Call of Juarez: The Cartel Cheats - Xbox 360

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Check out these Call of Juarez: The Cartel cheats and stay cool!
Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore:

Did you see that? (15) - Destroy 5 helicopters (Campaign).
Dental Plan (10) - Kill at least 10 enemies with a weapon melee attack.
Berserker (20) - Kill at least 3 enemies in a row while being severely wounded.
Bad guy (20) - Kill at least 40 enemies during Gang Bang mission.
None of their business (10) - Successfully finish two Secret Agendas.
Alamo! (10) - Enter 10 rooms using Team Entry.
Tomb Raider (30) - Go through cemetery in less than 3 minutes.
Spy vs. Spy (20) - In cooperative mode, prevent 10 attempts of picking up secret items.
Peeper (10) - On the Disco level, watch dancers for at least 30 seconds.
Interagency Task Force (20) - Play through one entire mission with two other live players.
Raining Bullets (10) - Shoot over 1,000 bullets during the Ghost Town level.
Highway Patrol (20) - Drive any type of a vehicle for more than 20 miles total.
Bullet dodger (15) - During highway chase on Disco level successfully avoid all rockets.
Nail'd it! (15) - Finish the downhill car chase on Plantation level without damaging car too much.
Eh...what's up, doc? (10) - In cooperative mode, revive wounded players 5 times.
Protect and serve (10) - Don't kill any of the civilians on the marketplace during Juan's chase.
F.R.A.G.S (10) - Kill 10 enemies using grenades.
Chain reaction (10) - Kill at least 20 enemies by exploding nearby vehicles.
High Noon (20) - Kill at least 3 enemies between 12.00-12.05 local time.
SloMo (20) - Kill at least 4 enemies during a single Concentration Mode.
Deadly Ballet (20) - In a three-player co-op game, make sure everyone scores at least one kill during Team Entry.
Guns. Lots of guns. (10) - Use 10 different weapons to kill enemies.
Magpie (15) - Collect at least 75% of secret items on any level, without being caught.
Dirty cop (15) - Successfully pick up 15 secret items.
Armorer (15) - Unlock at least 10 new weapons in the campaign mode.
Been there, done that (30) - Play at least one full round on all maps in competitive mode.
Little Bighorn (15) - Win at least one game in competitive mode.
Level 21 (40) - Unlock all weapons in the campaign mode.
Police, everybody down! (25) - Complete the game playing as Ben McCall.
FBI! Don't move! (25) - Complete the game playing as Kim Evans.
Texas Ranger (25) - Disable 20 enemies with your bare fists.
Drive-by (30) - While riding in a car, shoot 50 enemies.
Heat (10) - Destroy 20 cars.
Move! Moving! (20) - Kill 30 enemies by using the Team Cover technique.
Rio Bravo (30) - Kill 100 enemies using revolvers.
Good Cop, Bad Cop & The Ugly (50) - Complete the campaign mode playing all 3 different characters.
DEA, keep your hands up! (25) - Complete the game playing as Eddie Guerra.
Police Academy (10) - Finish the first level.
Clean shot (50) - Complete the campaign mode without killing any civilian.
Time is on my side (30) - Kill 50 enemies while having Concentration Mode active.
Do you feel lucky, punk? (100) - Complete the campaign mode on hard difficulty.
Driving lessons (10) - Kill at least 10 enemies by ramming them with a vehicle.
Gunslinger (10) - Kill 20 enemies using dual-wielded firearms.
Brain Surgery (25) - Kill 50 enemies with headshots.

Additionally, there are six secret achievements:

Secret Achievement (10) - Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement (10) - Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement (10) - Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement (10) - Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement (10) - Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement (10) - Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

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