Over G Fighters Cheats - Xbox 360

 All cheats for this game by platform: Xbox 360
Check out these Over G Fighters cheats and stay cool!
Complete certain in-game tasks to get each achievement:

Reward 1 of Scenario Mode - Meet certain conditions in Area 1 of Scenario Mode to earn this achievement.
Reward 2 of Scenario Mode - Meet certain conditions in Area 2 of Scenario Mode to earn this achievement.
Reward 3 of Scenario Mode - Meet certain conditions in Area 3 of Scenario Mode to earn this achievement.
Reward 4 of Scenario Mode - Meet certain conditions in Area 4 of Scenario Mode to earn this achievement.
Reward 5 of Scenario Mode - Meet certain conditions in Area 5 of Scenario Mode to earn this achievement.
Reward 6 of Scenario Mode - Meet certain conditions in Area 6 of Scenario Mode to earn this achievement.
Reward 7 of Scenario Mode - Meet certain conditions in Area 7 of Scenario Mode to earn this achievement.
Reward 8 of Scenario Mode - Meet certain conditions in Area 8 of Scenario Mode to earn this achievement.
Reward 9 of Scenario Mode - Meet certain conditions in Area 9 of Scenario Mode to earn this achievement.
Reward 10 of Scenario Mode - Meet certain conditions in Area 10 of Scenario Mode to earn this achievement.
Reward 11 of Scenario Mode - Meet certain conditions in Area 11 of Scenario Mode to earn this achievement.
Reward 12 of Scenario Mode - Meet certain conditions in Area 12 of Scenario Mode to earn this achievement.
Reward 13 of Scenario Mode - Meet certain conditions in Area 13 of Scenario Mode to earn this achievement.
Reward 14 of Scenario Mode - Meet certain conditions in Area 14 of Scenario Mode to earn this achievement.
Reward 15 of Scenario Mode - Meet certain conditions in Area 15 of Scenario Mode to earn this achievement.
Reward 16 of Scenario Mode - Meet certain conditions in Area 16 of Scenario Mode to earn this achievement.
Reward 17 of Scenario Mode - - Meet certain conditions in Area 17 of Scenario Mode to earn this achievement.

Big Boss Mode
Big Boss mode enables you to unlock some special planes. You get to it by going into Challenge Arena, and shooting down planes. Occasionally a Boss plane will appear. Shoot down enough of those and a Big Boss will appear. Shoot down the Big Boss, and land safely, and the next time you go to Challenge mode, the Big Boss option will appear (*maybe* -- see below). Go into there, and you will have a 1 vs. 1 dogfight with the Big Boss' plane. Win the battle and you unlock the plane.

But only some of the Big Bosses in the Arena show up in Big Boss mode, not all of them. So sometimes you may shoot down a Big Boss, but the Big Boss option may not show up for that plane.

Unlock Hell Mode
Beat scenario mode on Expert.

Unlock Jets
F-14B - In area 1 Complete only mission on 2nd playthrough
0A-10A Thunderbolt II - Beat tactical mission 1, Area 2
F-1 - Complete game on Hell mode
F-117A - Beat tactical mission 1 in area 4
F-15C Fighter - Beat sub-mission 5 in area 4
F-15D - Defeated Linda
F-15D - Defeat Linda
F-15DJ - In Area 3 Complete Strategic mission on Hell mode
F-15DJ "Aggressor - Defeat Ryoji
F-15DJ (Agressor) - Defeated Ryoji
F-15E - Beat tactical mission 1 in area 6
F-15J - Area 3 - Tactical Mission 1
F-15J Eagle "305th Squadron" - Deafeat (no named Pilot)
F-15J Eagle "Golden Eagles Squadron" - Deafeat (no named Pilot)
F-15J(Golden Eagles) - Defeated F-15J GoldenEagles
F-16 "Thunder Bird" - In Area 7 Complete Strategic mission on Hell mode
F-16 AM Fighting Falcon - Complete Sub-mission 6 in Area 6
F-16C - Beat sub-mission 4 in area 2
F-16C "Thunder Bird" - In Area 6 Complete Strategic mission on Hell mode
F-18A "Blue Angels" - In Area 4 Complete Strategic mission on Hell mode
F-18E - Area 3 - Sub-mission 7
F-2 blue impulse - Beat sub-mission 9 in area 3
F-22A - Beat Sub-mission 10 in Area 7
F-2A - Area 3 - Sub-mission 9
F-2A "Ambush" - Defeat Edward
F-2A (Ambush) - Defeated Edward
F-2B - In area 3 Complete Strategic mission on 2nd playthrough
F-2B F.T.SQ - Defeated F-2B F.T.SQ in ChallengeMode
F-35B - Beat Sub-mission 7 in Area 7
F/A-18 Hornet - Beat sub-mission 7 in area 2
F/A-18E Superhornet - Defeated Saviola
F/A-18F "DiamondBacks" - Defeat Alfred
F/A-18F (DiamondBacks) - Defeated Alfred
F/A-18F SuperHornet - Unlocked by beating Saviola in Big Boss mode
Jas39A - Sub-mission 4 in area 5
Jas39C - In area 5 Complete Submission 4 on 2nd playthrough
MiG-29A - In area 4 Complete Strategic mission on 2nd playthrough
Mig-29G - Beat Sub-mission 10 in Area 4
MiG-29S - In area 4 Complete Submission 10 on 2nd playthrough
OA-10A - In area 2 Complete Tactical mission 1 on 2nd playthrough
Su-27 - Beat tactical mission 2 in area 5
SU-27 "Russian Knights" - In Area 5 Complete Strategic mission on Hell mode
SU-33 - Defeat Michael
SU_33 - Defeated Michael
T/F-18 - Area 3 - Training Mission
X-35C - In Area 2 Complete Strategic mission on Hell mode
X-35C - Beat 2 area in hell mode

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