The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles Cheats - Xbox 360

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Check out these The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles cheats and stay cool!
Complete each of the following achievements below to get the allotted gamerscore:

Aspirant, Shivering Isles (20) - Reach Aspirant Rank in the Court of Madness.
Citizen, Shivering Isles (20) - Reach Citizen Rank in the Court of Madness.
Defender, Shivering Isles (20) - Reach Defender of the Realm Rank in the Court of Madness.
Duke Dementia, Shivering Isles (30) - Reach Duke of Dementia Rank in the Court of Madness.
Duke Mania, Shivering Isles (30) - Reach Duke of Mania Rank in the Court of Madness.
Honored Madman, Shivering Isles (20) - Reach Honored Madman Rank in the Court of Madness.
Madgod, Shivering Isles (50) - Stop the Greymarch.
Madman, Shivering Isles (20) - Reach Madman Rank in the Court of Madness.
Regent, Shivering Isles (20) - Reach Regent Rank in the Court of Madness.
Tourist, Shivering Isles (20) - Enter the Shivering Isles.

Duplicate items
Equip a Scroll that you have a multiple of (for example, Minor Heal Other x10). If you have ten scrolls you will get ten items. Swing a weapon. During the swing, open your inventory and select the scroll you equipped twice. You will not get a message. Drop the item to be duplicated. You can only duplicate things that you have less than the amount of scrolls you equipped. For example, with ten scrolls, you cannot duplicate fifteen potions. There is a way to get around this. Drop a few of the items you want to duplicate before you start this glitch so you have less than the amount of scrolls that you have. You can then pick them up afterward.

Death Decree of a game developer
It is basicly a little joke of one of the game's dungeon designers; Robert Wisnewski. First, you must start in a town called Split; located on the path that connects the two main paths of Mania and Dementia, look on your map. When you do find the town of Split, you will notice that the town is laying on a chain of large hills. Start to travel east of the town ontop of the chain of hills, carefull not to fall off. If you continue on you will notice a very small ruin on your right side, it will be seen as a ledge; the ruin will be protected by a creature. You will know when you are at the right spot because it is surrounded by non-living skeletons and a couple of bodies. Search the body that's name is "Sheogorath's Punished". The body will contain a note called "Death Decree". Congrats, you have found a joke talking about Robert Wisnewski's facial feature! Note: Finishing the main quest first will make it easier to find the town Split.

Glitch: Duplicating Items after downloading Shivering Isles
This glitch allows you to duplicate items by using scrolls:

Step 1: Go to your inventory.
Step 2: Equip any scroll that you have multiple copies of (ex. 5 "Superior Convalescence").
Step 3: Once the scrolls have been equipped, press A again while still in the inventory.
Step 4: Drop the item you wish to duplicate (ex. Grand Soul Gem) - you must have less items than scrolls or it doesn't work.

You will now have the same number of items(ex. Grand Soul Gems) as you have scrolls!

Glitch: Walk outside Crucibles walls (to ANYWHERE on map)
Create a fortify acrobatics spell with magnitude 100 for 2 seconds (you only have to have 25 restoration.) Fast travel to crucible. Walk straight through the town to the door to Bliss. Turn right and walk up the stairs to where the Dark Seducer is standing. Cast the spell and jump over to the rooftop to your right. Then again the the roof West of you. Hop up to where the stool is and then jump on the chimney thingy infront of you. Jump onto the roof infront of you and you are now free to walk wherever you want around the shivering isles without any buildings, creatures, or basic graphic design in your way. Try walking back to the portal and then into the Emean Sea until you can't go further then look at the island, nice view eh? When you get tired of it just fast travel anywhere. (This was aimed at 360 owners who don't have the abilities to manipulate the game as computers do.)

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