Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 2012 Edition Cheats - Xbox 360

 All cheats for this game by platform: Xbox 360
Check out these Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 2012 Edition cheats and stay cool!
Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore:

0 to Millionaire in 90 seconds! (20) - Answer the 15 questions correctly in less than 90 seconds.
A little help from your friends! (25) - You have answered the last question correctly and have two Lifelines left to use.
Help was at hand! (15) - Answer the last question correctly keeping one unused Lifeline.
Lightning Legend! (10) - Correctly answer a question between 11 and 15 in less than 4 seconds.
Quick on the draw! (10) - Correctly answer a question between 3 and 7 in less than 2 seconds.
Beginner (5) - Play a complete game of "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?".
Brain-box! (5) - Answer questions 1 to 7 correctly without using any Lifelines.
Clever clogs! (5) - Answer questions 1 to 2 correctly without using any Lifelines.
Fastest Finger First (5) - Guess the correct order of the 4 answers in a round of Fastest Finger First.
Will you go on? (5) - Reach the first safe haven.
Won in 60 Seconds! (30) - Answer the 15 questions correctly in less than 60 seconds.
YOU ARE A RICH! (10) - Answer the last question correctly.
Super smart! (5) - Answer questions 3 to 7 correctly without using any Lifelines.
Who needs help! (35) - Answer the last question correctly without using any Lifeline.
Will you go for the Million? (5) - Reach the second safe haven.
You've made it! (10) - Answer questions 8 to 12 correctly without using any Lifelines.

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