Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter Cheats - Xbox 360

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Check out these Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter cheats and stay cool!
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points:

Beast Hunt Master (20) - Win a Beast Hunt match on all game levels.
Game Master (15) - Complete the game.
Look, It's a Secret (20) - Find at least 80 secrets in single player.
Capture The Flag Beginner (5) - Win a CTF match with at least 2 players on each team.
Cathedral King (30) - Complete The Grand Cathedral level on serious difficulty without dying or loading.
Coin-op Co-op (15) - Complete the entire Coin-op coooperative game on normal or higher difficulty.
Deathmatch Master (20) - Win 100 deathmatch games.
Serious Beginner (5) - Complete any level in single player.
My Burden Beginner (5) - Win one My Burden match with at least 3 players.
Sam I am (35) - Accumulate a total of 100,001 enemy kills and frags combined.
Serious Sam (25) - Complete the game in single player on serious difficulty.
Survival Beginner (5) - Earn at least a bronze medal on any level in single player Survival.

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