Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 Cheats - Xbox 360

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Check out these Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 cheats and stay cool!
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

Aces High (50) - Ace a Par 4 or a Par 5 hole in any Traditional or Online game mode.
Bare Minimum (30) - Play a round under Par in a Traditional or Online game mode with a Driver, SW, 5 Iron and Putter.
Big Money (30) - Win 5 Million Dollars in Live Tournaments.
Big Tuna (50) - Play an 18-hole Traditional or Online game mode round in FIR and GIR using only tuned clubs.
Birds of Prey (35) - Total 25 Eagles using a created golfer.
Blammo! (10) - Earn the Bingo, Bango & Bongo point on a single shot in the Bingo Bango Bongo Traditional game mode.
Challenge the World (75) - Complete the Tournament Challenge mode.
Circle of Life (55) - Score an Ace, an Eagle, a Birdie, a Par and a Bogey in a single round of a PGA TOUR Event.
Eagle Eye (55) - Total 100 Eagles using a created golfer.
Eye of the Hurricane (25) - Shoot under Par through a Gale Force wind in a Traditional or Online game mode 18-hole round.
From Bad to Worse (10) - Hit the ball from any bunker into a different hazard, such as a Water Hazard or Out of Bounds.
It's All in the Hips (30) - Use Precision Putter to sink a 30ft putt without Putt Preview, in a Traditional or Online game mode.
Levinator25 (55) - Complete the first Bonus Challenge in Tournament Challenge.
Maximum Power (25) - Complete an 18-Hole round using a max stats costume in any Traditional or Online game modes.
Mulligans Island (15) - Use 20 or more Mulligans during an 18-hole round, in any Traditional or Online game modes.
Migration (35) - Total 100 Birdies using a created golfer.
No Known Surivors (35) - Equip the CEC Mining Hazard Suit.
Piece of Cake (30) - Post a Top 50 score in a Live Tournament.
Play with the Big Boys (20) - Drive the ball 400 or more yards in the fairway in any Traditional or Online game modes.
Raindancer (25) - Play in the rain and score an Eagle or better in any Stroke based Traditional or Online game modes.
Riding Spinnaz (25) - Sink an approach shot using backspin covering a distance of 5ft or greater in any game mode.
Sharkies (80) - Play 18 holes online against an EA Tiburon team member or against a player who has this Achievement.
Taking Flight (25) - Total 50 Birdies with a created golfer.
Teamwork (10) - Watch the credits.
Ten Thousand Ways (75) - Earn 10,000 Player Points in EA SPORTS GamerNet.
The Comeback Kid (15) - Come back from a +5 or worse to finish Even or better, in any Traditional or Online game mode round.
Tough at the Top (15) - Compete in Play-The-Pros mode and submit your score online.
Weather Report (10) - Complete an online 18-hole round in the rain using the Live Weather feed.
Well-Seasoned (50) - Complete a PGA TOUR Season with at least 10 Million Dollars in career earnings.

Unlock Courses
Beat the first tournement challenge on following courses to buy the course pass:

East Lake
Harbour Town
Pebble Beach
Pinehurst no.2
Torrey Pines
Tpc Boston

Bonus Challenges
Bonus Challenge 1 - Complete all Tournament Challenges.
Bonus Challenge 2 - Complete Bonus Challenge 1.
Bonus Challenge 3 - Complete Bonus Challenge 2.
Bonus Challenge 4 - Complete Bonus Challenge 3.

Unlock Dead Space Hazard Suit
Beat First Boston challenge and it will be become available in Pro Shop for 35,000$ (in game) or Microsoft Points.

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