The Outfit Cheats - Xbox 360

 All cheats for this game by platform: Xbox 360
Check out these The Outfit cheats and stay cool!
Cheat mode
Collect the indicated number of medals to unlock the corresponding cheat option. Note: Achievements cannot be earned when cheats are enabled.

Unlimited Sprint - 4 Medals
Faster Health Regeneration Rate - 8 Medals
No Overheat On Weapons - 12 Medals
Unlimited Field Units - 17 Medals
Insane Damage Multiplier - 21 Medals
Mega Health - 25 Medals

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Game Completion Award (30 points) - Successfully complete the game.
Master of Capturing (20 points) - Capture more than 10 objectives in a single Ranked Quick Match game.
Great Score (30 points) - Score more than 350 points in a single Ranked Quick Match game.
Victories Keep Piling Up (75 points) - Win 500 Ranked Quick Match games.
Infantry Killer (25 points) - Get 1,000 infantry kills in Ranked Quick Match games.
Vehicle Killer (25 points) - Get 200 vehicle kills in Ranked Quick Match games.
Emplacement Killer (25 points) - Get 250 emplacement kills in Ranked Quick Match games.
Great Shooting (25 points) - Get an accuracy greater than 40% in a single Ranked Quick Match game.
Marksman (50 points) - Get an accuracy greater than 25% over your Ranked Quick Match game career.
Feared (25 points) - Get more than 20 enemy player kills in a single Ranked Quick Match game.
Clear Winner (35 points) - Get victories totaling 1000 Command Points in Ranked Quick Match games.
Guns Blazing (45 points) - Get an average score of over 18 per minute of play in Ranked Quick Match games.
Focused Fire (40 points) - Kill enemy players faster than 1.7 per minute of play in Ranked Quick Match games.

Secret achievements
Combat Aid (10 points) - Aid fellow paratroopers in combat.
Searchlights Destroyed (10 points) - Eliminate the enemy's night time advantage.
Air Defense (15 points) - Fight with valor in ground to air combat.
Allied Rescue (15 points) - Rescue fellow soldiers.
Troop Car Destroyed (15 points) - Destroy the troop car.
AA Guns Destroyed (20 points) - Destroy AA guns
Convoy Ambush (20 points) - Ambush the convoy.
Propaganda Destroyed (15 points) - Purge Nazi imagery from the landscape of France.
Tank Crew Rescue (15 points) - Rescue a stranded Allied tank crew.
Reinforcement Rescue (20 points) - Successfully defend Allied reinforcements.
Allied Savior (20 points) - Awarded for aiding Allied soldiers in battle.
Convoy Ambush (20 points) - Awarded for crippling enemy actions beyond all expectations.
Fuel Depot Destroyed (20 points) - Awarded for destroying strategic enemy assets.
Howizter Defense (20 points) - Awarded for completely securing strategic locations from the Nazis.
Panther Tank Capture (20 points) - Awarded for capturing enemy technology.
Radar Tower Destroyed (20 points) - Awarded for destruction of enemy communications equipment.
Reinforcement Rescue (20 points) - Awarded for successfully defending Allied reinforcements.
Submarine Destruction (20 points) - Awarded for strategic destruction of enemy assets.
Tank Column Destroyed (20 points) - Awarded for destruction of important enemy assets.
Transport Ship Destruction (20 points) - Awarded for quick thinking in destruction of enemy war supplies.
V1 Rockets Destroyed (20 points) - Destroy the enemy V1 rockets.
Airfield Saved (25 points) - Quickly preserve a key airfield.
Bunker Defense (25 points) - Protect friendly forces from superior enemy numbers.
Prisoner of War Savior (25 points) - Save the Werhmacht allies from the SS firing squads.
Prototype Jet Destroyed (25 points) - Destroy the enemy prototype jet research.
Lightning Victory (30 points) - Win in less than two minutes in any Ranked Quick Match game.
Persistence Counts ( points) - Die 1,000 times in Ranked Quick Match games.
Wounded In Action ( points) - Have an average life shorter than 30 seconds in Ranked Quick Match games.
Prisoner Of War ( points) - Have over 200 total losses in Ranked Quick Match games.
Combat Aid (10 points) - Aid fellow paratroopers in combat.
Searchlights Destroyed (10 points) - Destroy the enemy's searchlights.
Air Defense (15 points) - Have valor in ground to air combat.
Allied Rescue (15 points) - Rescue fellow soldiers.
Propaganda Destroyed (15 points) - Destroy Nazi propaganda images in France.
Tank Crew Rescue (15 points) - Rescue a stranded Allied Tank crew.
Troop Car Destroyed (15 points) - Quickly destroy an enemy troop car.
AA Guns Destroyed (20 points) - Destroy enemy anti-aircraft guns.
Allied Savior (20 points) - Help Allied soldiers in battle.
Convoy Ambush (20 points) - Ambush an enemy convoy.
Fuel Depot Destroyed (20 points) - Destroy an enemy fuel depot.
Howizter Defense (20 points) - Secure enemy howitzers.
Panther Tank Capture (20 points) - Capture a Panther tank.
Radar Tower Destroyed (20 points) - Destroy an enemy radar tower.
Reinforcement Rescue (20 points) - Defend Allied reinforcements.
Submarine Destruction (20 points) - Destroy an enemy submarine.
Tank Column Destroyed (20 points) - Destroy an enemy tank column.
Transport Ship Destruction (20 points) - Quickly destroy an enemy transport ship.
V1 Rockets Destroyed (20 points) - Destroy enemy V1 rockets.
Airfield Saved (25 points) - Save a key airfield.
Bunker Defense (25 points) - Protect friendly forces from superior enemy numbers.
Prisoner of War Savior (25 points) - Save Werhmacht allies from SS firing squads.
Prototype Jet Destroyed (25 points) - Destroy the enemy prototype jet.
Train Destroyed (25 points) - Destroy an enemy train.

Unlimited points
Get 9,999 battlefield points by killing enemies, blowing up tanks, etc. You will then have an unlimited number of points to buy things with destruction on demand, and your points will never go down.

Make your own foxhole
When there is a deep hole in the ground, order an anti-tank gun or machine gun nest in front of it. Try crouching down in it to get protection when reloading or when your gun overheats. For example, when you are Deuce and he is reloading his bazooka, crouch down in the hole. The anti-tank gun or machine gun nest will take over.

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