in there and you should pick up a ''dot''. Carry this to the screen just above the catacombs (one screen down and to the right of the Gold Castle) and be careful not to lose it as it's the same color as the outside ground. Drop it there and bring two other items onto the screen, run right through the line on the right side of the screen and witness the first ever Easter Egg.

Walk Over the Title Screen
Start playing the game, then push Select on the Atari 2600 console in order to see the game selection screen. Press Down to make your character move over the screen.

Slow Down the Music
When you finish Adventure, press Select.

Warp to Higher Levels
315 - Warp to Level 13.
824 - Warp to Level 9.

Colour Warps
At the information screen that has the mini breakout game at the bottom right that is displayed before each level, a prompt on the bottom displaying colour warp and a series of zeros. Move left or right to change the highlighted number to what you want and press the fire/jump button to set for level warps. They vary (from what I know) as Red, Yellow, Green, Aqua Warps and are displayed at the top of the same screen when you beat certain levels.

Red Warp - 23 - Warp to level 4.
Yellow Warp - 46 - Warp to level 9.

To become invincible, fly your ship to the bottom-right area of the screen behind the score board. If you stay behind the score-board, you will never get hit and be able to shoot at enemies.

Unlimited Balls
Choose any of the ''catch'' games and begin game play. Catch your last ball, press Select, then release the ball. Game play will continue in demonstration mode, with unlimited balls but no points scored.

Easy Win
While playing the game, press Left + Button, and Right - Easy Win.

Warp to Level 5
In level 3, Hidden Ramp stage, get the hat and then go to the back corner of the hidden ramp & jump before the hat wears off. You will warp to level 5.

See the Designer's Credit
In Level 5, get the hat and enter the door where Berthilda the witch is flying around. Destroy her and then go over to the corner where she was, and jump. The initials FXL will come up at the lower-right part of the screen. Those are the initials of one of Crystal Castles's designers, Franz Lanziger.

See the word ATARI
Jump one hundred or more times in the front corner of the very first level. Losing a life doesn't break up your number of jumps. Now, clear the whole level of the gems and at the beginning of Level 2, a banner that says ''ATARI'' will appear.

Secret Warp
In Level 5, go to the upper-left corner of the maze and jump. You'll be instantly transported to Level 7.

Warp to Level 3
In the very first level of the game, go to the upper-right corner and jump. You'll be warped to Level 3.

Glitch: Missiles That Won't Stop
Start a new game of Missile Command. While any number of missiles are falling, press Select on the Atari 2600 console. While you're cycling through the games, the missiles will keep falling until they hit something.

Extra Points
Fire three missiles at the top of the screen when the game starts, then press the Reset button before the missiles explode. You will score extra points when they do explode.

See the Programmer's Credit
Choose game 13 and let the missiles reach the cities. Use all of your missiles without scoring any points. The city on the right will turn into ''RF'', the initials of Missile Command's programmer, Rob Fulop.

Last Stage Password
To enter a password, start a new game, enter the status screen (by pressing the black/white switch) and then press the game select switch. If done correctly, the cursor should be blinking on the bottom symbols.

Now, to change the symbols, press Up the following number of times:

On the first symbol press Up 7 times.
On the third symbol press Up 7 times.
On the fifth symbol press Up 9 times.
On the ninth symbol press Up 9 times.

Press the game select switch again to apply the password. If done correctly, the status screen should change, you should have all the weapons and a full energy/oxygen bar.

Demonstration Mode
Demonstration Mode - Start a new game, shoot the ball, and then press Select.

Manually Control the Ball
After you shoot the pinball, hold the button and move the joystick around in any direction. You will have some control over where the pinball goes.

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