Summer Athletics 2009 Cheats - Xbox 360

 All cheats for this game by platform: Xbox 360
Check out these Summer Athletics 2009 cheats and stay cool!
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

Cheetah (20) - Win a gold medal in all running events in single player.
Couldn't Care Less (20) - Get more than 75 points at archery, then destroy the scoreboard (pure mode, single player).
Average Athlete (30) - Train four skills to 50 percent.
Bouncy Victory (5) - Jump over all hurdles in a 110m hurdles race and win in single player.
Breaking the Rules (5) - Perform a false start, get a timeout and get disqualified in single player.
Champion (100) - Win the career.
Creator I (5) - Create a male and a female character.
Generous (10) - Allow your opponents a head start of 5 seconds and win in a sprint race (running, single player).
Golden Hours (50) - Collect 50 gold medals in single player.
Hanger-on (5) - Run in someone's slipstream for two minutes in a middle distance race and win in single player.
Creator II (15) - Create a custom competition with at least one discipline of each sport and win it.
Defying all Competition (50) - Win all competitions.
Dolphin (20) - Win a gold medal in all swimming and diving events in single player.
Double Agent (15) - Hit all doubles in an American skeet shooting event in single player.
Dynamic Duos (25) - Hit all doubles at an international skeet shooting event in single player.
Egoist (10) - Win a team pursuit race at cycling without switching riders in single player.
Fly like an Eagle (15) - Win a gold medal in all throwing events in single player.
Lucky Streak (20) - Hit the bullseye six times in a row at archery in single player, pure mode.
Marksman (15) - Win a gold medal in all archery and skeet shooting events in single player.
Patient (5) - Finish a skeet shooting event without calling 'pull'.
Heroes of Berlin (75) - Win the Berlin world cup with a male team.
Heroines of Berlin (75) - Win the Berlin world cup with a female team.
Impatient (5) - Finish a skeet shooting event calling 'pull' each time.
Kangaroo (15) - Win a gold medal in all jumping disciplines in single player.
Leading Athlete (15) - Place first in the highscore of each discipline (single player).
Perfectionist II (10) - Perform a perfect run-up and a perfect take off in pole vault in single player.
Perfectionist III (10) - Perform three perfect jumps in a triple jump and clear 18.20m in single player.
Perfect Timing (10) - Throw with perfect timing in all throwing events in single player.
Perfectionist I (10) - Perform a perfect start, flight and entry within one attempt at diving in single player.
Perfectionist IV (10) - At high jump, run up with perfect steps only and clear a height of 2.40m in single player.v Pigeon Hunter (15) - Hit 15 clay pigeons in a row in an American skeet shooting event in single player.
Silver Bullet (20) - Collect 25 silver medals in single player.
Specialist (40) - Max out a skill.
Stationary Success (10) - Hit all clay pigeons at station four at an international skeet shooting event in single player.
Professional Athlete (50) - Train three skills to 75 percent.
Qualified Athlete (20) - Finish the Berlin world cup qualifying for each final.
Respectable Collection (10) - Collect 15 bronze medals in single player.
Rookie (10) - Enhance two skills to 50 percent.
Shaky Victory (10) - Knock over five hurdles in a 110m hurdles race and win in single player at medium difficulty.
Steady Hand (10) - Perform three perfect grabs in one race at swimming in single player.
Team Effort (5) - Lead your team to victory in the co-op cup.
Turns of the Century (10) - Perform three perfect turns in one race at swimming in single player.
Ultimate Athlete (100) - Maximize all of your skills.
Wheels of Fortune (15) - Win a gold medal in all cycling events in single player.

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