The Italian Job Cheats - Xbox

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Check out these The Italian Job cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
All cars
Hold [L] and press [X], [A]x2, [Up], [Down], [Up], [Down] at the main menu.

Completion bonus
Successfully complete the game in story mode to unlock the photo gallery, concept art, pre-production gallery, and credits.

All circuit racing cars
Successfully complete the game with an "A" rank in all levels.

Extra options
Complete all circuit races in first place in each them to unlock extra options at the game option menu.

Successfully complete the four stunt tracks and the three bonus stunt tracks with an "A" rank to unlock the option to have police in free ride mode.
Mission goals
Mission 1: (Original Mini Cooper)
Get to Charlie Croker's office
Get to the basement parking garage

Mission 2: (Stage 1 Original Mini Cooper, Stage 2 Rental Car)
Stage 1: Get the fake ID's
Get your rental car
Stage 2: Get to the Warehouse

Mission 3: (Stage 1 Mini Cooper, Stage 2 Mini Cooper S)
Stage 1: Collect the Mini Cooper S
Get to handsome Rob/warehouse
Stage 2: Beat Handsome Rob to Union Station

Mission 4: (Stage 1 Rob's Car, Stage 2: Surveillance Truck)
Stage 1: Collect the surveillance truck
Stage 2: Tail Steve Frazelli to his house

Mission 5: (Mini Cooper S)
Get to warehouse with Stella, Rob, and Charlie Croker

Mission 6: (Stage 1 Rob's Car, Stage 2 Cable Van)
Stage 1: Get the cable van
Stage 2: Get to the warehouse

Mission 7: (Rental Car)
Get NAPSTER'S Lab Top P.C.
Get to the L.A. Traffic Center
Get to the warehouse

Mission 8: (Stage 1 Rental Car, Stage 2 Left Ear's Car)
Stage 1: Get to Left Ear's Saloon Car
Stage 2: Collect the Nitromin from Pete
Get to the Warehouse

Mission 9: (Stage 1 Mini Cooper S, Stage 2 Rental Car)
Stage 1: Pick up Stella at the restaurant
Stage 2: Get to the safety of the driving range

Mission 10: (Mini Cooper S)
Race and beat Handsome Rob
Race and beat Charlie Croker
Race and beat Handsome Rob and Charlie Croker

Mission 11: (Rob's Car)
Tail the first two armored trucks (one at a time)
Get to the final armored truck

Mission 12: (Mini Cooper S)
Get to the fallen armored truck
Escape from the Metro

Mission 13: (Mini Cooper S)
Get to the Dam
Get to Stella

Mission 14: (Mini Cooper S)
Get to the union Station with Stella and Rob

Mission 15: (Mini Cooper S)
Find Steve Frazelli
Chase Steve Frazelli around town
Get to the Union Station
Warehouse locations
Hollywood: From the north: from the northern gas station and drive east along the road. Turn on the road that leads between all the other warehouses to get in a courtyard. This is where the end is located. Also from the west: from the southern gas station drive to the basement parking garage, and just before it turn west. Then, drive to the road with all the other warehouses along it (see above directions)

Los Angeles: The upper entrance is located along the split road with one way traffic. It is across the road from the building where you can go up the stairs to the front door. The lower entrance is in the tunnel on Freewy 101 with a ramp heading against the current of traffic.
Mission 4: Getting the surveillance
It is located in the upper section of the basement parking garage.

Mission 6: Finding the cable van
The cable van is found in the alley with the three entrances. It is in the "T" crossing.

Mission 7: Getting to the traffic center
Go along the long curvy road in the north heading towards Union station. Go through the sort of tunnel and off the jump. Then, carefully navigate the ramp and jump the gap back to the roof of the traffic center.

Mission 11: Finding the last armored truck
The last armored truck is on the Walk Of Fame.

Mission 15: Finding Steve
Go right from Union Station and do not turn off that road until you can go on Freeway 101. Follow Freeway 101 until you see the finish.

Controller recommendation
Always use controller set up "A". It is the best set up controller option in the game.

Getting "A" ranks in missions with Mini Coopers
First, always try to get a lot of good air time. Bad jumps do not count as much, or count at all. Also, use [R] to drive on two wheels whenever you can, as long as you can. Finally, avoid crashing and bumping into things. Each crash counts as a 1,000 point penalty and damage sustained points add up quickly if you keep hitting things.

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