Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 Cheats - Xbox 360

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Check out these Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 cheats and stay cool!
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

100 Total Missions (25) - Complete 100 or more Total Missions. Data must be saved to unlock this achievement.
200 Total Missions (50) - Complete 200 or more Total Missions. Data must be saved to unlock this achievement.
Achieved 100 Ace points (30) - Will be unlocked after achieving 100 Ace points.
Achieved 50 Ace points (20) - Will be unlocked after achieving 50 Ace points.
Achieved 500 Ace points (50) - Will be unlocked after achieving 500 Ace points.
All Friendship (50) - Achieve "Friendship" with all characters. Save data to unlock achievement.
All Licenses Acquired (25) - Acquire all licenses for at least 1 character. Data must be saved to unlock this achievement.
All Missions Complete (50) - Complete all missions in Mission Mode. Data must be saved to unlock this achievement.
All Skills Acquired (25) - Acquire all skills for at least 1 character. Data must be saved to unlock this achievement.
Ball, King of Space (25) - View the Terminal Event, [King of Space]. Save data to unlock achievement.
Battle Ship Gallery Complete (25) - Unlock all Battle Ships in the Battle Ship Gallery. Data must be saved to unlock this achievement.
Character Gallery Complete (25) - Unlock all characters in the Character Gallery. Data must be saved to unlock this achievement.
Destroy All Giant Mobile Robots (25) - Shoot down all giant mobile robots. Data must be saved to unlock this achievement.
Love is the Pulse of the Stars (25) - Watch Kamille's ending movie "Love is the Pulse of the Stars". Save data to unlock achievement.
Mission Mode: 1 Character (25) - Clear Mission Mode using 1 or more characters. Data must be saved to unlock this achievement.
Mission Mode: 10 Characters (25) - Clear Mission Mode using 10 or more characters. Data must be saved to unlock this achievement.
Mission Mode: 15 Characters (25) - Clear Mission Mode using 15 or more characters. Data must be saved to unlock this achievement.
Mission Mode: 5 Characters (25) - Clear Mission Mode using 5 or more characters. Data must be saved to unlock this achievement.
Mission Mode: All Characters (50) - Clear Mission Mode using all characters. Data must be saved to unlock this achievement.
Mobile Suit Gallery Complete (25) - Unlock all Mobile Suits in the Mobile Suit Gallery. Data must be saved to unlock this achievement.
Movie Gallery Complete (25) - Unlock all Movies in the Movie Gallery. Data must be saved to unlock this achievement.
Official Mode: 1 Character (25) - Clear Official Mode using 1 or more characters. Data must be saved to unlock this achievement.
Official Mode: All Characters (50) - Clear Official Mode using all characters. Data must be saved to unlock this achievement.
Pilot Level Max (25) - Attain a Pilot Level of 50 for at least 1 character. Data must be saved to unlock this achievement.
Playable Characters Complete (50) - Acquire all playable characters. Data must be saved to unlock this achievement.
Playable Mobile Suits Complete (50) - Acquire all playable Mobile Suits. Data must be saved to unlock this achievement.
Rank 4 Parts Released (50) - Release Rank 4 part for all the Mobile Suits. Data must be saved to unlock this achievement.
Total Shot Down 10000 (25) - Shoot down 10000 total enemies. Data must be saved to unlock this achievement.
Total Shot Down 100000 (50) - Shoot down 100000 total enemies. Data must be saved to unlock this achievement.
Zaku Tank, Lord of Land (25) - View the Terminal Event, [Lord of Land]. Save data to unlock achievement.

Unlock Characters
Mission Mode
Cecily Fairchild - Finish Seabook Arno's story missions.
Dozle Zabi - Accept invitation to join Zeon and clear the missions given.
Elpeo Puru - Clear Judau Ashta's Official Mode.
Emma Sheen - Clear Kamille Bidan's Official Mode.
Four Murasame - Finish Kamille Bidan's story missions and read the new mail to unlock Four's friendship mission; clear it.
Glemy Toto - Agree to help Glemy establish his own faction while joining Axis, and clear the mission given.
Gym Ghingnham - After joining Dianna Counter, have at least normal relations with Gym and he will send a mail; read and clear the mission given.
Gyunei Guss - Play as Quess Paraya, and read Gyunei's mail to unlock his friendship mission; clear it.
Haman Karn - Clear Judau Ashta's Official Mode.
Hayato Kobayashi - Have good relations with Hayato and clear his friendship mission.
Jerid Messa - Clear Kamille Bidan's Official Mode.
Kai Shiden - Have good relations with Kai and then clear his friendship mission.
Katejina Loos - Have good relations with Katejina and read her mail to unlock her friendship missions; V2 Gundam license is required to clear them.
Lacus Clyne - Clear Kira Yamato & Athrun Zala's story missions, and read Lacus' mail in Kira's terminall; clear the mission given.
Lunamaria Hawke - Clear Shinn Asuka's story mission and read Lunamaria's mail; Zaku II CA license is required to clear the mission.
M'Quve - Read a request mail from Kycillia while joining Zeon and clear the mission given.
Paptimus Scirocco - Clear Kamille Bidan's Official Mode.
Puru-Two - Clear Judau Ashta's Official Mode.
Quess Paraya - Play as a non-Newtype, build up relation with Quess until you receive mail from her, then make the character a Newtype.
Ramba Ral - Read a request mail from Dozle while joining Zeon and clear the mission given; also need to befriend Ramba Ral first.
Reccoa Londe - Play as Yazan Gable and shoot down Reccoa in any mission.
Rosamia Badam - Have best relations with Kamille after joining AEUG, then read his mail and clear the mission given.
Roux Louka - Clear Judau Ashta's Official Mode.
Sarah Zabiarov - Have good relations with Sarah and Scirocco, bad relations with Reccoa, then read Sarah's mail and clear the mission given.
Sleggar Law - Play as a female character, have good relations with Sleggar, and then read his mail to unlock his friendship mission; clear it.
Yazan Gable - Have good relations with Yazan after joining Titans, read his mail and clear the test.

Story Mode
Amuro Ray - Finish Amuro Storyline in story mode.
Char Aznable - Finish Char Storyline in story mode.
Judau Ashta - Finish Judau Storyline in story mode.
Kamille Vidan - Finish Kamille Storyline in story mode.

Unlock Costumes
Laura Rolla - Beat all 5 story missions in mission mode using Loran Cehack.
Zech Merquise - Beat all 5 story missions in mission mode using Milliardo Peacecraft.

Unlock Alternate Menu Screen
Beat Official Mode as Amuro Ray (CCA Version) and a new menu screen will appear.

Unlock Alternate Movie Endings (Gallery Mode)
Amuro: Escape - Allow Kai and Hayato to be defeated before completing the mission
Amuro: Encounters in Space - Do not let Kai or Hayato to be defeated
Char: Prelude to Counterattack - Defeat Scirocco before Kamille talks to him
Char: At the End of the Battle - Let Kamille talk to Scirocco before defeating him
Judau: Meeting Again - Defeat Haman before their conversation ends
Judau: A New Journey - Defeat Haman after their conversation ends
Kamille: Love is the Pulse of the Stars - Save Radish from Yazan, Save Emma from Reccoa, and allow Colony Laser to fire

Unlock Hidden Missions (Mission Mode)
Forced Evolution - Complete any five missions in mission mode
Yazan's Crew Test - Read Yazan's Terminal message as a current (not former) member of Titans

Unlock Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Quiz 2: Expert Terminal Message
Under the Free mission category for any character in Mission mode, unlock and complete the missions "200 Total Missions Completed" and "40,000 Total Enemies Shot Down" and you will receive the quiz in Terminal.

Unlock Rank 4 Parts for all Class 1 Mobile Suits
Play as any character in Mission mode and complete the mission "The True Dynasty Warriors: Gundam", then view the accompanying Terminal message afterwards.

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