Dead Rising 2: Off the Record Cheats - Xbox 360

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Check out these Dead Rising 2: Off the Record cheats and stay cool!
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points:

Adult Content (20) - Take an extremely erotic picture.
Alpha Vs. Omega (20) - Have Denyce attack and damage Sgt Boykin.
Camera Crazy (20) - Take a picture of a psychopath.
Card Archive (20) - Collect 50 combo cards.
Card Collection (20) - Collect 20 combo cards.
Challenge Addict (20) - Get at least a bronze medal on 10 different single player challenges.
Challenge Domination (20) - Get a gold medal on all single player challenges.
Cramped Quarters (20) - Get 8 survivors into a vehicle.
Dominoes (20) - Use the Jump Kick to knock down 100 zombies.
Award Winning Photography (20) - Photograph 75 PP stickers.
Best of Friends (20) - Defeat 5 psychopaths in co-op.
BFF (20) - Use the Snapshot skill move on a zombie.
Help From My Friends (20) - Get at least a bronze medal on 10 different co-op challenges.
I Got a Medal! (20) - Get a medal on a challenge in Sandbox Mode.
Luggage Code (20) - Kill 12,345 zombies.
Maintaining The City (20) - Visit 10 different maintenance rooms.
Making Memories (20) - Take a picture of your co-op partner during co-op play.
Mixed Messages (20) - Take a picture with elements of horror, brutality, outtake and erotica in a single shot.
More Help From My Friends (20) - Get at least a bronze medal on all co-op challenges.
Drugged Up (20) - Take a dose of Zombrex.
Elite Killer (20) - Kill 1,337 zombies.
Even More Help From My Friends (20) - Get a gold medal on all co-op challenges.
Frank West: Cross Dresser (20) - Dress up completely in women's clothing.
Full Camera (20) - Fill your camera's memory.
Hands of Doom (20) - Unlock all skill moves.
Photo School (20) - Take a high PP value picture.
Powered Up (20) - Restore power to the Yucatan Casino.
Prestigious PP (20) - Get over 2,000 PP from a single zombie kill.
Prom Night (20) - Kill 69 zombies.
Puking Rally (20) - Have a zombie slip in a puddle of vomit.
Purewal Memorial Cup (20) - Don't consume any meat, dairy or alcohol until the military arrives.
Raw Emotion (20) - Take a photo of a survivor in a very dramatic situation.
Safety Check: Failed (20) - Use the amusement park rides to kill 10 zombies at once.
New Hotness (20) - Build one of the combo weapons new to Dead Rising 2: Off The Record.
Out With the Old (20) - Defeat the motorcycle-riding psychopath.
Party Time (20) - Get a survivor drunk.
Photo Album (20) - Photo Album (20)
Photo Album (20) - Photograph 25 PP stickers.
Photo Journalist (20) - Get back in the game by gaining lots of PP from pictures.
Save the Girl (20) - Rescue a damsel in distress from the Twin Terrors.
Save the Girl... Again (20) - Save the damsel in distress a second time.
Save the Girl... Yet Again (20) - Save a damsel in distress for the third and final time.
Six Digits?!? (20) - Kill 100,000 zombies.
Team Player (20) - Avert a mutiny.
Technological Terror (20) - Destroy a "harvester".
The Challenge Experience (20) - Get at least a bronze medal on all single player challenges.
Tiger Tamer (20) - Have Snowflake attack and damage a psychopath.
True Colors (20) - Defeat the mastermind of the Fortune City incident.
Unlock the secret shortcut.: Unlock the secret shortcut.
We Have a Winner! (20) - Play a carney game and win.

Unlock Clothes
Dealer Outfit - Find it in the managers office where you save Lenny Mooney in the Yucatan Casino.
Ninja Boots - Found in The Mans Sport in Uranus Zone.
Ninja Hood - Find it in the secret sniper spot in Royal Flush Plaza.
Ninja Mask - Is it near the nightclub in Yucatan. At the end of the hall full of zombies, there is a door on the left, and a desk on the right. The mask is behind the desk..
Ninja Outfit - Get the achievement "Elite Killer" which is to kill 1337 zombies..
Protoman Blaster and Shield - Finish the game with an S Ending (Beat Overtime).
Protoman Helmet - Save Jack in the "Welcome to the Family" case, then beat him in strip poker in the "Ante Up" case..
ProtoMan Suit - Get Bronze or better on all challenges in Sandbox Mode..
Psycho Body - Defeat the psychopath Carl.
Psycho Boots - Early in the game, once you get Rebecca to the security room, the boots are inside.
Psycho Mask - It is in the wedding chapel where you fight Randy.
Psychopath Hair - Wait the midnight Time Share movie in Paradise Platinum Screens.
Soldier Body - Defeat Sgt Boykins.
Soldier Boots - It is in a small room is south plaza on a cardboard box.
Soldier Face Paint - Find it in Shanks in Palisades Mall.
Soldier Goggles - Buy them in the Silver Strip pawn shop for $2,000,000.
Sports Fan Boots - It is in the Sportrance store in Royal Flush.
Sports Fan Clothes - On a rack on the first floor of KokoNutz in Palisades Mall.
Sports Fan Face Paint - Find it on the awning at Americana Casino.
Sports Fan Helmet - Hidden in the back room of Hot Excitorama.
Tattered Clothes - Get the achievement "Party Time" which is to get a survivor drunk.
Willamette Mall Uniform - Visit 10 Maintenance rooms (this also unlocks the Maintaining the City.

Infinite 500 PP
During the "TK Needs Zombex" mission, you are able to photograph TK in the clinic. If you photograph the side of his head, it will award you with 500PP every time, and the amount of PP will not reduce. Keep doing this for infinite amounts of PP.

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