Bastion Cheats - Xbox 360

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Check out these Bastion cheats and stay cool!
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points:

Altruist (20) - Complete 100 percent of the Vigils in the Memorial.
The Beginning (20) - Complete the story, embracing the New World.
The End (20) - Complete the story.
The Singer (20) - Complete Prosper Bluff and speak with the Singer in the Bastion.
The Stranger (10) - Complete the Wharf District.
The Survivor (10) - Complete the Hanging Gardens and speak with the Survivor in the Bastion.
Calamity Kid (30) - Complete the story in New Game Plus.
Kid-at-Arms (10) - Use the Forge to apply at least one upgrade to every weapon.
Mind Voyager (20) - Complete each trip to Who Knows Where.
Pet Sitter (10) - Get four different domesticated creatures in the Bastion.
The Ura (20) - Stop the siege on the Bastion.
Vigilante (10) - Complete at least 50 percent of the Vigils in the Memorial.

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