Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2X Cheats - Xbox

 All cheats for this game by platform: Xbox
Check out these Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2X cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2X Cheats
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Apr. 15, 2006
Author: 13KB
Primary Collection of Cheats
Master code
Press [Start] to pause game play, then hold [L] and press [Start], [A], [White], [Up], [Right], [Down], [A], [Y], [B], [A], [B], [Y]. The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry.

Wireframe mode
Press [Start] to pause game play, then hold [L] and press [A], [Left]x2, [Start], [White], [Y], [X]. The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry.

Slow motion
Press [Start] to pause game play, then hold [L] and press [Right], [A], [Start], [White], [A], [B], [Up], [Down]x2, [Y]. The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry. Your skater will have slow motion while in the air, but full speed normally.

Big head
Press [Start] to pause game play, then hold [L] and press [B], [Up], [Right], [Left], [Y], [Start], [Black], [Up], [Left]x2, [Start] . The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry.

Sim mode
Press [Start] to pause game play, then hold [L] and press [Black], [Right], [Up], [Start], [White], [Y], [Start], [Black], [A], [B], [Start] . The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry. This changes the game physics to a more realistic model with faster spins and shorter ollies,

Moon physics
Press [Start] to pause game play, then hold [L] and press [Left], [Up], [Start], [Right], [Up], [Left], [Start]. The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry.

Double moon physics
Press [Start] to pause game play, then hold [L] and press [X], [White], [Right], [A], [Left], [Up], [Start], [Right], [Up], [Left], [Start] . The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry.

Smooth shading
Press [Start] to pause game play, then hold [L] and press [Down], [Up], [Left]x2, [Y], [A], [Right], [Down], [Start]. The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry.

All levels
Press [Start] to pause game play, then hold [L] and press [Down], [Up], [Left]x2, [B], [A], [B], [Y]. The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry.

Bonus cut level
Press [Start] to pause game play, then hold [L] and press [Up], [Down], [Up], [Left], [Up], [Right], [Left], [Down], [Up], [Right], [Left], [Right]x3, [Up], [Down], [X], [Y], [Up], [Left]. The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry.

Treyarch decks
Press [Start] to pause game play, then hold [L] and press [White], [B], [Up], [A], [Right], [Down], [Start]. The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry.

No blood
Press [Start] to pause game play, then hold [L] and press [Start], [Black], [A], [B], [Start]. The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry.

Unlimited specials in two player mode
Press [Start] to pause game play in two player mode, then press [Up], [Down], [Up], [Left] on controllers one and two simultaneously. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2X career mode
Win three gold medals in the competitions in Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 career mode.

Tony Hawk Pro Skater career mode
Win a gold medal in the Tampa Bay competition in Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2X career mode.

New York Subway level
Collect all tapes in every level in Tony Hawk Pro Skater career mode.

Detroit Skyline level
Get a 100% completion in Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2X career mode.

Officer Dick
Get a 100% completion in Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 career mode with any regular skater.

Get a 100% completion in Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 career mode with a created skater.

Complete all gaps in the game.

80's Tony Hawk
Play as Tony Hawk in career or free skate mode. Pause game play and enable the "All levels" code. Select "End Run" to unlock 80's Tony.
Easy 900s
Get your special full, then ride up to any quarterpipe with a fair amount of speed. Do a Boneless to get big air and then press the combo to do a 900. You will land it almost every time.

Rodney Mullen: Freestylin'
Do Rodney Mullen's Casper to 360 flip when you are moving very slow, or completely stopped. A new special called "Freestylin'" will appear on the screen. It will appear as Casper to 360 flip + Freestylin' ?????? (points) X2.

Bullring: Money
Go in the ring where the bull is located. Go around and if you see light green bull droppings, go through them to pick up money, accompanied by the sound of a fart.

Hangar Mullet Falls: Officer Dick watching
Select free skate mode and enable the "Moon Physics" code. Grind on the propeller that opens the big halfpipe. Once opened, go straight in front of you and go up the halfpipe until you see a room sticking out of the wall. If timed correctly, you will see Officer Dick watching you from a window.

Hangar Mullet Falls: Money
Grind the helicopter so it flies away. You now have a half pipe created by the two quarter pipes on the sides of the helicopter. Go up the one by the secret room, then hold [A] to gain speed. Next, go under the grinding rail and ollie early on the other quarterpipe so you do a transfer (the message will not appear). Grind on the rail and keep balanced to get the money.

Marseilles France: Money
When you start, go to the grass where the trees are located. Look down on one of the trees to see a branch. Ride over it and look at the wall. There will be an opening there. Go inside and collect the money. There is also money in the waterfall.

Marseilles France: Hidden area
Go to the patch of grass with a group of trees. Go to the only telephone pole there. Just before it is a cord. Hit the cord and the pole will fall and hit the fence. You can go through where the fence use to be. Go down the hole to enter a secret area.

New York: Unlimited tricks
Go to the Taco Bell. Jump on the roof, then go to the back of the roof and jump off. You will be able to do unlimited tricks.

New York: Easy points
Go up to the subway. Ride along it until you see the train approaching. When it is close enough, jump up and grind the train. This will automatically give you 12 Car Plants, which is equal to 144,000 points. This is a easy way to get the 150,000 point goal for this level.

For an easy Pro Score, when you start go to the area with the statue. You will see a brick ramp. Go up it and get high enough to get the gap "Pouncer Was Here". You can get high enough by doing a Kick Flip. Keep getting the "Pouncer Was Here" gap until you reach 50,000 points. You can also do combos while you are up there.

New York: Break dancing skaters
Go to Taco Bell and jump on the roof. Note: It helps if you go down the pathway all the way down, make a circle, then come back up and jump. Go to the end of the roof and you should fall on your head inside Taco Bell. Start spinning on your head by pressing the "Analog-stick Left" or "Analog-stick Right". This should take about a minute.

New York: Hidden sewer area
Ride through the turnstiles at the top of the subway level. To do this, simply start the level and go straight across the tracks. On the other side, turn left and go up the stairs to the upper area. While up there, ollie over the turnstiles on your right. Turn around and ride back through the turnstiles (do not Ollie this time). Next, exit the way that you came in. When you get to the ground floor, turn around and go right, down the subway tracks. You should notice the train blocking the way is now gone. On your right there is a hidden sewer area.

San Francisco: Easy points
Unlock the "Double Moon Physics" cheat. Play as any skater in the San Francisco Street level. There is a building with American flags on it, with two quarter pipes on the wall. Do a kick flip off the left one and you will go up very high. You will land on top of a building, but the game does not detect that you landed. Press the D-Pad a few times and you will spin very fast. You will soon fall off the building. Add a couple kick flips at the end for multipliers to get a very high score.

Skate Heaven: Hidden area
Go to the far shack near the "loop". Wallride up to the top and grind the rail to the end. In the middle of doing this, you will get a gap called "Time 2 Feed The Volcano." After you get off that rail, take a left and go up a little. While the volcano is erupting, you need to jump in the middle. This will take you to the secret area with a halfpipe. To get back to the level, go next to the stone object.

Venice Beach: Venice Ledge
When you start, skate left and go down and grind the long quarterpipe. Spin left and grind the other ledge. When you are close to the wall, jump left onto the path. Ride down it. Go straight until you pass the wall. Go up the quarterpipe, but do not get to much speed. The ledge should be on the right side. Grind it then it and the "Venice Ledge" message will appear.

More park creation pieces
When building your own course, press [Black] or [White] for more pieces. You can also press [X] or [Y] for even more pieces.

Glitch: Hawaii: Underwater skating
Enable the "Double Moon Physics" code. Go to Crane Drop Hawaii, and turn left at the bottom of the starting location to the big quarter pipe. Go up it to get more speed, and head straight to the little jump. Jump it and keep going towards the water. You will turn into a shadow shape and fall, underwater. Skate around down there to rack up some points.

Glitch: New York City: Skate in water
If you go out far enough, you will skate in water.

Glitch: Phoenix: Walk on water
Enable the "Moon physics" code. Get to the last part of the level where you can either go right and jump past the finish line or go left and down the hill for the last valve. Go left, and immediately before you jump, jump past the left rail off the little dip. Jump far left into the water. Keep spinning until you hit a barrier and fall into the water. You can go only a certain distance. This may require a few attempts.

Glitch: San Francisco: Trick time
Enable the "Moon Physics" cheat. Go to the ramp that is connected to a building with no windows. Do an ollie onto the top of the building and you will still be in the air, so you can do a lot of tricks. You will eventually fall.

Glitch: San Francisco: Extra points
Go to the ramp where there is a police car nearby. Jump off the ramp and do a spin. If done correctly, you should land on the roof. Once you get up there, do lots of spins and keep [R] held to rotate very fast for more points. Eventually your score will become very high and have a sign by it. When that happens, fall off the roof and make a safe landing. You can go faster than normal and get a lot of air on jumps. Enable the "Moon physics" code to get even more air.

Glitch: Skate Heaven: Hover boarding
Enable the "Double moon physics" code. Go to the green twisty pipe and jump off towards the red cloud while pressing [Down]. If done correctly, you should land on a transparent platform. To stop, jump to a piece of land.

Glitch: Skate Heaven: Skate in space
Enable the "Double moon physics" code. Go to any of the edges of the level where you fall off into space and have to start over. Get some speed and jump off. You will land on an invisible boundary and it will appear as if you are skating in space.

Glitch: Tampa: Out of bounds
Enable the "Double moon physics" code and go outside of the warehouse. Get speed and jump over the second gray warehouse. If done correctly, you should fly past the warehouse and land on the next one. If you fly past the second one, you will still land. Do not go in the roads. Jump over the roads, as some will reset you back to the beginning.

Glitch: Venice Beach: Ride rail without grinding
Start the level and go straight. Grind the first fence that you see to the right. While grinding, jump up (without doing any tricks or movements). If done correctly, you will land on the rail and be able to ride it without grinding it.

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