Worms: Ultimate Mayhem Cheats - Xbox 360

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Check out these Worms: Ultimate Mayhem cheats and stay cool!
Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore:

Billy No Mates (50) - Complete the single player campaign.
I am the Worminator (10) - Kill more than 3 worms in one turn in a ranked match.
If you build it they will die (10) - Inflict 2,000 damage in total using weapon factory builds.
Loves Company (10) - Complete 10 online matches.
Pimp my worm (10) - Create a team of worms with custom clothes.
Shop-a-holic (15) - Purchase the Kitchen Sink game style.
Boom Shake the Worm (10) - Win a game using only Grenades and the Bazooka.
Eggceptional (15) - Collect all the hidden Easter eggs in the game.
Grave Digger (10) - Kill a total of 200 worms (all game modes count).
Halfway House (25) - Complete 50 percent of the story mode.
Slide into first (10) - Complete any mission.
Total Ranker (25) - Win 40 ranked matches in total across 3 or more game modes.

Additionally, there are three Customization Pack DLC achievements:

Hey Good Looking (10) - Customise every aspect of a team using new downloads, all new clothes, speech bank and gravestone.
Oi, That's my hat! (20) - In any online match kill an opposing Worm that is wearing the same new customised hat as you.
Time to Get Paid (20) - Create a new weapon using a new payload then land the winning blow with it in a ranked match.

Additionally, there are three Multi-player Pack DLC achievements:

Alexander The Worm (15) - Won an online game on each of the DLC maps.
Dedicated Ranker (20) - Win 1 Ranked Deathmatch on every new map.
Join Me Luke (15) - Exploited the darkside of Worms.

Additionally, there are three Single-player Pack DLC achievements:

Challenge Accepted (10) - Take your first steps on the road to glory by completing the first challenge.
Clock Watching (20) - Try and beat all the set times across all the challenges.
No Challenge At All (20) - Show your mastery of the little pink fellows by completing all the challenges.

Unlock Avatar Awards
Worm Tee - Locate the 5 hidden Easter Eggs in Worms: Ultimate Mayhem.
Ultimate Mayhem Tee - Earn any Achievement in Worms: Ultimate Mayhem.

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