The Gunstringer: El Diablo's 'Merican Adventure Cheats - Xbox 360

 All cheats for this game by platform: Xbox 360
Check out these The Gunstringer: El Diablo's 'Merican Adventure cheats and stay cool!
Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore:

Ain't No Fun (30) - Don't harm any innocents while on your adventure.
Evil Walks (25) - Shoot every type of innocent at least once.
Money Made (15) - Purchase "El Diablo's Merican Adventure" for a free achievement!
Nick of Time (30) - Don't let a juggled cow hit the ground for 30 seconds.
Rockin' in the Parlour (25) - Find the location of El Diablo's future bride.
Heatseeker (30) - Don't let a single enemy escape your wrath!
Hells Bells (30) - Get El Diablo hitched.
Kicked in the Teeth (20) - Juggle a cow a dozen times.
Smash N Grab (15) - Destroy 100 pieces of furniture.
Thunderstruck (30) - Juggle a cow 30 times.

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