Sonic Generations Cheats - Xbox 360

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Check out these Sonic Generations cheats and stay cool!
Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore:

(Hedge) Hogging It All Up! (50) - Get all collectibles.
A 30-Second Test (20) - Participate in a 30 Second Trial.
A Quick Breather (10) - Got the Red Star Ring atop the highest spot in ROOFTOP RUN Act 2 and reached the goal.
Action Hero (10) - Perform all of Sonic's moves in Act 2.
All Stages Cleared! (50) - Clear Sonic Generations.
Big Bang (50) - Get Rank S in all Acts.
CRISIS CITY Restored! (15) - Restored the CRISIS CITY Stage Gate.
Demolition Derby (10) - Wrecked 30 or more cars in CITY ESCAPE Act 2.
Eradicator (15) - Defeat 100 enemies.
Greased Lightning (10) - Clear GREEN HILL Act 1 within one minute.
GREEN HILL Restored! (15) - Restored the GREEN HILL Stage Gate.
Halfway Point (30) - Clear half the Challenge Acts.
Join the Ranks (20) - Join the rankings.
Jump for Joy! (10) - Found the spring hidden in GREEN HILL Act 1 and reached the goal with a Red Star Ring.
Look Both Ways (10) - Reached the goal in CRISIS CITY Act 2 without being hit by a tornado-carried cars or rocks.
Blazing Meteor (30) - Get Rank S in seven Acts.
Blue Comet (40) - Get Rank S in twelve Acts.
Bonds of Friendship (10) - Complete all Challenge Acts featuring Sonic's friends.
Boom Boom Dragoon (30) - Defeated Egg Dragoon.
Bright Star (15) - Get Rank S in an Act.
Can't Touch This (30) - Took no damage from the final boss and cleared the stage.
CHEMICAL PLANT Restored! (15) - Restored the CHEMICAL PLANT Stage Gate.
CITY ESCAPE Restored! (15) - Restored the CITY ESCAPE Stage Gate.
Color Power! (10) - Got the Red Star Ring by using an Orange Wisp in PLANET WISP Act 2 and reached the goal.
Shadow Boxing (25) - Defeated Shadow.
Shooting Star (20) - Get Rank S in three Acts.
Silver Got Served (30) - Defeated Silver.
SKY SANCTUARY Restored! (15) - Restored the SKY SANCTUARY Stage Gate.
SPEED HIGHWAY Restored! (15) - Restored the SPEED HIGHWAY Stage Gate.
Sunny Side Up (20) - Defeated Death Egg Robot.
Supersonic! (20) - Cleared a regular stage as Super Sonic.
The Byway or the Highway (20) - Got the Red Star Ring located on the shortcut route in SPEED HIGHWAY Act 2 and reached the goal.
The Opening Act (10) - Race through the first stage.
Mad Skillz (30) - Get all Skills.
Mission Accomplished! (30) - Clear all the Challenge Acts.
Perfect Punisher (25) - Defeated Perfect Chaos.
PLANET WISP Restored! (15) - Restored the PLANET WISP Stage Gate.
Red Ring Collector (30) - Get all Red Star Rings.
Ring King (15) - Reach the goal without dropping any of the rings you collected in GREEN HILL Act 1.
ROOFTOP RUN Restored! (15) - Restored the ROOFTOP RUN Stage Gate.
Scrap Metal (20) - Defeated Metal Sonic.
SEASIDE HILL Restored! (15) - Restored the SEASIDE HILL Stage Gate.
Secret Sleuth (10) - Got the Red Star Ring located in the hidden room in SEASIDE HILL Act 1 and reached the goal.
Time Attacker (30) - Play Ranking Attack on all stages.
Treasure Hunter (20) - Collected all the Chaos Emeralds.
Trickstar (10) - Pull off a seven or more trick combo or six trick combo ending in a finishing trick.
Walk on Air (20) - Cleared SKY SANCTUARY Act 1 without falling and losing a life.
Walk on Water (10) - Cleared CHEMICAL PLANT Act 2 without entering the water.
Walkie Talkie (10) - Chat with each of Sonic's friends you have saved.

Unlock Avatar Awards
Classic Eggman Suit (Head) - Defeat the final boss on Hard Mode.
Classic Eggman Suit (Tops) - Defeat all bosses on Hard Mode.
Classic Eggman Suit (Bottoms) - Defeat all rivals on Hard Mode.

Unlock Super Sonic
Defeat the Final Boss of the game.

Unlock Statue Room
Go to the Collection room. Position Sonic to the right of the Movie Chair and to the left of the Art painting. Hold [Select] and enter a trap hole that takes you to the Statue Room. You'll need passwords to get figurines.

008 140 - Chaos Emerald
070 178 - Spring (Yellow)
103 729 - Classic Eggman
125 817 - Egg Pawn
171 045 - Classic Sonic
200 078 - Egg Chaser
204 390 - Sonic the Hedgehog
209 005 - Item Box
226 454 - Charmy Bee
249 651 - Cucky/Picky/Flicky/Pecky
262 416 - Shadow the Hedgehog
275 843 - Grabber
277 087 - Metal Sonic
283 015 - Goal Ring
309 511 - Chip
329 494 - Aero-Cannon
332 955 - Cream the Rabbit
353 012 - Big the Cat
359 236 - Classic Tails
360 031 - Eggrobo
363 911 - Crabmeat
383 870 - Jet the Hawk
390 884 - Ring
466 913 - Spiny
483 990 - Moto Bug
495 497 - Booster
507 376 - Hero Chao
513 929 - Iblis Taker
530 741 - Spinner
537 070 - Spring (Red)
544 873 - Blaze the Cat
548 986 - Sandworm
601 409 - E-123 Omega
613 482 - Dr. Eggman
629 893 - Chao
632 951 - Miles "Tails" Prower
639 402 - Chopper
640 456 - Cop Speeder
668 250 - Gun Hunter
679 417 - Knuckles the Echidna
688 187 - Silver the Hedgehog
711 268 - Iblis Worm
777 921 - Capsule
851 426 - Egg Fighter
852 363 - Buzz Bomber
863 358 - Amy Rose
868 377 - Vector the Crocodile
869 292 - Dark Chao
870 580 - Omochao
872 910 - Iblis Biter
888 200 - Rouge the Bat
894 526 - Espio the Chameleon
933 391 - Goal Plate
973 433 - Egg Launcher
975 073 - Gun Beetle

Sonic the Hedgehog: Level Select
After unlocking the classic Genesis game Sonic the Hedgehog, load the game. After Sonic appears on the title screen, hit the following buttons in order: Up, Down, Left, Right, X. If done correctly a menu will pop up with all acts selectable.

Unlock the Original Sonic the Hedgehog for Play
In order to unlock and play the original Sega version of Sonic the Hedgehog you just need to buy the sega controller from the shop located to the left of Green Hill Zone and then just take the controller to the Sega Console located in the top left area of Green Hill Zone.

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