Ace Combat Assault Horizon Cheats - Xbox 360

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Check out these Ace Combat Assault Horizon cheats and stay cool!
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points:

Ace of Aces (30) - Obtain an A rank for every mission (free mission).
Aerial Sniper (20) - Use DFM to destroy 10 airborne enemies in competitive online.
All Rounder (30) - Obtain all MVPs.
Critical Hit (25) - Take down a hostile fighter with a charged homing missile.
Defender of World Heritage (20) - Provide close-range aerial support to wipe out hostile ground forces.
Diverse Strikes (15) - Defeat hostiles with all 3 of the gunship's weapons.
Eagle Eye (20) - Successfully focus on 3 targets.
Emergency (20) - Deal with an emergency situation.
Fearsome Guardian (20) - Protect allied ground forces with the gunship's firepower.
Bail Out (20) - Escape from a dangerous situation.
Berserker (20) - Eliminate your enemies to open a path for your allies.
Bomber Master (10) - Fly a bomber and eliminate a large number of hostiles.
Calamity (10) - Used Trinity to wipe out the enemy (free mission).
Category 5 (20) - Chase the enemy through a hurricane.
Chain Master (20) - Master the assault chain and take down hostiles one by one.
Checking In (10) - Fly through the hotel gates.
Hard Strike (20) - Wipe out hostile ground forces with ASM.
Hot Pit (20) - Defend the allied base.
Interceptor (20) - Use an attack helicopter and destroy 10 missiles or bombs in competitive online.
Life Saver (20) - Use an attack helicopter to rescue the captured pilot.
Limbo (10) - Fly beneath a falling chimney.
Machine Gun Faithful (10) - Use the standard machine gun to defeat an enemy.
Nice Assist (10) - Use DFM support or ASM support to join a flight member.
Nice Kill (30) - Shoot down many hostile players in competitive online.
Fire Hazard (20) - Pass through an explosion and destroy the enemy.
Formation Attack (20) - Join the same DFM with two others and shoot down a hostile (mission co-op).
Friendly Fire (20) - Perform a risky move to save your friend.
Ground Pounder (20) - Use ASM to destroy 30 ground enemies in competitive online.
Guardian (20) - Thwart your enemy's plans and return alive.
Gun Master (15) - Massacre hostiles as the door gunner.
Guns Guns Guns (20) - Destroy 5 hostile vehicles with helicopter gunfire.
Smooth Flight (20) - Protect allied transports from being shot down during landing.
Speed Demon (10) - Eliminate the enemy threat to fighters as quickly as possible.
Stay On Target (20) - In a helicopter, obtain (zoom in) and destroy 10 enemies.
Steel Hunter (20) - From a helicopter, support the special forces while they suppress hostile vessels.
Successive Kill (20) - Take down 3 hostiles in a row with an assault chain.
Switch Master (25) - Successfully switch from defense to offense 10 times with counter maneuvers.
The Collector (20) - Pilot all of the aircraft in the game.
Total Annihilation (20) - Eliminate all bombers and prevent the use of a weapon of mass destruction.
Veteran Pilot (20) - Play for an extensive amount of time in competitive online or mission co-op.
Nice Save (10) - Save an ally being targeted by hostile players in competitive online.
Nick of Time (20) - Prevent the launch of ICBMs by infiltrating the enemy base in a stealth bomber.
One Million Tons of Scrap Metal (20) - Weave through a hostile fleet's defense and rescue the hostage.
Patriot (20) - Defend the capital.
Pursuit Master (20) - Successfully pursue 3 enemies with counter maneuvers.
Shot Master (20) - Take down 5 hostiles with a direct shot.
Warwolf 1 (50) - Clear all missions.
Warwolf Squadron (30) - Clear all levels in mission co-op.
Welcome to Mission Co-Op (20) - Clear 1 level in mission co-op.
World Tour (30) - Play on all maps in competitive online.

Unlock Call Signs for Multiplayer
Anteres - Obtain a total of 1,000,000 points.
Gator - ASM support 50 times.
Ghost - Shoot down more than 100 enemy players online while using an attack helicopter.
Gryphus - Obtain 5 Hero rewards.
Mobius - Obtain 1 Hero reward.
Mohawk - Obtain a total of 100,000 points.
Phoenix - Place first in a Deathmatch.
Aquila - Obtain 1 survivor reward.
Assault - DFM support 100 times.
Burner - Win 20 Capital Conquest matches.
Cougar - Shoot down more than 100 enemy players.
Dragon - Win 10 Capital Conquest matches.
Falco - Obtain 1 Ace Striker reward.
Galm - Obtain 5 Ace Pilot rewards.
Garuda - Complete the campaign.
Scarface - Obtain 1 Ace Pilot reward.
Stingray - Win 10 Domination matches.
Strigon - Obtain 5 Survivor rewards.
Racer - Use DFM support more than 50 times.
Renegade - Obtain a total of 300,000 points.
Rex - ASM support 50 times.
Sweeper - Shoot down more than 50 enemy players online while using an attack helicopter.
Titan - Obtain a total of 600,000 points.
Viking - Obtain a total of 20,000 points.
Wardog - Obtain 5 Ace Striker rewards.
Wildcat - Shoot down more than 50 enemy players online.

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