Overlord Cheats - Xbox 360

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Check out these Overlord cheats and stay cool!
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

10 Wins in Pillage (30) - Win 10 ranked Pillage matches
10 Wins in Slaughter (30) - Win 10 ranked Slaughter matches
50 Wins in Pillage (40) - Win 50 ranked Pillage matches
50 Wins in Slaughter (40) - Win 50 ranked Slaughter matches
Amass Minions (10) - Harvest lots of Lifeforce
Arcanium Smelter (20) - Retrieve the most Powerful Smelter
Blue Minions (10) - Retrieve the Blue Hive
Compete in Pillage (10) - Complete a ranked Pillage match
Compete in Slaughter (10) - Complete a ranked Slaughter match
Defeat Goldo (20) - End a Hero's obsession
Defeat Jewel (20) - Steal a Hero
Defeat Kahn (20) - Get angry with a Hero
Defeat Melvin (20) - Puncture a Hero
Defeat Oberon (20) - Put a Hero to sleep. Permanently.
Defeat Sir William (20) - Cure a Hero of life
Defeat the Wizard (50) - Defeat the 7th Hero
Dungeon Dabbler (20) - Defeat half the Dungeon Creatures
Dungeon Overlord (30) - Defeat all the Dungeon Creatures
Durium Smelter (15) - Retrieve a powerful Smelter
Full Arcanium (20) - Forge a full Arcanium set
Full Corruption (50) - Win with the blackest heart
Full Durium (10) - Forge a full Durium set
Green Minions (10) - Retrieve the Green Hive
Minion Harvester (10) - Harvest Lifeforce
Minion Hoarder (15) - Harvest a huge amount of Lifeforce
Minion Multitude (40) - Harvest a massive amount of Lifeforce
Mistress Master (40) - Fulfill your Mistress's wishes
Obtain a Mistress (20) - Get yourself a little company and some help spending your money
Power up the Tower (10) - Retrieve the Tower Heart to power up the Tower
Rebuild the Tower (10) - Retrieve a Crane to start rebuilding the Tower
Red Minions (10) - Retrieve the Red Hive
Retrieve the Food (10) - Retrieve the Food, but will you keep or return it?
Steel Smelter (10) - Retrieve a Smelter
Superior Survivor (20) - Last for 15 minutes in Survival
Survivor (10) - Last for 5 minutes in Survival
Tower Master (40) - Collect all the Tower Objects
Ultimate Arcanium (40) - Forge an Ultimately Imbued Arcanium Set
Ultimate Durium (20) - Forge an Ultimately Imbued Durium Set
Ultimate Horde (40) - Get a full Horde, fully equipped
Ultimate Steel (10) - Forge an Ultimately Imbued Steel Set
Ultimate Survivor (30) - Last for 30 minutes in Survival
Win in Pillage (20) - Win a ranked Pillage match
Win in Slaughter (20) - Win a ranked Slaughter match
Zero Corruption (50) - Win with the clearest conscience

DLC Achievements:

Demon Master (20) - Conquer the Heavens Peak Abyss
Dungeon Legend (30) - Defeat all the Expansion Dungeon Creatures
Extended Pillager (20) - Win 25 ranked Expansion Pillage Maps
Extended Slayer (20) - Win 25 ranked Expansion Slaughter matches
Extended Survivor (20) - Last for 45 mins in a Expansion Survival Map
Hell Raider (20) - Conquer the Mellow Hills Abyss
Infernal Lord (20) - Conquer the Golden Halls Abyss
Legendary Overlord (50) - Defeat the 7th Hero in Legendary Mode
Lord of the Abyss (30) - Conquer the Ruborian Desert Abyss
Soulblighter (20) - Conquer the Evernight Forest Abyss

Easy Max Imbued Gear
Forge a piece of gear without imbuing anything into it, then, go to upgrade it, put as many minions into it as you want and as soon as the animation starts but before any minions jump into the smelter, hit start to pause the game and exit, when you come back, the minions will have been imbued, but won't have been taken from your supply. Makes it real easy to get the Ultimate gear achievements...

Poor Overlord's Power-up
If you died recently and your minions are weakened, go to either Halfling Homes or the village of Spree, and break all the objects for new weapons and armor. This is no substitute for actually upgrading your minions, but it works at the start of the game!

Dungeon Force
When lifeforce is harder to come by with the advance smelters, visit the tower dungeon and use the staged fights to earn lifeforce. A mix of minions will let you set ambushes and revive any losses. The only downside are that your have no spells to use.

Skipping the First Troll
On Legendary, the first troll is very hard and consumes alot of minions. There's an easy way to completely skip him (make sure you have 10 minions). Head straight to the troll, and you'll get the cutscene of him getting ready to face you. After that, send all of your minions to open the gate where the crane is, and rush there (the troll will probably kill a few of your minions as they open the gate, but that's better than wasting 20 - 40 minions trying to kill him and also, if the troll is blocking the path, simple lead him away and head through the gate). Once done, go to the crane and an autosave will occur. This is where the trick comes in: That autosave assumes you defeated the troll as you went further than you were suppose to, therefore, simply leave the area and come back, you'll find the troll has vanished as the game thinks he has been defeated.

Easter Egg: Pumpkin Hat
Head to Spree or just outside of Melvin's Kitchen and smash some pumpkins. Occasionally, minions without hats will pick up a pumpkin and plop it on their heads.

Forge Glitch
To upgrade your equipment without sacrificing any minions, do the following. As you are upgrading or forging any given equipment, wait until the camera goes above the upgrade area. Before the minions actually come out, press start and exit the game. Then, reload your game. You'll find that no minions have been sacrificed but the game has still upgraded your gear!

Poor Overlord's Power-up
If you died recently and your minions are weakened, go to either Halfling Homes or the village of Spree, and break all the objects for new weapons and armor. This is no substitute for actually upgrading your minions, but it works at the start of the game!

Master and Minion Multitude Achievements
The best way to unlock the Minion Multitude Achievement is to visit the Dungeon with an ultimately imbued Arcanium Sword and Armor.

For the weapon, don't balance out your minion sacrifices so that you get a little bit of everything and instead focus on increasing the damage (brown minions) and just a little of the green minions to do massive damage with the power blow.

For the armor, don't balance out your minion sacrifices so that you get a little bit of everything and instead focus on increasing the defence (brown minions) and just a little of the green minions to regenerate life slowly (about 5 to 10%).

Don't take any minions with you and when you go into the dungeon and approach each group of enemies slowly so that you face only a few at a time. This way if your health gets low you can run away for a bit and regenerate.

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