The Simpsons Arcade Game Cheats - Xbox 360

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360
Check out these The Simpsons Arcade Game cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Enter the classic Konami Code during the title screen to unlock all of the Cool Stuff without having to beat the game with everyone:

[Up], [Up], [Down], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [B], [A]
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points:

"Excellent" (30) - Complete the game on Expert difficulty in individual Quarters mode.
Dysfunctional Family (10) - Play in a 4-player match with three other people.
Easier Than Arm Wrestling (10) - Defeat the Wrestler without any player dying.
Falling For Smithers (10) - Playing from stage 1, fall through the deck after Smithers.
Battling Seizure Robots (10) - Playing from stage 1, defeat the battling robot.
Best Score Ever (25) - Earn 250 points (US) or 25,000 points (Japan) in a game.
Bongo's Angst (10) - Playing from stage 1, get Bongo to appear in 4 different levels.
Like Taking Candy From a Baby (25) - Complete the game four times, once with each character.
Mr. Sparkle (25) - From stage 1, make it to the stage 3 bosses in Survival Mode with the Japanese ROM.
Helper Monkey (10) - While performing a Team Attack, damage 25 enemies.
It Tastes Like Burning (10) - Hurt Smithers with one of his own bombs.
Release The Hounds (25) - Complete the game in 30 minutes or less.

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